am i out of control?


Aug 28, 2016
trying to seeif im sick or out of control. ive had suergery few monts back,May. since then been in lots of pain. doctors gave me everything but the kitchen sink! oxycontin, diluadid. even got my hands on some H for when pain was too much. butnow i dont want to stop because i still get pain. any ideas cause eventually they gonna cut meoff!
^. Your name makes me smile every time I see it.

OP - I'm not sure I understand what you are asking? Are you looking for natural ways to deal with the pain so you aren't on heroin or opiates?

- VE
I don't know about you OP, but compared to the war on drugs and prohibition, I doubt you are all that out of control if all you're doing is trying to find some peace and happiness through self medication.
Yes you're out of control. You're abusing and probably addicted to opiates, and you even bought heroin and used that.

Can you get on methadone, subs, or even a different type of legal pharmaceutical opiate painkiller that you won't abuse? Do the doctors that prescribe you the drugs know about any of this?
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your question is if you are out of control? only you can really answer that. then you have to really take some time to choose whether you want to continue your current behaviour or get help. good luck and it's awesome you are taking the first step to reach out.
Have you consulted with a pain management specialist as you say you still have pain? What kind of surgery did you have?