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Misc Alternative Herbs


Aug 19, 2013
Hi all, I recently checked out this smoke shop today that carried white sage and blue lotus so I bought a couple bags. I tried smoking some with my American Spirit cigarettes and my mood seems to have improved a bit (could be placebo though). I'm wondering if anyone else has had luck with these herbs or any others. I've tried valerian, skullcap, damiana, and a couple others that didn't seem to do anything else but placebo. Anyway, I'm curious to see people's take on this.
Please be aware i dont think natural cigarettes protect you from the real danger of smoking.
I'm on erowid a lot, I was just hoping to get a perspective from people on here on their experiences.
No worries, hopefully someone with expertise in this area will drop by and give their opinion.

From your mixture of tobacco and sage/lotus, I'd bet what you noticed was mostly the tobacco.

Do you normally smoke tobacco or use other nicotine products?
I smoked wild dagga when I was in high school and thought it worked but it could have been placebo or the fact that I smoked it out of a weed pipe full of resin. Blue lotus never worked for me. I have some tea with camomile, valerian, skullcap and passionflower.. I think. It does help for sleeping. Kava definitely works.. I find the effects kind of like weed but I know most people would sooner compare it to alcohol or benzos. Kanna works but is not that pleasurable and kratom is the best of them all.
I enjoy smoking a bowl of various herbs shortly before bedtime. I always choose the ones that are said to promote relaxation. At the moment I have a blend of:

Lemon Balm

Obviously I don't find them to be psychoactive in the way that something like cannabis or alcohol would be, but they're very relaxing to me. Whether it's the placebo effect, the chemical constituents or a combination of both, just the act of doing it is very enjoyable to me. At the very least, it's a good tasting and relatively mild smoke.

Just please keep in mind that all herbs contain some chemicals, and that everyone is affected differently. For instance, I won't use passionflower or St. John's wort because they contain small amounts of MAOIs and I take an SSRI for depression, so that could cause a potentially life threatening reaction.
Toothpastedog: I smoke tobacco very rarely. American spirit periques are kind of my guilty pleasure on the occasion. I am well aware that making a habit of smoking is never a good idea.
I tried nearly a whole bottle of kava extract in some orange juice (taste was horrific), and I didn’t have much luck. Perhaps I’ll try again sometime with a different brand.
American spirit periques are kind of my guilty pleasure on the occasion.

Ha ha, mine too! The black pack, right? They have 2.63 mg. of nicotine per cigarette, which is insane considering how mild they taste.

I rarely smoke a whole one all at once. Most often I'll add a pinch of it to whatever herbs I'm smoking to give it a little extra "kick". One pack can last me a month!
White sage and blue lotus smoked are a lot softer than weed. For noticeable effects you need smoke a very concentrate extract of this herbs
I think that kind of herbs work way better if you make a "tea" with them. Specially chamomile and things like linden tea and valerian.
I wouldn't recommend smoking herbs since they're barely effective...Also the smoke is still pretty bad for the lungs.
I knew one example of someone that made a very concentrate extract of valerian and smoke it in a vap with weed and he said the effects were very different than weed only and the valerian extract caused a very noticeable effect
Oh yeah plants contain all kinds of interesting molecules, many of them psychoactive. Humanity has always loved psychoactive plants (actually it's more like a love/hate relationship), I may be wrong but I think we have already discovered the best ones (and made them illegal :\ ).
I studied herbal medicine and did my share of testing tinctures, decoctions, teas, etc. For relaxation I would say that surprisingly the most effective herb (ingested, not smoked) of that group is scullcap, followed by hops and valerian. Nobody I administered to picked up anything of note from chamomile flowers, passion flower, damiana, catnip or lemon balm. (shrug) It seemed to be across-the-board and was all sourced from the same growers.

Cannabis trumps them all, orally.
Yes I’ve been trying to get blue lotus to work for me (as far as legal plants go), and it is pretty weak. DMT containing plants, peyote, and Ibogaine are the most powerful/rewarding I believe.
Toothpastedog: I smoke tobacco very rarely. American spirit periques are kind of my guilty pleasure on the occasion. I am well aware that making a habit of smoking is never a good idea.

I'd bet that the majority of what you're noticing is the effects from the smoked tobacco more than anything else. Used infrequently, this might be a nice combo.

Can't speak to it myself, because I have very little self control with smoking tobacco. I can deal with cigars, but not cigarettes. Only on or off. Thankfully I seem to finally be off.

Just my 0.02, take it as you will