Alcoholism Thread v. A sober life is a good life <3

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I feel good but cannot sleep for the life of me. So frustrating. This is the number 1 reason why I always go back to drinking after a few days of sobriety, just so I can finally sleep.

I'm in the same boat, I haven't had one drink since I last visited this thread but have fallen asleep until or after 1am every night since. :\

I find the best way is to force yourself to get up earlier than usual even with little sleep. Make you r body tired by the evening and try eat balanced and staggered meals, don't binge eat or eat too late in the evening.

I find it impossible to go to bed just after I've eaten with a full stomach and same again on a completely empty stomach.

Keep it up. :D

FFS - it's 1.45am and I'm only online because I've been lying in bed for 3/4 hr an hour struggling to sleep. Eye lids are dropping and am almost ready though.
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a lot of people are telling me i have to cut down,but i don't see it like that, i like being drunk,i feel like i'm a better person if i'm drunk.
if i drink i drink ALL we have, if i go out i drink till all my money is up.

fuck this shit i love beer
^^ Hi Steen, welcome to the thread. Your whole post screams out warning signs to me mate. How many years have you been drinking? Has it ever negatively affected any aspects of your personal life, e.g. impeded on your jobs or personal relationships?

I am so ready to be done with this. Most people burn out quicker then I do. Not going to use it as an excuse to get drunk or anything.

Man you've been saying this about your job for a while. You gotta do whatever makes you happy <3

lNf, last night I went to bed at 10pm and got to sleep at 1am, but I always just stay in bed until I fall asleep, no matter how fucking long it takes. I personally find it's better to just lie in bed and rest, rather than to try and get back up again and do stuff until you're sleepy. Getting back up out of bed always just resets my whole body/mind in to proper awake-mode 8)
Has anyone here ever copped twitching from alcohol withdrawal?

I haven't had a drink or cigarette for 6 days now and for whatever known reason I can't stop twitching. Could be the caffeine but I don't know?
have you been twitching the whole time?? if not, i'd say its the caffeine.

caffeine is fine in small doses to motivate you , but it can lead to anxiety, so be careful...
i find if i buy 6 pack craft brews for 10 bucks instead of cheap 12 packs for 5 bucks I don't drink as much and drink for the taste. The cheap stuff makes me feel obliged to pound them all.
Has anyone here ever copped twitching from alcohol withdrawal?
Yep, I get twitchy every time. I was really twitchy yesterday and my hands were still a bit twitchy today at work. I get the shakes as well if I've had a particularly large/long bender. It is so bad to actually type that out, I feel dirty :(

monchi said:
just keep swimming, just keep swimming... <3
So true hun, that is exactly what I'm doing :) <3
How are you??

justsomeguy said:
day three here we go.
Day 2 down, for me. Just about to go to bed, still sober :)
Go us <3

It's funny though, I hadn't even planned to be sober this week!! Perhaps I should try this trick every time :D
What do you mean by shakes n3ophy7e? I've been drinking a long time but don't think i've ever copped this.

I am now on day 6 without the grog or the cigarettes, my challenge is to see how many days I can go. For life would be ideal but .......
My hands and legs shake, like I'm hypoglycaemic or shivering from being cold, but not either of those things.

That's a good thing that you haven't had that!

Congrats on day 6 man, that's awesome :) Keep it up!

jsg, how was day 3?

Today's my day 3, tonight will be a huge challenge because I've got tomorrow off work...but I'm going to the gym until late so hopefully by the time I get home the major cravings will have passed.
ya'll ever try reading before bed? whenever i've had problems sleeping i'll read and read and read some more until i'm literally nodding out.

also, i'll sometimes visualize when i'm laying in bed with my eyes closed. this may sound a bit stupid, but i'm a golfer. so when i'm having trouble sleeping i have probably 5 or 6 courses that i know every hole like the back of my hand. so i'll picture myself on the first tee teeing off, then second shot, third shot, putts (i give myself a par every time)...anyway, i'll start on the first hole and continue on until i fall asleep. i usually doze off right around the 8th or 9th hole. pretty quirky but it works for me. i've had a few rough bouts with drinking in the past and this is where i picked up this particular technique.
^^ Good tips, I've tried both of those tricks before :)
The visualising a familiar place thing works really well if you can stick with it, but I find reading just stimulates my brain even more.
Different things work for different people of course so everyone should give both of these things a try!
I have an alcohol related question - drinking to the point of blackout: How bad is it really? When I told my doctor that I drank heavily fairly regularly the first question was 'do you drink until you have blackouts?' to which I answer 'well... yes' as if to say well duh isn't that normal? I've been heavily involved in the clubbing scene for a few years now and drinking til blackout is in no way uncommon. I'd say I would not remember anything at all for at LEAST an hour every night I'm out (sometimes 4 nights a week)... I've had nights with 5-6+ hour blank spots in which there's no memory whatsoever. the use of MDMA only seemed to make the blank spots bigger but there's none of that going around my city any more which I almost consider myself lucky for.
^^ Mate, drinking to the point of having blackouts on a regular basis is seriously bad, for a few reasons. Not only for the fact that to reach that point means you've drunk enough alcohol to have a pretty big toxic effect on your brain and liver (and other organs), but also increases the chances that you're going to do things that you'll regret during the periods of blacking out.
Have you ever gotten in to trouble while being blacked out? Gotten in to a fight, had unprotected sex, spent more money than you should've, etc? (you don't have to openly answer those questions, just food for thought)

My main question is, why do you drink to the point of blacking out so frequently? Surely it can't be enjoyable when you wake up in the morning and realise there's a few hours completely missing from the previous night. And also, how long have you been doing this? 2-3 years? The longer you go on like this the more you are damaging your body. It might sound hypocritical for me to be questioning your actions but believe me, I have been there before too so I'm not being superior in any way.

But yeah, binge-drinking to the point of blacking out is really dangerous for your health and also your safety and dignity.
You don't have to get completely shitfaced every time you go out to a club. Some of the funnest nights I've had at raves/clubs I was completely straight, because I could remember everything :)
It's ok I know you're not being condescending in any way - I've been an occasional lurker on these forums for a while now (and much moreso recently) and I've seen your name around enough to know that you mean well with everything you say here :)

I'd have to say all 3 of those things have happened at least once whilst blacked out..

It sounds terrible but the main reason for doing it is because there isn't much else to do in the eyes of the group I'm with.. I got caught up in a scene here which revolves entirely around go to town thurs-sat, get fucked up on the days in between then sleep it off until the next thursday, sell or push drugs to get by or make sure you know the right people to get your good nights out.. Finally taken action to remove myself from it in the past couple of months and it's only now that I'm being presented with a bundle of psychological and physical problems. As it is now I don't mind missing a few hours of my night because it's just the same as every other night for the past couple of years worth of weekends too.. Pretty depressing cycle really.

The drinking goes back further though; about 5 years. I started when I first got depressed around 15 and have been binging regularly since, with occasional gaps here and there.. I know it's fucked but it's just the cycle I've been in and am now finally trying to change.. Hence coming onto these forums heh.

Ah well - I'm going out tonight and I'll be trying my best to refrain from becoming as drunk as usual and holding off the other shit too..

Being out and sober is still as alien a concept to me as flying though - as I think now it smooths over my anxiety and is almost a necessity to function socially..
Moguta said:
Being out and sober is still as alien a concept to me as flying though - as I think now it smooths over my anxiety and is almost a necessity to function socially..

I can completely relate to this!! I was the same for years. It gets easier though, even though at first it can be really uncomfortable and unnerving to be sober in a situation where you're usually rat-faced.

It sounds like you're making steps in the right direction though mate, and that is awesome. Maybe tonight you could try having one soft drink in between every 2 alcoholic drinks, or something like that? Or maybe leave ONLY enough money in your wallet/account to have a set number of drinks, then leave it at that once you're out of money.
Yeh moderation is the key and I've never been good with it. Unfortunately I'm semi-staff and mates with staff at my thursday night venues so my drinks are pretty well sorted most of the time. Just makes the cycle so much easier to continue.

Although I'm now considering staying home for a blaze instead tonight as I didn't sleep last night and am crashing pretty hard. The idea just keeps getting better and better and it'll also make it the longest I've gone without going clubbing in 2 years which would be nice :)
^^ Sounds like a nice relaxing night in would do you the world of good :) <3
day 3 was okay. did a lot of drawing, but then drank too much coffee and couldn't keep a steady hand.

was going to go to a meeting but there wasn't one when i showed up.

i'm trying to just do it "cooly." that its, avoid the peaks and valleys, don't get too amped up (which happens with me - these types of manic delusions or mental constructions of my creative potential), and also not get too melancholic.

drinking until blackout - yep, pretty much every time. there are only a couple different experiences in my life more terrifying than that sweaty, sunken chest, shaky terror that i get every time i wake up after a blackout.

trying (or in some cases avoiding) to reconstruct the evening before through receipts, text messages, location of my clothes, etc.

its crushing.
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