Amphetamine for fatloss


Apr 12, 2015
Im going to get some uncut amphetamine, and then thinking to cap them so i can take i easy orally.
Im going to do that for a short time, then take a good break and do it again, in my mind that is no more different then Ephedrine, Sibutramine etc

The qustion is more or less how is the dosage to get the kill appettit effect from speed? Have done Adderall and appettit is removed completely.

I have done Ephedrine and is very very good.

So first what dosage is recommend to get the effect orally? 10mg ?

Thanks for answering.
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I'd move this to SD Discussion if you want a real answer.

It's possible to cut with amphetamine... It's just not recommended. It can do a number on your motivation.
Using street amp is also another thing. No idea how much your doses are... I hope it's just D-Amp.

I ran a regular dose of 50mg vyvanse a day alongside a pyramid of clen and T-3. (Don't do what I do.) Vyvanse definitely helped keep the clen potent and reduced my appetite by a lot.
Steroid Discussion might have some good suggestions like Renz said, I'll move it there.
stimulants for cutting fat is bullshit,they are addictive,toxic,catabolic and horrible for heart necrosis and cardiac arrest,it will fuck up your brain and mind

if you cut you should get plenty proteins and fats,that will fill you up so no problem with appetite,when cutting you arent supposed to starve,just lower carbs thats all,fasted morning cardio is great you dont need amphetamine for that.If you are drug abuser and feel better with shitty excuse to get high more power to you
Not really on the list of things I'd recommend for weight loss. Could definitely do some damage to your mental health in the process. Healthy Dieting and exercising are obviously the more difficult approach in many respects but, once you cut the weight and stop the amphetamine some of that weight will just rebound back on which defeats the purpose. Ultimately there is no easy way to do weight loss, even surgery is a pain in the ass. Look if you put in the work you will see results, unfortunately that's how this thing works. It's all about making life style changes and as much as none wants to hear that, it has been said.
stimulants for cutting fat is bullshit,they are addictive,toxic,catabolic and horrible for heart necrosis and cardiac arrest,it will fuck up your brain and mind

I don't think he plans to go on a speed binge guys. Stims like ECA make training a hell of a lot easier during a calorie deficit.

I honestly have no idea how you would pyramid the dose with D-amp, so I'm going to go ahead and not recommend doing it.
Wouldn't recommend it, unless your goal is WEIGHT loss, because much of the weight you lose from not eating is fat AND muscle. Long term use can trigger rhabdomyolysis (probably not at low doses though). Short term use can shed water through diuretic mechanisms. But strict fat loss is better achieved with diet changes, maybe a thermogenic if you must.
I lost 20 lbs on methamphetamine, built it back in muscle. I lost fat and muscle. Messed me up a bit, too. And it wasnt fun to quit. Would i do it again? No. I know you said amphetamine. But speed is speed.
good luck with whatever you decide!
It would help mostly through appetite loss. Same can be achieved with ephedrine. Though I could see the appeal it, euphoria while cutting lol because cutting sucks.
Not healthy way to cut and the worst idea. Drugs will fuck your nerve system aswell as your muscles. More muscle = fast metabolism, less=low metabolism. So in the long run you will gain fat more and look worse.

You can easily cut with low carb diet. But you need to pay attention to your meals.
If you don't want to bother dieting, you will damage your body.
Maybe you will get addicted to the drug? Worst idea ever.
Yes it works obviously. I've looked into this in terms of practical experience and decided unless you're very mature and a professional and this is what you do for real, it's a waste. it's an enhancement; so it only amplifies your own efforts, excuse the pun. Put it like this. Typical amp user on a binge will not eat for close to a week and lose maybe 10-15 lbs. If they aren't complete addict, they'll crash and sort themselves out with ravenous appetite and regain say... 10-15 lbs. therefore unless you want to be an amphetamine addict, I can't recommend it long term. However, for short term dieting where you have a freaking purpose and a goal and set steps, then it's very useful simply because it curbs appetite. It also helps out a little psychologically with energy and passing time in a semi-starved status. Also it can help you deplete water to know how you really look on a periodic basis. Could go about many mundane aspects of amp use. The key for exercise/bodybuilding:

A LOT of steroids raise blood pressure and so does amp. Together, this can make your head feel on the verge of explosion or prob even worse. If you don't use steroids alongside, then it will be hard on you natural muscle especially in terms of recovering well mentally and working out hard enough/smart enough to holdd muscle. There you go.

It has its use for specific subtlr situations in physique enhancement in a 'moderate' way. And before I forget, can't exercise properly on amphetamine because unless you're conditioned well (athlete) it's a lot of stress.

I recommend 5 mg on 'off' days every 4 hours as needed and no later than 8 hrs before bedtime. One or TWO days a week max.
Winstrol will just shed water weight. It's not really a fat burning steroid. Anavar has more scientific evidence of burning actual fat than Winstrol.
during the start, amphetamines can be like a miracle fat shedder, then over time they actually can make you pretty unfit and sort of "skinny-fat" where your muscles have atrophied and you feel fatigued "but thin" ..
Amphetamine is not miracle fat burner. The thing is first few lbs of weight loss always come easiest and preferentially from fat. Then the person starts getting deep into amphetamine and eating garbage in between sessions. If you eat protein and workout consistently you will not end up skinny fat.. but steady amphetamine use n good nutrition/resistance training are at cross purposes.
Most people taking on regular basis will end up skinny fat. This is natural course of things. Doesn't have to be that way but usually ends up happening through associated neglect.
Not healthy way to cut and the worst idea. Drugs will fuck your nerve system aswell as your muscles. More muscle = fast metabolism, less=low metabolism. So in the long run you will gain fat more and look worse.

You can easily cut with low carb diet. But you need to pay attention to your meals.
If you don't want to bother dieting, you will damage your body.
Maybe you will get addicted to the drug? Worst idea ever.
Why Are u hating on drug users and more importantly why are you on a site that revolves around using drugs bro if u hate drugs don't be on drug websites
I don't see his comments as 'hating'. He's raising some good points, especially the last one about addiction which is clearly a very obvious risk with amps.