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amphetamine and wds?


Mar 25, 2010
Its been awhile since I've been out and had to manage for a few days, but I'm posting because I'm worried. In the morning I take my Dexedrine just to move around. My current doctor hasn't been listening to me and I'm going to hopefully be back on adderall and dexedrine spansules even once a day would be fine in roughly 5 days. I am just wondering if he still thinks I'm drug seeking after I explain to him my issues in a proper way and he doesn't prescribe me adderall irs or xrs since he aldready wrote a script once or twice a day nothing over 60 with the ir and nothing over 30 with the xr, how bad will it be for a 65mg a day for the past 3 months be with dexedrine and adderall? I won't get sick will I? I'm not toooo worried as I feel I can put it in better words for him to understand why this isn't working but if I can't what's the worse I could go through? I don't wanna be an addict weekends off would be nice but I also am a busy as fuck college kid. Anyone who can answer this would be of great help. If this is written bad let me know and ill revise this so its better understandable. Edit the longest I would have to go without would be 3 to 2 days.....but that's a long time for someone who's been taking amphetamine pretty steady as far as I knew I could maybe just try tricking myself with 3 to 5 pills a day from now until then which may be best to ensure things go ok
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Hi I am in need of help. I have a history of depression, and have issues getting through the day somedays. I am currently taking wellbutrin and 20 mg of celexa, which I have prescribed to me through my PA. I have been on this medication I feel for too long maybe 10 months, and it puts me in a fog. I have trouble focusing and find myself mindwandering a lot. I Have an appt. on Oct 26 with a psychiatrist, He is aware of the meds I am on, and the consultation is going to be based around getting to know me and my situation, and trying me out on new medication, I am working towards trying to get on adderall, or some sort of stimulant. What can I do or say on this first visit to this doc to better my chances at getting the drugs I need???? Also I took adderall in high school I got it from friends of mine that were prescribed to it, and had terrible cases of adhd but hated their meds. So getting it was easy in high school and it helped me tremendously with my school work and socially. I have always had problems with social anxiety. Please help.