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almost died on .1 of a molly pill. what happened to me? i dont understand...

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Do you remeber the color and how was it tooken i never trust mdma powder because powder is easier laced also alot of peoplr are attempting to make molly and ive seen someone add wasp spray there are also people that are selling meth instead of molly if tooken oral how did it taste molly is also been cut with other drugs
Even if he could describe the color and taste with perfect accuracy, it would be absolutely impossible to tell what it was adulterated with, if it even was, and therefore pretty pointless IMO. Furthermore, he stated that other people took it and reacted fine...
There's really no need to figure out what he took... it was bad, end of story. Let's focus on tips to help him stay safe the next time :)
It doesnt nean it wasnt cut he also mentioned he has high blood preesure color is important factor in finding out though as i saif in my post it can be cut with many different things brown molly is obviously laced more often than not i cant tell you how many friends have offered me brown molly and i have refused i also have friends that cut there molly with caffeine pills and its usually a brown color the molly that i get usually has a bitter taste and is usually a rock milky white color which expands into a large amount of powder when crushed up
Just because it has a brown tint doesn't mean it is laced. The safrole / sassafras oil used is brown, and depending on how the MDMA is manufactured / filtered can result in a brownish color. Again, there is no possible way to determine whether it was or was not MDMA from the color. And so many other chemicals can have a bitter taste. If he had some to test that would be one thing, but he doesnt, and thus you are focusing on the wrong issue as it is a pointless endeavor.
If its brown, take it to town. (Your face.) I just made that up, but a lot of amazing drugs are brown...MDA is generally brown and I would take that over MDMA ANY day of the week.

I honestly thought this thread was a joke at first, but everyone has taken it 100% seriously so...

Mollynewb really incited a heated discussion, but he doesn't understand all this chemistry mumbo jumbo and is now off doing steroids and snorting "MDMA" simultaneously at an Insomniac event.
This is derailing into substance ID, and 'this colour means good drugs' conversation. So I'm closing.
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