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Heroin Am I doing something wrong?

Good dealers with good shit let the product speak for itself and then watch the fiends come running.. No need to say anything before the sale. If it's good.. we'll fucking know it. Hah.

^^^ this.
hell, if the stuff is fanfuckingtastic, you usually don't hear much about it because everyone's trying to scrounge up as much dough as they can so they can stockpile the good shit! lol
Good dealers with good shit let the product speak for itself and then watch the fiends come running.. No need to say anything before the sale. If it's good.. we'll fucking know it. Hah.


Anyone telling you they've got "fire" is bullshitting you. My best connect never hyped his product and it got me rocked every time.
Yeah, street drugs are the kind of market where the demand is so high, that the products sell themselves.. If a dealer has to come up with a whole marketing campaign for his shit... it's just that.. shit.
also it smells like vinegar and tastes gross as fuck...the drainage reminds me of opiate drainage.

that's southwest tar alright. i had a similar experience with a friend of mine. we split a bag. literally, split a half gram rock. we each banged about .15. i got the rush i was looking for but came out of it in a normal amount of time and enjoyed the rest of my high while conscious and warm. he, on the other hand, banged his .15, which i weighed out for him, and fell right the fuck out. lips blue, slow breathing, and the like. scared the fuckin shit outta me, i was about to take him to the hospital but he started coming around after i slapped him about for 10 minutes and forced him to stand up and do the zombie walk but he didn't even remember a solid half hour after shooting. a week later, we pick up the same dope, i measure out my .15, i bang first, and then I FELL OUT, just like he did. it scared the holy hell out of him and me, especially since our tolerance and preparation was basically identical, and we had completely opposite results each time we shot. the only thing i can remotely think of is that the second time my stomach was completely empty. had been about 18 hours since i had a meal. thats the ONLY thing i can think of.

i guess in summation, just take that shit slow. it sounds like you're preparing right, but for the love of satan don't get upset or frustrated and try to out-do yourself. im taking a nice long break after that experience, because more than it fucked with me (who was merely blacked out followed by extremely high), it really messed with my friend who thought that he was gonna have to watch me die on the way to the hospital. to flog a dead horse, it's simply a tale as old as time. everyone's body chemistry is different, but chasing a high certainly isn't worth catching the everlasting nod and making your friend witness it. i'd stick to whatever you're currently using since it seems like that's doing the trick just fine.
Are you missing your shot? Getting shitty dope? If you have no tolerance then heroin should get you retarded. So yeah you are doign something wrong. That could be improper injection teqnique or simply buying shit dope
You probably got bad dope. In all my time of using heroin, its been a straight-up white rock. Dissolved instantly in the spoon and provided a rush within 10 seconds. So, you probably just got bad dope.