Alice in Chains - anyone obsessed like myself?

Yeah It is a totall loss when we lost layne. But, I think there current line up is good and I heard rumors about a somewhat reunion. Last year of course. so I don't know.
They are touring now...Layne was the soul and Jerry heart just can't have one without the other

Yeah It is a totall loss when we lost layne. But, I think there current line up is good and I heard rumors about a somewhat reunion. Last year of course. so I don't know.
anytime listening to Would live at the Singles party I get goose bumps!

Into the BLOOD again
Same old trip it was back then
So I made a big mistake
Try to see it once my way

yes, the lyrics are flood but if you listen you'll hear say Layne say blood so many times while singing live. and yes, into the BLOOD AGAIN for obvious reason. also, if you know what the song is about you'll understand as well.
Yeah to see Layne live would be awesome I was just a kid when they were big and I never got a chance to see them.....I refuse to see the new band because I just do......anyway....R.I.P. Layne and wow yeah you really mailed Nancy?? That's crazy but yeah I've heard she is a cool lady.
Geez you guys it's not like I told her I wanted to have Layne's babies or something I just gave her some support it takes strength to do what she does and for as long as she has if I was her it would be nice to know that what she does is just as important as it was years ago holy mackerel lol you guys are tough
Yeah to see Layne live would be awesome I was just a kid when they were big and I never got a chance to see them.....I refuse to see the new band because I just do......anyway....R.I.P. Layne and wow yeah you really mailed Nancy?? That's crazy but yeah I've heard she is a cool lady.
she was a bitch to the rest of the team not long ago; she tried to sue over something a few years back. I forget the exact story but I remember reading it and thinking negetive of her. Laynes dad, who was a complete scumbag, actually jumped on stage w/ AIC not long ago either. just YouTube "Layne Staley dad on stage" and you'll see when he met up. it was a terrible part of the tour and it was early when AIC first started touring again as a new group; check it out. I can only imagine how junked out he was. like father like son.

funny how drugs run in families. my mother and father stayed clean; although, both smoke weed.. even to this day!

but my 2 uncles are crack heads (legit, just always smoking rock); they started at 25 and both are 65+ now and still running
aunt died due to health but was a raging alcoholic and coke head
other uncle died of an OD from dope
cousin dropped of dope

scary.. why do I do dope? makes no sense.
Yes I know I seen it...I put myself in her shoes though she's trying to get some way to fill the void of her son being gone I don't know the situation but the way he passed away no one should ever get to that point and as a mother I'm sure no words can describe the emotion she feels

she was a bitch to the rest of the team not long ago; she tried to sue over something a few years back. I forget the exact story but I remember reading it and thinking negetive of her. Laynes dad, who was a complete scumbag, actually jumped on stage w/ AIC not long ago either. just YouTube "Layne Staley dad on stage" and you'll see when he met up. it was a terrible part of the tour and it was early when AIC first started touring again as a new group; check it out. I can only imagine how junked out he was. like father like son.

funny how drugs run in families. my mother and father stayed clean; although, both smoke weed.. even to this day!

but my 2 uncles are crack heads (legit, just always smoking rock); they started at 25 and both are 65+ now and still running
aunt died due to health but was a raging alcoholic and coke head
other uncle died of an OD from dope
cousin dropped of dope

scary.. why do I do dope? makes no sense.
I LOVE AIC. It's too bad Layne isn't around anymore, but their music is still great and they are doing well. Their acoustic stuff is the best.
yeah that is an epic show the rckcandy show he was talkin about
I couldn't sleep last night so stayed up listening to Alice in Chains and I watched the unplugged version again heh woooo sexual chocolate lol great stuff Layne's laugh was great I have to say I am going through some thangs heh but music makes it worth it
I am glad to see this thread. I discovered AIC just before Facelift in 1990. I lived in Oregon but since the music scene at the time was all GnR and the like, I had to find new music elsewhere. I played in a horrible band while in college but had a good friend in Seattle. I remember him visiting me and bringing me some of the "underground" music that he called "Grunge".

I was blown away because it was so in tune with the weather, my mood, and the love of pure music. I particularly loved the harmonies. One must admit that the singers of the Grunge bomb were all incredible. Fuck Axel and his antics. I loved Appetite FD but when I listened to old Soundgarden and then heard Alice I knew something was happening that was going to crush the crap out of the 80's. I am not saying the 80's produced nothing but crap but I had become worried when the best cover songs my band could play were completely out of range of a good vocalist.

I would listen to Facelift non stop and then Louder than Love. This is a Staley thread so I will not compare the other bands of the time and place other than say I was lucky to see them all close up before the "bomb" changed music seemingly overnight. I had a voice like Cantrell but no one I knew could sing like Layne. Those haunting, painful harmonies were so beautiful.

I lived within a mile of both Layne and Curt's final days. Madness. I become infuriated when I pass by someone talking crap about them, focusing only on the drugs. Stupid, little people that have no understanding of what it must have been like for these humble souls that were cast into stardom so quickly.

I saw AIC on there last big tour and Layne was not in top form. The audience was disgusting and it would not serve his memory to depict what I saw in the former 'Key Arena' that night.

I still play the shit out of the acoustic material that was so perfect, sometimes better than plugged. I wish I could find someone that could sing like Layne and enjoy the music like I still do.

"I just want to play 'Got me wrong' and be in tune with the other vocalist. Were that to happen, I would probably give up everything and start jamming again.
We had a Nirvana/AIC thread recently iirc. And I will say again. I don't listen much to AIC, I find them to be triggering very much.
I think Layne's version of addiction was so severe it would qualify as a terminal diagnosis under Hospice. There was no helping him, he at
least should have had some hospice nurses in there helping him. I am not even kidding one bit.
So sad.
You may be correct. In fact you are but this is not a thread about drug addiction. I admire your need to try and fix people into how you feel they should be. Did someone you loved die from mimicking this "trigger" you speak of? My father died when I was 12 and was a gifted poet and vocalist. I sure as hell do not hold the Beatles or all of the other "trigger" bands of the 60's responsible for his self destructive behavior.

Recognize that some people have left a legacy of brilliant art Had you said you were a fan and wish he had a chance to make more music then the response would be significant. I was under the impression this was about showing some respect for his art and your post has no place in this thread.
Paying my respects

You're there crying... I feel not a thing.


not many bands out there where I could listen to every CD and NEVER ONCE hit that forward button. only other band where you wont see me hit forward is The Beatles; they are classic/brilliant in many of their own ways, but there is nothing I can relate to more than AIC/Layne.

I'll even give DuVall credit nowadays; the music is still great. although, I dont listen to the new AIC nearly as much as I listen to the old AIC. in fact, the only reason I truly listen to the new AIC is out of respect to Jerry and Layne; otherwise I am not a huge fan of DuVall. I do like alot of what Jerry had to write, and how it relates to the past, present and future.

it does kill me to see DuVall perform songs like Junkhead.. really DuVall? are you an ex junkie? are you struggling? are you losing your battle to addiction? I understand he does it for the fans and Jerry is right there w/ him and has his back, but its just NOT THE SAME!
into the BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD AGAIN! same old trip it was backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk then!

how great was this live performance? imagine? the fucking SINGLES release party? between this and Junkhead.. two of the best live performances I've seen from AIC and it's at a release party for that movie.. just sick!

You may be correct. In fact you are but this is not a thread about drug addiction. I admire your need to try and fix people into how you feel they should be. Did someone you loved die from mimicking this "trigger" you speak of? My father died when I was 12 and was a gifted poet and vocalist. I sure as hell do not hold the Beatles or all of the other "trigger" bands of the 60's responsible for his self destructive behavior.

Recognize that some people have left a legacy of brilliant art Had you said you were a fan and wish he had a chance to make more music then the response would be significant. I was under the impression this was about showing some respect for his art and your post has no place in this thread.

Wow. That is a pretty hot headed response. You need to back way, way up. His music is very very triggering BECAUSE it is sooo deep, sad and very very good. I cannot listen to certain songs because of how well he was able to articulate where he was at that time. Now the heavier stuff, yes I can listen to. But I know if I do, I will inevitably go to the songs that do those things to me.