An interesting e-xperience -- a thereputical drug?


Jan 11, 2000
Morning all. As mentioned before, my parents are not the cleaniest rubber duckies in the bath tub. Last night I decided to chat it up with my mom so that she would think she knows what is going on in my life (this pays off when I want to do something unallowed) and to talk to her about "considering" RESEARCHING certain drugs...
Anyway, I tell my mom how I love to dance and etc. and how I've heard a lot about this certain drug... ecstasy. I tell her all I know about it and etc. (this conversation actually started off when my mom found my 5-HTP pills and when she asked me about them, I told her I just wanted to increase my seratonin levels.. because I um.. wanted to be happier (?))
ANYWAY, my mom the social worker started telling me all about e (and how I was mispronouncing seratonin!) saying that it used to be legal and used in therapy in order to help patients get more in touch with their feelings, but that when it became misused, they took it off the market.
I thought it was really interesting (my mom is a very smart woman
)Does anyone know any more about the legal/illegal status of ecstasy? Is it legal anywhere in the world? And if so, in what form?
"the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude" --> Ralph Waldo Emerson
***Much LOVE***
MDMA is illigal basicly everywhere in the civilized world. Yes, it was used by therapists (we all know why) I'm not even sure why they stopped using it actualy... however, (if memory serves) in the UK, it went straight from being used by therapists, to being a schedual 1 narcotic (in the same classification as heroin) the US quickly followed suit.
Who you are never realy changes... It's who you THINK you are that does.
I hear MDMA is illegal in every country that is a member of the United Nations. Doesn't prevent some of them from having much more liberal drug policies than here, though.
The drug may still be in use in therapy, law notwithstanding.
The last place I heard it was legal was in Washington, D.C. Apparently because it is not actually a state, there was some kind of discrepancy in the law and it was not illegal there. Once they realized it (sometime last year, I believe) it was quickly changed, though.
Otherwise it is illegal most everywhere, There are ongoing experiments which are conducted at certain colleges and institutions if you want to volunteer for them.
There is a lot of info about it at: