Am I the only one addicted to mephedrone?

I'd get fat and shy again and I'd be too tired to party three days straight or stay up all night studying. .

Ahhhhh the lies we think about drugs when were growing up like you need speed to stay up all night or that you need to regularly go out partying every weekend all night or your "missin out" on something.

or that we need to be using to "pick up"!

or watching a favourite movie like basketball diaries or requiem for a dream in the good parts when there getting high and scoring and your like

"oh man ill never be such crazy situations doing lines with randoms again!"

You can get away with it when your younger cause your youth and innocence makes up for it but as people get older with drug habits they become outright repulsive.

Good luck with trying to get off this train wreck while its still fresh, i had a stint with meth for 5 months and i ended up in rehab for 12 months. i dont crave for meth at ALL anymore, but i still cant say no to opiates. i think there is a better chance for people with addictions to stims like this one than for opiates for a recovery where your life wont just be "recovery" if you get my dirft?

that lack of energy and/or enthusiam is a killer when your young and just want to party.... i would say your probs with self esteem and the like will go with time but for your healths sake do something, even switch your drug of addiction cause the one your taking will fuck you up a whole lot quicker than junk or alochol or anything you can think of.
girl hasn't been on in two months =\ hope she's just isolating herself from everything involving drugs and not living at that dealers place
I mean, I know I can't be the only one, right? It just feels so stupid to think about, that I'm addicted I mean, because it's legal and it doesn't even get me high anymore.

...I've hardly been using it for any time at all either, I only tried it for the first time at the start of the summer, around the end of May I think... I feel kind of embarassed about it. Well, very embarassed, to be honest, because it's not even a 'proper' drug, is it? It's not even illegal where I am....

It's hard to say anything about it, because nobody I know has noticed a problem, so it's still 'secret' in my head. I've been using mephedrone daily, pretty much since I first tried it back in May. I know how stupid it is, and how dangerous it is, but I'm scared to stop.

I was naturally a low-energy person, I'd get tired out by the end of the day, and I could never get enough sleep (partly due to depression). Now, though, doing drone every day, I'm wide awake and have all the energy I need. My test grades improved a lot, and I'm making loads of new friends because I'm not afraid to be myself around strangers. I (finally!) got a boyfriend, who was just the guy I'd always wanted, I had a great time with him while it lasted. My self-esteem has genuinely improved, and thanks to my academic success and better social life, I'm pretty sure I'm no longer depressed. On top of this, I've finally lost the weight I've wanted to lose for about the last 9 years- I've dropped from 155lbs to 120. I'm not a fat girl anymore, and I don't even feel hungry. Sometimes I think mephedrone saved my life.

Other times, I blame it for everything that's gone wrong since I started using it. Literally a week or so before, I'd started a new job. I was trying hard, but they kept yelling at me for being clumsy and slow (I'm moderately dyspraxic, but I didn't tell them that, otherwise they wouldn't have given me the job). Didn't take me long to figure out that if I did a couple lines before my shift, I'd work faster, and the boss would leave me alone. So, within a couple more weeks, I was 'unable' to do a shift without drone, because if I did, they'd call me lazy for 'not working as hard as usual'. I'd got my lovely boyfriend the fourth day I was ever on drone, but he was straightedge and so I never told him about my daily use. Then one time, we were getting drunk together, and I started racking up. I could tell he was upset, but he didn't say anything. Over the next few months, though, the drone made him more and more angry with me, because he thought I did it because he was too boring to spend time with sober.

I'd actually met him for the first time a year before, and I'd had a huge crush on him pretty much since then... so it was a big deal when he dumped me, because he 'doesn't have time for addicts'. I was running out of money, too, cos I was spending all my pay on drone. I started feeling weak and ill, probably because I only manage to eat about 400cals a day (I have no appetite at all, so any food feels like too much), and began fainting at least a couple times a week. Drone had stopped making me high ages ago; I just do it now to feel normal-ish. Maybe if I drink with it, I feel something.

I got scared because my health was deteriorating, and I tried to quit. I managed to stay clean for about 12 days, but I was so paranoid, angry and was fiending so bad, I lost my job (in an epic way), and was such a bitch to my parents, I got in a physical fight with my mum (she'd never hit me before, ever). I couldn't cope with everyday life, so I went back on the drone, and everything was fine again, until my mom read my bank statement about a week ago. I'd spent 200 pounds in a month or so, just on mephedrone- luckily, I managed to bullshit enough to stop her suspicion, so she doesn't know I spent that much on a drug, but she's still taken my debit card away til she calms down.

Because of this, I have to buy shake 'n' vac from town, which is ridiculously overpriced- about 30 quid a GRAM. I only have about 45 quid left now, and I'm thinking of all they ways I could get more money without anyone asking why. Last week, a guy offered me a tenner to toss him off, and I did it. I know the guy who sells drone to all the shops in my town, and he's openly said to me he'll give me all the drone I want if I'll 'be his'. I'm so angry, it's all so fucking stupid, but if I quitted it I'd lose everything it's given me. I'd get fat and shy again and I'd be too tired to party three days straight or stay up all night studying. But I thought I respected myself, I don't want to be a whore, or whatever. I'm scared.

So, yeah, that's my story... sorry it's so crazy long, I just needed to get it all down in words. You don't have to read it :) I just need to know, I'm not the only one, am I?

Hey, I just joined this site so i could reply to this message, although im pretty late! I know it sounds awful, but its kind of relieving to hear that someone else has this worry about mephedrone. Its evil.
Im only just able to mention the word mephedrone even though the last time i used it was 2 months ago. Basically I became pretty stupid with the ideal that I could stay up having fun all day every day and in march of this year had 5 grams over 5 days, im still not recovered and i know alt of people on this site will reply by telling me what an idiot i am and they are bang right! Im writing this mostly to try and warn people away from it because you convince urself u can just do half a gram in one night and then it keeps building up because u dont want to lose the high. Mephedrone if definaltly VERY ADDICTIVE mainly because its so effective and so cheap. The withdrawl causes extremley disturing hallucintions (I thought my parents were trying to kill me for days), and for me suicidal thoughts, even though normally i am a very happy person. After my last binge i had to see 6 doctors, 4 nurses, 2 counsellers, was perscribed shitloads of medication, lost alot of good friends and nearly flunked out of uni. I know people will read this and say"yeh thats just you because you took so much" but at the end of the day its a research chemical, and very hard to stop once uve started. I now have PTSD because of it and it nearly suceeded in destroying me. PLEASE BE CAREFUL!!!
Dear Bidcore, i'm just such a n00b. Meph eeh? That's what makes sense your holiness. Dizzledazzle from meph was suspect cause i'm a n00b. What's wrong in musicvideos on it, if near but not part of Europe. Messy dizzly rushy habit and interestingly potent with right dosing. I don't advertise here or anywere ethanol. But with euphoria and sexmania it has to be a good thing.

Additional comment: I'm aware that philosophy has it's own area(s). Can't catch something delicious, moving or trap was noticed(animals avoided it or ran away). Other thingylingy is "what things are?". Maybe i should from now put my sillynesses to areas where they belong.

It was just a damn silly joke about quitting meph. I'm quite sure you or atleast someone understanded it, even it's little bit idiotism.
jesus that is one of the worst things I have read on Bluelight. Prostituting yourself after 2 months sounds much like meth. Sucks this was her last post maybe she went to treatment somehow I dont think this ended well however.
Treatments aren't that awfull you might think. If not sanitarium. Private polydrug hospitals have very professional personality and not much of restrictions of money, movement areas and at least in my country they give at least diazepam. And it can be just a short volunteer rehabilition with script in the hand when treating is done.
And women get more respect and remorse if temporary rage occurs.

PS: Bidcore, i have nothing against you,some hominids just are impossible to understand because their culture is opposite than most normals. But if you read carefully, it can mess. So,you don't have to understand. Let me explain little bit: I'm from Finland, our language is very complicated in time stamps and other meaning values. And sub-culture studiers usually are too freaks even for themselves.
I wish this stuff wasn't addictive to certain people. I love it, but when I read reports like this it makes me sad. My two cents really are that if you're going to use meph use it in moderation. It's a great drug but it isn't a cure-all. I'll probably get flamed for this, but don't let yourself fall in love with only one drug, when you can compare and contrast between a few it is much easier to never get addicted to any of them. I've also found salvia to be incredibly good at fending off moreishness for any kind of drug...if you ever feel like taking more than you know you should, a hit of salvia is all it takes to break the pattern IME.
This is truly sad. I understand exactly where this girl is coming from. Well, not EXACTLY. The first time i tried mephedrone I thought about it constantly for a good 2 weeks. Crazy euphoric, addictive shit M drone is. I hope she fares well...
Ohmylord!! I can't believe how badly it took hold of this girl... I am really quite concerned that she hasn't been on since...?! SERIOUSLY hope she's ok. How awfully scary!
My god that is really crappy, and the fact that some dickweed is taking advantage of her addiction. There are some real dickheads in the world.

edit: and the ex boyfriend sounds a bit of a knob - no time for addicts? running at the first sign of trouble.
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At Orangutang^^ Yeah i thought you were from another country I find your posts hilariously unintentionally funny.
you are not alone

in reply to thread am i only one swim would have 2g every evening since october last year and about 4g a night weekend
MDPV Mephedrone Addicted And It Doesn't Even Get Me High

I mean, I know I can't be the only one, right? It just feels so stupid to think about, that I'm addicted I mean, because it's legal and it doesn't even get me high anymore.

I too am addicted and it doesnt get me high anymore
I just got back from rehab due to mephedrone. Its the addict, not the drug, y'know? Everybody thought i was a pussy until a few others vouched for its potential. Be careful. I relapsed and I'm scarred I'm going down the same path....
Was for about 4 months but will never touch the stuff again after the comedown/withdrawals I endured after quitting.

P.S.--A drug's legal status has NOTHING to do with its addictive potential or overall safety (see: marijuana = Schedule I vs. ketamine = Schedule III for starters). Those who operate under the belief that meph is safe because it's legal in some places are only fooling themselves. On the flip side, being addicted to a legal drug does NOT make you "weak", "lame" or anything else (see: tobacco = most addictive drug known to mankind).