Angry & Scared


May 28, 2017
Hi all, I'm new, so if I've jumped in at the wrong place, I apologize. My story: Got hurt 6yrs ago as an ultrasound tech. Messed up my neck pretty bad. 3yrs ago PM doc put me on 90mg of morphine. I just felt like I didn't have any motivation anymore & weaned myself off. Told my doc too. She gave me a new rx for norco 3xs a day. It's been only 8 days since my last dose of 15mg morphine. Most of my withdrawals have subsided, except I'm so weak! I try to be active & I start seeing stars, as if I'll faint. Does this get better? Am I too impatient? I eat fairly well & take vitamins too. So angry I didn't read up on morphine first! ANY kind words, or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
What non-drug therapies have you tried for your neck pain? Either morphine or norcos longterm are going to present problems--is there anything else that you could do? Surgery? Chiropractic manipulation? Acupuncture? IDK your situation and you may have initially tried all these.
Give yourself time to heal, keep taking good care of yourself (walk, the vits, laugh, and icecream, etc.). Even switching your opiates can cause a reaction like you are experiencing, mine took months to get manageable! If you are having a problem breathing, and that is why the stars, go back to your doc, let the doc know! I can't take vicodin or norco (they are basically the same drug, noco just has less tylenol) and continue to breathe right. My breathing becomes shallow, and I get so little air into my body that I can't stay awake.