• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Am i allowed to appeal an infraction?

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Lost Ego

Jun 11, 2009
Dear Lost Ego,

You have received a warning at Bluelight.

Repeated Violation

I'll only warn you once.

Original Post:
so um, cotb i saw your pic and it's hott. jus' sayin
Warnings serve as a reminder to you of the forum's rules, which you are expected to understand and follow.

All the best,

COTB says "cut it out" but never mentions what "it" is, then proceeds to infract me when i complimented her. i was not violating forum guidelines and i was unaware of what this woman was referring to.
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why on earth would you post this in second opinion?

from the greenlighter's guide:
the greenlighter's guide said:
What if my problem is with the moderators? Who do I contact?

Please make a reasonable attempt to resolve the issue with the moderator(s) in question privately. If that fails, contact the forum senior mod or administrator and explain the situation. When you do so, remember the following:

- Once again, be polite and patient.
- Include any communication you have had with the moderator(s) in question.
- Clearly indicate the problem and include links to illustrate what you are talking about.

If, at any point, you feel unsatisfied with this process or you would simply prefer to air your issue in public, you should start a thread in the Support forum and we'll address the issue there. As with participation in any forum, please ensure your post is civil.

Bluelight gives a lot of power to the moderators to manage the day-to-day operation of the forums. Making a difficult judgment call or committing a simple human error does not mean a moderator was derelict in their duty. Please note that the complaints procedure stops with the site ownership. If you are still unsatisfied, just laugh and remind yourself that Bluelight is only a message board.
This is not okay Lost Ego.

As Ali said this isnt the place to bring this issue up. You could have asked simply how do I repeal an infraction. You could have contacted the other lounge mods or smods, or just real the guide. And its not an infraction, its a warning.

You cant go posting warnings and such in public threads.
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