MAPS AllTrials campaign - clinical trial registration


Aug 13, 2013
I'd like to bring to your attention an international campaign to have all clinical trials registered with the full data sets disclosed for assessment in licensing and so on. The campaign is called 'AllTrials' and has massive support in the USA and the UK, with many national organisations and NGOs already signatories even though it only started in January this year.

The link for the website of the campaign is:

I noticed that MAPS is not a signatory even though the campaign covers the work of the organisation through it's pioneering work for the clinical use of psychoactive substances. I would highly recommend the organisation openly supports the campaign as MAPS already already follows the principles and it would help level the playing field for the thorough and honest work it does (in comparison to other statistic-fiddling manufacturers). If this campaign gets made law in enough countries, the current big league pharmaceutical companies may even help support the work of MAPS in psychedelic research as the results already speak for themselves, given that they will not be able to fall back on the usual tactics of shady patent strangle-holds based to maintain market share.

What do you think? I hope this of use to you. This is about ensuring patient safety, value for money and medical efficacy.
If you really think MAPS should be on board with this, I recommend visiting their website to contact them directly. This forum is more for research level discussions, and not really policy recommendations.

Thanks for your input though!
I did actually send an email a few weeks ago but I thought I'd start a thread to see what people thought. I've emailed a few other professional bodies and politicians as well.
Absolutely keep contacting as many people as you can! Legitimacy in scientific data collection is important for every field of research, but it's even more important with the stigma around research into currently illegal substances. This sounds like a fantastic campaign, and it makes the sciency part of my heart smile. :)