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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Alpha PPP/100 mg iv) Varying compulsive doses


Aug 28, 2009
Alpha PPP (Alpha-pyrrolidinopropiophenone) :

Most of my stimulant use is long behind me, as I tend to get pretty self destructive quickly, and I gave up most recreational stimulant use when I gave up opiates a few years ago. Most of the ketones have been pretty "meh" with me; I've tried them out of civic duty, and some stood out more than others. MDPPP was probably my favorite, and I found MDPV to be a pretty big let down. I hadn't ever tried alpha-PPP, but recently my curiosity was piqued after a friend relayed that a large dose (150 mg) injected produced an amazing rush on par with i.v. cocaine and such. Sooo.....having had my pleasure/reward circuits rewired by i.v. cocaine years ago I couldn't not try it just once. . .

I.V MDPV was a big disappointment, ok rush but far too many negatives. I.V. mephedrone was fairly decent, but a little too serotonergic for my tastes, and as I had doubts about the compounds overall toxicity I only allowed myself a few tastes. Sooo, a friend sent me some alpha PPP, and it showed up right as I was checking my mail before heading to work. No time like the present, right? (this shows my self control in regards to these things. Thats why I am back to strictly psychedelics!;))

0:00 5 mg was injected, to check for adverse reactions. A slight spacey feeling, and an almost indiscernible stimulation....

0:05 jump right up to 25 mg ...can taste it a bit, and the light in my room gets a little brighter. My hearing "bows" a little bit, and I have a enough stimulation to feel nervous, but no euphoria. Hmmm. The strongest feeling is "better take more, and soon!"

0:20 - I wait long enough to gauge my reaction, and then bump it up to 75mg. Ahhh, here we go. Metallic taste, slight wah in the ears, and a nice flood of energy and some euphoria. A bit of anxiety, but not unpleasantly. I can see where this is going already. Gotta go to work in 20 minutes, and I'm pacing around. A bit more useful than MDPV stimulation, I can actually focus enough to stay with an activity more than a minute. Immediately I am wanting more....and knowing myself I realize I have to work shortly, and tomorrow, and with a bunch of this in my pocket I am screwed. Doesnt feel like the kind of stimulant you could stay up on long without big ramifications. I wisely weigh out 250mg and put the rest in an envelope and drop it back in the mailbox, sending it to a friend 300 miles away so I don't keep taking it.:D (I would regret this shortly).

0:50 I inject 100 mg as I go out the door to work. NIce rush, feels good to bask in it, but I find the obvious vasoconstriction concerning. Definite blood pressure spike, can feel my heart beating in my head. My pulse is at about 100-120 bpm. Way more euphoric than MDPV. Smiling as I am driving to work, smoking....

1:20 While at work i am jonesing for the last 150mg, so I step into the bathroom and inject it in one go. This is the dose my friend recommended (to start with!!), and I see why. A rush bowls me over, and I gasp as if I would if I had just shot methamphetamine. Throbbing head, tingly genitals and extremities. I grip the counter and look at myself in the mirror. Not the "ohhhh wwwooow am I gonna die?" feel of I. cocaine, or the "white Light White Heat" of meth, but a signature of its own. Nice. I wonder what this would have been like had I started at this dose, as I am already getting diminishing returns. I step out the bathroom and return to work. I am working one on one with someone, and although I am throbbing and want to just sit there with my mouth hanging open I manage to pull it off without any suspicion (I think;)). I am much more talkative than normal, and feel quite intuitive. This stimulation keeps up for a good 3 hours until I start to gradually and smoothly come down. My thoughts return to the drop box I placed the envelope in, wondering how I can get it back. My shift finishes up (6 hrs) and I am certainly coming down but it is surprisingly painless compared to most stims.

7:00 Once at home I force myself to eat a big meal (no appetite) and rehydrate with a lot of water, as I didn't really drink much all day. After a bit of chamomile, valerian, and some JWH-250 I feel much better. Not too dramatic of a comedown but a comedown is a comedown. I fall asleep as soon as I try, which was about 9 hours after the last dose. Next day was a little burnt out but pretty mild in all honesty.

Conclusion : most certainly a great rush, and I would say this is the best pyrrolidine ketone I have tried. Next time I would start with the high dose, and limit myself to maybe 2-3 shots. Would be curious to check my blood pressure, as it felt quite high. But, given the usefullness and depth of the experience, I don't think there will be a next time. But no regrets!:)
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Nice report.....although I don't IV anything I have taken drone and MDPV too many times to count so I can relate to your description of the experience. Won't be trying this one :)
yes indeed nice report im on some as im typing this, and im in the come down stages and its not too bad just cant sleep very well but im reading and hope that does it, also takin some sleepin pills and drank a beer it seems to be doing the trick
^^^ yeah, the comedown is pretty benign. I have a feeling I could have gone to sleep earlier than I did, as I fell asleep within minutes of my head hitting the pillow. Just didn't feel tired until that point! This is much more of a classic stimulant than most of the beta ketones I have tried. It has that racemic amphetamine warmth (or peripheral side effects, as some prefer to call them!) and in all honesty I would probably prefer it over dextroamphetamine. I would imagine the vasoconstriction and diminishing returns in re: to euphoria would become problematic with repeated use, or higher doses. I don't quite feel comfortable injecting 150mg at a go... thats a lot of material! but the fabled "rush" lured me in.........

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Sure, the starting dose should be around 130-150 mg. And, a-PPP is worthless when taken not IV )))
it's for a strong initial rush ))
after - craving and dumbness
when i used a-PPP i always had klonazepam and beta-blockers with me. Too much nasty side-effects/
But sometimes hard to say "no" for one more hit....
Funny, I just recently had a second loong day with alpha-PPP. Did a total of a gram over 24 hours, all intravenously and usually between 100-200mg. Very fun, but I do really see the diminishing returns and you seem to confirm all my initial assessments.

That rush is really something though, a pure hedonistic thickening of everything. It isn't as aggressive and crushing as i.v. cocaine, quite the contrary, in fact it has a very warm and enveloping tone. But it doesn't go much further than that. There is the brief seconds of wondering if you might die, like i.v. cocaine....strange what a nice feeling that is!

The stimulation is fun, quite euphoric, talkative, and open. I might recant my statement above that I'd prefer alpha-PPP over dextroamphetamine.....alpha-PPP just feels much more toxic than amphetamine. Great for one day visits separated by long stretches ...The key seems to be to restrict its use to occasional and with some restraint. imagine that ;)

This one has a DA:NE reuptake ratio much closer to 1 like the more preferred stimulants such as cocaine. I always thought it would be a nicer one than MDPV.