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Amphetamine and TAAR1 question


Sr. Moderator: N&PD, S&T
Staff member
May 11, 2011
So this Natur1WAe paper just dropped, and it talks about the mechanism of TAAR1 activation by amphetamine, and the modulation of dat endocytosis through g13 dependent signalling.

I have a few questions, that having some trouble wrapping my head around.

1) first, how does this factor into the vmat based dopamine release of amp? Is it driving vmat reversal (or happening in series at least) or are the two processes unrelated.

2) they mention that taar1 knockout mice are hypersensitive to amphetamine. Is this because there are more dats on the cell surface to allow amphetamine to enter the cell? If not what are your ideas?

3) since taar1 is located on interior membrane with the g protein side in the cytosol, amp needs to cross two membranes to get to it. Is it diffusing through the membranes (this doesn't make sense because pretreatment dat inhibitors will block amphetamine effect, which implies a need for tranaporters) or are there specific transporters allowing amp to get to the ligand binding face of taar1?

Also if anybody has any interesting taar1 papers I'd love to read them.

Let me know if you want a scihub link
Where's @Seppi for this? Right in his(her?) wheelhouse.

Perhaps amphetamine/meth after uptake through DAT and VMAT, is driving VMAT reversal (see nature comm vs. review paper below), relatively locking a preferential outward flow of DA, but is partially modulated in a feedback loop by TAAR1 in terms of some sensitivity/end rates? Perhaps something akin to L-type Ca2+ channels (compare DAT) linked to VMAT and TAAR (compare IP3R and ryanodine receptors, but sort of a different feedback) releasing more Ca2+ (DA from vacuole instead of Ca2+) from sarcoplasmic reticulum with feedback (say from TAAR) driving SERCA pump (but instead Meth overrides channel preventing previous return). Has to be some kind of feedback cycle there, but I wonder where the balance lies. OCTs like OCT3 could be a secondary valve for DA and such if VMAT was fully inhibited or something?

Maybe the TAAR1 knockout lack that regulation/typical feedback , the tuning down of the DA signal over time rather than overall DAT number. Could be some oligomerization alteration, or that DAT gets 'stuck' in the reversed form more. Could be more DATs on the cell surface, or maybe more DATs don't get internalized over time due to lack of TAAR tuning (via G13 through RhoA). TAAR auto-inhibitory circuit.

I wonder if other transporters are involved to some degree beyond VMAT and DAT. Amphetamine/especially meth do diffuse some (some other papers certainly imply a degree of diffusion even if elements are blocked), especially in the cytosol to more acidic vacuoles. Differences in plasmalemmal vs. vacuole membrane kinetics. Even though it says some effects are blocked by DAT inhibitors like cocaine and methylphenidate, that doesn't seem to match other papers entirely and clinical uses.

Preferential Rho-signaling activity from TAAR1 in non-lipid rafts was interesting compared to epinephrine's PKA activation in lipid rafts. Phosphorylation and internalization targets.

I would be curious to see some sort of sequential experiment, say a BRET-FRET for DAT and VMAT2 in presence of amphetamine as modulated by VMAT2 inhibitors, TAAR1 agents. V-ATPase inhibitor as well. Co-localization, activation of D2, A2A as well.

Various papers that were free or open access

General review, transport cycle model

Some mechanisms of amphetamine action - highlights DAT - VMAT tandem, vesicle alkilization by amp in MPP+ model

Overexpression of TAAR1 - Decreased sensitivity to amphetamine, negative regulatory interaction

Wider, multi TAAR review

As above, wider TAAR review, immuno focused but nice developmental history and evo

TAAR1 molecular level inquiry

Meth and TAAR1 agonist, interesting acute vs. chronic

AMP-EAAT3 internalization given insight by your posted TAAR paper


OCT3 and amphetamine

DAT oligomers and amphetamine

Not gonna pretend I actually know the topic, I mostly downloaded the papers today waiting for a corticosterone shot and some people. Interesting stuff though.
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Not gonna pretend I actually know the topic, I mostly downloaded the papers today waiting for a corticosterone shot and some people. Interesting stuff though.

That's a real coincidence, they were using corticosterone to block the Oct channels In one experiment on the Oct paper.

I dont think oct is really a major player based on that paper, simply a secondary channel for dopamine to enter the synapse from (as opposed to DAT).

The EAAT3 paper is very cool in the context of the original paper, because it extends the effects of TAAR1 downstream to involve glutamatergic signaling, as well as providing secondary support for the original paper.

The vmat paper in flies is pretty interesting, they are saying da release is due to pH changes in the monoamine vesicles which occurs due to amp transport by vmat.

I'll come back as I read more of these papers, thanks a lot for the references.
Where's @Seppi for this? Right in his(her?) wheelhouse.
I lol'd. Seriously though, I don't check this website all that often.

To answer the OP, as mentioned by checktest, the mechanism by which amphetamine induces the release of vesicular contents is through collapse of the pH gradient (vesicular alkalization). See the refs cited about that in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphetamine#Dopamine

As for why TAAR1 KO seems to have unexpected effects (based upon TAAR1's known function), it's because TAAR1 and DRD2 dynamically interact in vivo and even heterodimerize to regulate neuronal function. Removing either receptor from DA neurons completely borks the dynamics of the release/reuptake system they regulate and as a result, you see the unexpected (mostly opposite) effects in TAAR1 KO experiments.

Also, neat paper. Thanks for sharing it.