Mental Health AMENDS


Sep 28, 2021
I would like anyone that wishes to participate, to share how they have harmed others and how they wished , or attempted to give compensation to any wrong doings, to friends, family, co workers or even society in general, if only in your minds or direct action, would enjoy all replies, be it major reality or mental fantasy.
I am giving all my compassion, attention to the younger people in my family, that I neglected more than i thought i was, such as going to their extracurricular activities with full presence of mind and investing more financially into making my home more appealing and more clean.I let things "go" in the home and made excuses not to go to all the sports, recitals, every single party.
I made sure to be honest with my daughter. Everytime she would ask about something about ny past i told the truth instead of trying to sugarcoat things. She knows about my usage and why i left her mom. I dont make any excuses for the things i have done and take accountability for all ny actions.
Its brought us closer together and makes her more comfortable to open up when she is going through her own battles.
With everything elsa all i can do is try to do the best i can to not repeat the mistakes i have in the past.
And even if i do make mistakes i try not to let it bring me down to the point i did before and let them consume me.
I'll share one.
There was this chick I went to school with and one I had a crush on early. Anyway, later in life (I'd say 26 years later) I she opened her door for me and we became "roomates". The sex wasn't there but there was a mutual sexual undertone to the whole thing that I think we both were ok with.
I was working and doing alright but pick up for a moment a crack habit. Well, of course it runs out so I went to look for some change with the intent that I would replace it with a note and let her know when she got home what Had happened (minus the crack, of course).
Well, I found a hundred dollar bill. Smoked it. Found another. WTF? A few more. She was away for the week. There were hundred dollar bills under alarm clocks, a random plate, under a doily etc. Not sure how much I found.
Obviously I snaked away in shame and we haven't talked since.
This wasn't the only time I fucked up when I was fucked up. But it stands out as one of the most as she didn't deserve any of it and I couldn't say that we all get what we got coming as an excuse (as was where my brain got on full blow gettin blown). I did it cause I wanted to get high and this took priority over everything mostly.