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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Alcohol, Suboxone, LSD, Cannabis, JWH-018 - Experienced - Crazy


Feb 17, 2010
7:30 P.M - Smoke two bowls of herbs sprayed with JWH-018.

7:40 P.M - Very stoned, much like average cannabis except with a much more "heavy" body buzz. A bit clearer of a head high as well.

7:45 P.M - Proceed to pick up friend C and purchase a fifth of Jaeger.

7:55 P.M - Pick up other friend C2 and drive to back to P's house for some heavy drinking before the coming of the other drugs.

8:45 P.M - Have taken about eight shots with only two other friends. I'm kind of small so it hits me hard, I'm very drunk. Smoke a Newport and we leave. With a drunk driver, of course, hahahahahaha.

8:50 P.M - Stop at Taco Bell and smoke a cigarette and catch up with a couple buddies. Friend, N, gives me a free eight milligram Suboxone. Split it in half and give half of it to P. Dissolve under my tongue.

9:00 P.M - Time to go pick up some high potency LSD. Drive over to the local Wendy's and pick up three doses of liquid LSD with each hit dropped onto a Teddy Grahm. Hold it on tongue for a few minutes before slowly chewing it and swallowing it.

9:15 P.M - No effects of the LSD yet, slightly warm and spacey from the Suboxone. Probably shouldn't have taken that Suboxone on this liquor. Drive to pick up a gram of some extremely fire bud. Smoke a couple bowls and drive around.

10:00 P.M - Arrive home. Man, I'm gone. Can't walk, everything is breathing in and out. I feel very, very nauseous. Literally fall on the ground and lay there for about twenty minutes and smoke a Newport.

10:20 P.M - Sit up, puke alot for a couple minutes and lay down again. Decide to get up and walk to the front yard and sit down in a lawn chair and smoke another cigarette. Can't even walk, it's making me more nauseous and it sucks. Collapse into a chair, feels amazing sitting down in a comfortable lawn chair. Very lucid thoughts, feel very good, everything has trails, still very nauseous.

10:30 P.M - Puke some more into a bush, this time only for about a minute. I'm very sweaty now and having this strange thoughts and realizations that I'm too fucked up to home, and yet here I am. I go inside. Say hi to my mother and stagger up the stairs, rip off my shirt, and collapse onto my bed. Ohhhh, yes, this feels much better.

11:00 P.M - Puke again into my toilet, alot. This continues about every thirty minutes. Still getting mild visuals, everything is still breathing and I'm getting very, very strange auditory hallucinations as well, people talking backwords, etc.

I don't remember what happens after this, felt like I was in a K Hole or something, even though I obviously was not.

3:30 A.M - "Awake" from my current state, feeling nauseous and puke again. Still getting mild visual and auditory hallucinations. Everyone is asleep so it's pitch black. Overall it was a great night, shouldn't have taken that Suboxone and liquor together though, especially on an empty stomach!
suboxone on a empty stomach is a bad idea period. i've seen sooo many people puke off this shit, even like a quarter pill. i've puked a few times myself but for some reason, last time i did it i took a full 8mg pill, was on 2 hits of DOI, was coming back from a rave and got completely smashed on vodka. didn't get even the slightest bit nausaus.