Anavar 50mg for 60 days or 100mg for 30 days ??

TBH I think I probably will just grab Tren after the VARs done, because I want an extremely anabolic hormone running through my bloodstream 24/7,

I'm taking Pain killers with Paracetemol in them for my back pain, that can't be good with taking an Oral steroid as well,

I don't actually like the thought of putting any drug/hormone through my liver,

What do you think about starting Tren E at 50mg P/W on top of 500mgs Test (it averages out to) ?
I know people run nearly a gram of the stuff but it is said to be 5x more Anabolic and Androgenic than Test and given my mental health record I'd rather be safe than sorry,
I could run Ace but it would be a lot more pricey, I suppose this is how the Test/Tren/Mast combos came about then lol :))

Don't run Trenbolone Etanthate. It's side effects in a vial.

If you want something Tren-like, go with a mix of Masteron, NPP, and Testosterone. You will actually put on nice size, experience little to no bloat, no emotional issues or insomnia, and will get great fat loss, hardness and strength. It's a very underated combination.

NPP is great stuff, very cheap and you can use it for bulking, cuttting, and recomping. It's a purely anabolic compound. I just finished up my 4 month blast of NPP and the size I put on is fantastic. Masteron is androgenic, it won't put on any mass but will cause the mass you put on to be quality mass by causing a hardening effect as well as a drying effect. It has anti-estrogen properties as well and gives nice strength. It makes for a nice look. I use 50mg ED myself and started using it about 3 months ago. I will probably include it in every blast from now on.

Primo I wouldn't fuck with unless you are 250lb+ and competing. Halotestin I wouldn't fuck with due to you being on painkillers and your mental health record. I refuse to try it due to my temper and because it's only worth taking if you are a power lifter, a boxer/fighter, or are sitting at 7% body fat with a great deal of lean mass.

Winstrol is only good for cats suffering from muscular atrophy and taking before a bodybuilding contest or days leading up to a photoshoot. Aside form that, it suck. It makes your joints feel like they are full of crystalized shards of rusty dog shit.

Turinibol is good stuff. No bloat, great strength gains, excellent recomposition effect, proper gains in lean mass.

1-Test Cypionate is hard to find but is basically Trenbolone without the sides. Dryness. Hardness. Lean mass. Excellent hormone but fucking hard to find.
IF you use Tren E is sides in a vial then that's good enough for me to not take it, I don't need mental side effects in my life lol

NPP is amazing stuff no doubt about it, my 1st jag of 100mg then an arm session and about 2 days later I could feel the difference straight away, I was amazed !

If I ran masteron I could run Mast E 200mg P/W or Mast Prop E 3rd Day with the Test and NPP , any difference in esters when it comes to Masteron ??
Mast has been interesting me personally as well, I might run it after a cut during my next cruise here in my next blast
I thought about running mast just for anti e property and hardening effect but alas I'll hold off for now. Though I vial of tren a just came in to test the waters with. I'm enjoying test e and eq so time to blast off hard in may.
IF you use Tren E is sides in a vial then that's good enough for me to not take it, I don't need mental side effects in my life lol

NPP is amazing stuff no doubt about it, my 1st jag of 100mg then an arm session and about 2 days later I could feel the difference straight away, I was amazed !

If I ran masteron I could run Mast E 200mg P/W or Mast Prop E 3rd Day with the Test and NPP , any difference in esters when it comes to Masteron ??

The big issue with Trenbolone on the Enanthate ester are sides caused by the initial weekly plasma spike of a high dose of Tren rather than a daily injection on Tren-A.. Pin ED and, I don't see you having an issue with Tren-E... (if aggression is a worry, Tren might not be for you)...(aren't you a boxer)..?

Masteron is a great compound, but it depends on the reason you wish to include it on cycle.. Its great with Tren as is can assist in negating Estrogen + Progesterone sides via binding receptors.. Run Tren:Mast 2:1 ratio..
Masteron comes either with the inclusion of the Propionate or Enanthate esters... So pin Prop' Eod, or Enanth' E3rd... (ester dependant)..
What's your opinion on ratio for test:tren:mast ratio gf? Also couldn't one "kickstart" tren e with a few weeks of tren a to lessen sides as serum levels should rise to sufficient levels more quickly and maintained with enanthate (like a sustanon for tren)
@ GF I actually laughed there when you said "aren't you a boxer?" .... I've been worrying about aggression sides of Tren when now that I think about it that Androgenic side may just make my punches harder lol, I can see me buying some Tren when my wage comes in :)

I'm not fighting or into it as much anymore, but I still do a bit of sparring, pads and bags, I would love to get my cardio fitness level up to fighting standards again, that's what put's me off these days, I concentrated too much on bulking and forgot cardio existed for a long time,

For the record I've just added Deca into this cycle,
200mg Test Blend e3d,
250mg Deca e6d,
Anavar 100mg ED,
Letro 1/4 of a pill e3d .... This is my cycle now, I'm looking rather vascular after only 1 week of Var and 2 Test shots !

Through in the Deca for lubrication to combat any dryness from Letro and also because I have back pain issues, and the Letro got through in because after only 1 week I started getting painful lumps again !

Please no lectures about Letro through cycle, I done a shitload of reading on SERMS, AI's, Progestrone, Prolactin, all the different drugs etc etc, And I have decided that it is best for me for several reasons, infact a lot of bodybuilders do it, just this board doesn't seem to be a fan of the idea.
What's your opinion on ratio for test:tren:mast ratio gf? Also couldn't one "kickstart" tren e with a few weeks of tren a to lessen sides as serum levels should rise to sufficient levels more quickly and maintained with enanthate (like a sustanon for tren)

Why not take Tri-Tren 50mg Ace / 50mg Hexa / 50mg Enanthate , this is basically Sus-Tren.

I am a big fan of multi ester blends, the Test I am on now has 6 esters. I just like the idea of it going in straight away but not going anywhere either lol
@ GF I actually laughed there when you said "aren't you a boxer?" .... I've been worrying about aggression sides of Tren when now that I think about it that Androgenic side may just make my punches harder lol, I can see me buying some Tren when my wage comes in :)

I'm not fighting or into it as much anymore, but I still do a bit of sparring, pads and bags, I would love to get my cardio fitness level up to fighting standards again, that's what put's me off these days, I concentrated too much on bulking and forgot cardio existed for a long time,

For the record I've just added Deca into this cycle,
200mg Test Blend e3d,
250mg Deca e6d,
Anavar 100mg ED,
Letro 1/4 of a pill e3d .... This is my cycle now, I'm looking rather vascular after only 1 week of Var and 2 Test shots !

Through in the Deca for lubrication to combat any dryness from Letro and also because I have back pain issues, and the Letro got through in because after only 1 week I started getting painful lumps again !

Please no lectures about Letro through cycle, I done a shitload of reading on SERMS, AI's, Progestrone, Prolactin, all the different drugs etc etc, And I have decided that it is best for me for several reasons, infact a lot of bodybuilders do it, just this board doesn't seem to be a fan of the idea.

Hey Benzo: Although Tren is a great compound, its no good for cardiovascular fitness, it will cripple you with fatigue...!!

If you started with painful lumps after only 1 week, I'd be concerned something you are taking isn't what its meant to be.. 200mg Test is on the low side plus it should take longer than a week for any estered compound to start producing side effects... I'd be thinking the anavar is something that aromatizes, like Dbol...!!!

I know we have differing views on this forum than some others, but we genuinely believe in most cases we are giving out sound advice based on what science we do know, we don't push products on here as we don't have products for sale... I appreciate you are taking Letro to lower estrogenic response regarding your possible reoccurring gyno.. Looking at your cycle, there is nothing of note (in appreciable amounts) that should aromatize to estrogen... Unless something isn't what its supposed to be..????
What's your opinion on ratio for test:tren:mast ratio gf? Also couldn't one "kickstart" tren e with a few weeks of tren a to lessen sides as serum levels should rise to sufficient levels more quickly and maintained with enanthate (like a sustanon for tren)

It depends on how you respond to Tren:Test (sides) If conservative Test-Tren-Mast 1:2:1.... If you've previously experienced minimal sides 2:2:1...

Kickstart Tren-E with Tren-E.... Double the normal dose M-W-F-Sun in first week, then pin normal amount every 2nd day thereafter.... Although due to the strong posibility of side effects in some people I might be inclined to dose normally from day 1....
IF you use Tren E is sides in a vial then that's good enough for me to not take it, I don't need mental side effects in my life lol

NPP is amazing stuff no doubt about it, my 1st jag of 100mg then an arm session and about 2 days later I could feel the difference straight away, I was amazed !

If I ran masteron I could run Mast E 200mg P/W or Mast Prop E 3rd Day with the Test and NPP , any difference in esters when it comes to Masteron ??

Actually yes, Masteron E totally fucked up my prostate. It got to the point where I had to sit down to pee and it took 3 minutes to get a stream going. Very annoying. I was also making mutliple runs at night with an extreme urge to go only to let out a few drops.

It put me off Masteron for a good year until I opted to try Masteron Propionate and that was great. 50mg everyday is what I recommend for cosmetic and anti-estrogen effects. Thing with Masteron Propionate is this, once you run it you will want to have it in every single stack.
Why not take Tri-Tren 50mg Ace / 50mg Hexa / 50mg Enanthate , this is basically Sus-Tren.

I am a big fan of multi ester blends, the Test I am on now has 6 esters. I just like the idea of it going in straight away but not going anywhere either lol

You have to be careful with blends that contain short an long esters because they can provoke side effects, mainly estrogen imbalances and unstable plasma levels of target hormones which can aggravate side effects. The only blends I fuck with are strictly long or short. I use a Testosterone blend that contains 4 esters but they are all long esters. Makes for much stable hormone levels as well as a drier look.

To be successful in bodybuilding you need yo lose that idea of instant gratification and immediate results. Bodybuilding is a marathon, not a sprint. From my experience every bodybuilder afflicted with the desire for immediate gratification ends up burning out or fucks up so bad they need to put the hormones down.

After the pain goes away with your gyno, I would switch to Exemstane otherwise you risk a huge estrogen rebound later on when you go to cruise, a risk of crashing your estrogen which comes from being on Letrozol for too long, and a fucked up lipid profile. Letrozole isn't a AI for estrogen maintenance. This board isn't a fan of the idea of being on it long term because all the information you get here is funneled from a private bodybuilding board whose members include past and present Olympia champions, aspiring pros, current pros, and other big names in bodybuilding and fitness.
What's the opinions here for a first tren cycle on ratios? I hear that a ration of 2:1 tren:test is best as gf Said although as a 19-nor would tren being higherbthan test not shut you down hard and lead to limp dick?
I'm gonna keep test as is and add in 50mg/day tren a to assess sides. I'm not running super fucking high test and super high tren so I'm not worried, just excited. Though when I decide to up tren to 700mg/week I'll possibly lower test, increase eq and throw in mast depending on finances.
@GF: I think it was the test the flared the gyno up again, I don't think I ran Letro long enough last time and I probably thought it was gone when it was just waiting there for something to trigger it again,

@Guido: Yeah mate you're right with the 'instant gratification and immediate results' thing, Slow and Steady wins the race is what I say,
It's amazing the amount of big guys who eat Anadrol like sweets, eat shit, go to the gym when they feel like it and actually think they look good, at least in my area, the lack of knowledge of steroids and side effects amongst weight lifters is unreal, there are guys jabbing one-rip, deca, eating d-bol and oxys, eating shit, PCT doesn't exist, getting full of coke at the weekend with tight t-shirts on, then when they get gyno, balls shrink and start going bald they shit themselves lol,

Interesting about the Mast E thing, it seems a lot of people are leaning towards short esters to lower side effects with almost everything except Test. Now that I think of it that post about multi-esters was kinda stupid, it does increase the risks of sides regardless of the compound.
Actually yes, Masteron E totally fucked up my prostate. It got to the point where I had to sit down to pee and it took 3 minutes to get a stream going. Very annoying. I was also making mutliple runs at night with an extreme urge to go only to let out a few drops.

It put me off Masteron for a good year until I opted to try Masteron Propionate and that was great. 50mg everyday is what I recommend for cosmetic and anti-estrogen effects. Thing with Masteron Propionate is this, once you run it you will want to have it in every single stack.

Hey Guido.... I've had similar issues with Mast-E.... As you know its the spike from the higher single weekly dose converting DHT in prostate tissue... To avoid the spike I just started pinning low dose Mast ED with my Tren-A.... It seemed to work...