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ambien tolerance


Sep 7, 2009
I know a tolerance to ambien builds quickly, but does that mean it also diminishes quickly too? I'm wondering because 3 days ago I took 30mg and tonight I want to take 10mg, usually when my tolerance is low 10mg is all I need. So my question is, will 3 full days be enough for my tolerance to go down some?
my mother was on ambien 1x10mg for 20 months with weekends off. no tolerance. you should be fine.
Everyone is different. I can see only one way to answer this question....try it yourself.

take 1 pill and see if you are satisfied....if not, take another....etc.
Yeaa I wished that worked. I have to lock it up after my initial dose because if I don't I'll wake up the next morning missing half the bottle with no memory of what happened at all. And then learning from other people I was flipping coins as to if I should keep taking more... Yeah I guess I'll just have to find out. Thanks for the replys.
I could hardly feel 10-15 of its relative zopiclone a few months ago haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa