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Amphetamine then dxm 12 hours later?


Jul 14, 2010
Would I be in danger of serotonin syndrome if I did amp in the early afternoon and then did DXM sometime past midnight the same day? or would it be safer to do the amp the day after the dxm in the afternoon. Thanks. :)
I'd probably give yourself a full day's rest before doing the Dex, but if you did a low dose of amphetamine I don't think it will matter all that much. It totally depends how much of each you're doing, but yeah, to be safe I'd wait a day myself.
I next day dosed, with a low dose of DPH tossed in. Woke up in the hospital.

Not saying it'll happen to you, just saying it has happened.
I oralled vyvanse all the time before today and was like alcohol and 5-htp all day then did 300mg of DXM. feels like SHIT but im fine so u too.