And on the 7th day he rested. Really???


Apr 23, 2004
Nearly every workout regiment I've been shown or I've discovered dictate resting 1 and some times 2 days a week. I've been lifting hard and modifying my workouts enough not to platue. I basically dedicate each day to 3 groups of muscles one out of every 3 days, which covers them all The thing is, I just want to lift every day. I'd rather lift than have a day of rest. So, is it absolutely necessary to rest at-least once a week? Can I do cardio those days? Do I keep up with the shakes and high fuel diet on my day of rest?

Sorry if it's a bonehead question, but I'm just getting back into lifting seriously again...

You need rest. Minimum 1 solid 24-hour day. Nothing else is discontinued. Food, supplements and shakes are not modified.
That is one of those subjective things. I would recomend resting at the very least one day a week. I rest 2, and sometimes even 3 days, if a week is particularily stressful. I know some guys who like to go and go every day. The thing is though, they also have easy ass office jobs, while I work a very physically-stressful job. If you feel fine, your not too sore, and you have the energy for your workout, then your probably good to go. I find that there is some days that my job is so stressful, I just simply have to skip my workout, since doing it would probably be a waste anyhow. I cant get a good mind-muscle connection at all on those days and my workout ends up going to shit. I hate it since afterall I am a very active person, but sometimes I just have to face the fact that I am simply "burnt out" after a bad day at my job. I hadn't gotten the chance to eat right at all, I am dehydrated, and I am so tired that I am unable to cope with doing simple things after work, like the dishes and taking out the trash (thank goodness my old lady is kick-ass and cooks for me since I started this job). Never the less doing an intense heavy-weight workout.
i rest 2-3 days a week...anything over 5x a week lifting heavy is for lifters on gear plain and simple...

your muscles dont grow when you lift...they grow when u sleep and rest...think about it
Food, supplements and shakes are not modified.

I disagree. On non-workout days I think people should drop 25% of their daily caloric intake spread fairly evenly across their macronutrients (although id say spare a few grams of protein in exchange for carbs/fats).

Im all about lean-bulking, not flab bulking followed by cutting. I think the whole concept of "eating everything, getting fat, then cutting" is just lazy bodybuilding. Eat a proper diet and you will not have any trouble gaining muscle WITHOUT gaining fat and even cut down at the same time. You dont have to choose one or the other, contrary to popular misinformation, you can gain muscle and burn fat at the same time, ive lived that reality. It just involves eating a proper diet, not just eating everything you see.
I would always recomend at least 2 non workout days. Your muscles grow whilst resting- plus I can never push myself as far when I haven't had a bit of rest. Maybe for pros that are running loadsa gear you could go 6 or 7 days but for recreational lifting 5 days max.

Sombra- I actually increase my calories on non-workout days. Workout days I ensure I have enough carbs to fuel me but not overkill- I want to burn a bit of fat during workout. On rest days I just want to repair as much as possible so high cals help.