Irritated Alcohol withdrawal might just be too much for me this time

Talk to a doctor.if your at the point of having the shakes from not drinking your definitely in the risk category and should consult a doctor.microdosing LSD probably won't help in this situation.
I think the LSD to quit drinking thing wasnt microdosing but counseling with a full dose trip to get to the bottom of why they were drinking.
I think it was more the one off psychedelic experience than a continuous microdose
I agree, talk to your doctor or use benzos for AWD so long as you don't get addicted to them too. LSD is absolutely great for a lot of reasons but if alcohol hitting your brain receptors is like a little a neutron bomb going off in your head (which is my case) I don't think LSD is going to prevent that from happening again if you drink.
the worst part is re adjusting to a different state of mind, can i suggest the meth isn't assisting you, and may also be relatively harmful during liquor wd, without trying to sound condemning, i would like to suggest that you wean yourself, i used to wake up, open up a bottle of either rum/whiskey/scotch and just pour that bitch into my coffee to start my day, if i could overcome a 2L/day issue and am still able to functionally drink without it getting out of hand today, you'll be able to aswell, try to stay positive, i mentioned the meth being harmful because the booze may have evened you out in terms of anxiety relief/sedation, you might overdo it without the booze, and youre likely feeling out of whack due to meth causing anxiety. try to get some benzos.. liquor wd can be deadly and is not to be taken lightly. if you cant get benzos, while i know how hard just having a few drinks is without going at it, its the safer route, it may prolong your plan for abstinence/cessation of use, but from my perspective, surviving is alot better than risking your life because 'booze is bad' if you're not harming anyone and aren't getting blackout shitfaced, then take it one day at a time with the goal of not drinking everyday anymore, it's not an easy feat by any means, but is definitely achievable no matter how unlikely it may seem HOWEVER your 21 day requirement is... difficult, you need to occupy yourself to keep your mind off of the stuff, I highly suggest loading up on Phenibut or a gabapentinoid (pregabalin aka lyrica/gabapentin) it'll greatly assist toward your goals, if you need any support at some point feel free to pm me.
ps, all that needs be said about that pic is, Yum.

Stay safe
So I’m drunk.
Nothing new really

Sobriety still alludes me

Got so fucked up a few days ago that I went to a mates and accepted the glass pipe tradition even tho I detest smoking meth (don’t know why, but for me smoking induces psychosis much faster than thru my blood)
Spent this week being a cunt.
Now I’ve slept and Lo and behold, yep still a cunt.

I just want to get my head right but it seems like I’m my own worst enemy

I don’t even know who I’m talking to here
Honestly tapering off alcohol without a doctor is not a good idea. Besides seizures other unpleasant symptoms like the DT's occur and they can damn well kill you.

No doctor who wants to not get sued up the ass will send you away without some Libruim or Valium anyway
Probably one of the biggest truths that sounds like one of the biggest lines of bullshit is that relapse is a part of the recovery process.

It isn't exactly something people tell you or try to dwell on, kind of like when learning to ride a bike- people aren't going to fill your head with fear of falling otherwise you might never try. But you will fall, and you will fall more than once if your like the most of us. One of my favorite quotes, that I can't remember exactly, is "true failure is only when you have decided to give up".

One reason I'm not a huge fan of counting sober days is because it can be very disheartening to make progress, then (in your mind) have it all lost because of one or a few bad decisions, or hell even many bad ones. It's still possible to make progress and improve your life while you haven't fully achieved abstinence. Work on building one simple but healthy habit a day, or decreasing one bad habit a day. Take as big or little of step as step as you feel comfortable that day, but the important thing is you are slowly building progress. Little things can start to add up- you lose weight/get in shape, that starts to translate into newfound confidence, and slowly you start trying new things or doing things you used to enjoy. 5=10 pages a day of a book will add up quick. I'm not trying to advocate drug use, but some of the greatest artist were highly intoxicated during- point being, you're not useless just because you have a substance use disorder.

One thing a lot of rehabs will have you do is to do a daily starter by waking up, looking in the mirror, writing 3 positive things you like about yourself, and then making a plan for you day by the hour. The lower you can get the amount of alcohol you are consuming before you get into treatment, the easier and more effective treatment will be. And the less time you'll probably need to stay there.

Don't give up. If I would have given up I'd probably be dead. I've relapsed more times than I care to count, but my life has made a drastic change from just 2 years ago.
ONE DAY AT A TIME!! Alcohol is my drug of choice and very very hard to quit IMO !! Its everywhere legally , and many people have a destructive relationship with it/ I do AA meetings ( take what I need & leave the rest) I find it very helpful to be around like minded people .
Look at it this way, I enjoy certian people they will either be Sober or Drunk? I choose to be around the Sober people :love:
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@Meth novice 79 , How did you make out over the holidays??
Hope you are still sober or at least less?
I ask because my AA meeting took a huge hit this year between Christmas and new year , 4 people picked up again:
1. in jail after a nasty car crash
1. in mental ward for 3 day stay
1. thrown out of his house Christmas morning {with young kids}
1. just a sad old drunk
@Meth novice 79 , How did you make out over the holidays??
Hope you are still sober or at least less?
I ask because my AA meeting took a huge hit this year between Christmas and new year , 4 people picked up again:
1. in jail after a nasty car crash
1. in mental ward for 3 day stay
1. thrown out of his house Christmas morning {with young kids}
1. just a sad old drunk
aww. That is sad.
real sad.