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alcohol in the dance community...your opinion...

...nothing wrong with alcohol in the "pill" world.
great for washing them down.
i drink alcohol when i'm rolling 95% of the time anyway. i enjoy it more. in moderation of course.
i'll drink water the next day...
You know the drill,
Slam down that pill!
i love beer. i love being hammered as well. when i get hammered i don't get agro, i just laugh and laugh and laugh and crap on and on and on. it's really hard to take yourself seriously when you're drunk, so i can't imagine fighting anyone.
i love pills too. and goey. and acid. i love it all. cept weed... weed is crazy shit imo.
if the journey's fun, it's well worth taking.
I personally don't drink alcohol at all, not even socially. I'm 21, I used to when I was younger, but there's a few factors these days that have turned me off, but it's primarily that I hate the taste and I don't like losing control.
Ironically, my g/f has never touched a chemical drug in her life, for the exact same reason, she hates losing control!
I think another contributing factor is I grew up with drugs, not alcohol, around me. The first time I got pissed wasn't til I was 17 or 18, where as I'd been choofing since 13 and pilling since 14...
I just see alcohol as another drug.
It has a time and a place.
I personally enjoy it and find it good to socialise on.
I've had to much this weekend (being leavers).
And my sentances are very short now.
But the i have a point.
Alcohol can be fun, esspecially around good friends.
Alcohol is *great* fun to dance on.
Well I'm off for my 2nd piss up in 2 days tonight
heehee piss up mayte.
It's end of exams! I rarely drink, and if I do I only ever have a couple of beers, never enough to get drunk.
Actually come to think of it, I've tried to get drunk a few times recently to no avail (probably the speed in between beers
.. but yes last night was a success, and tonight will be aswell.
HOORAH for pubs and BEER!!!
hey melting...i guess what i meant was that most people in there late teens, who have experienced drinking, then discovered drugs ( i know alot of them) seem to set out on this big hate trip of alcohol. I really wasn't meaning to generalise, and i used 19 as an example. Look, i went through something similar...i didn't hate grog, but i couldn't understand the lure, when there was speed and e. BUt now, i find that my tastes have leveled out, so to speak, and i find enjoyment with both. Although, i don't like beer alot, it fills me up to quickly and makes me burp bubbles.
Altho, you do get the taste for a big cold beer. you can get it riding, when you're driving, when your're ploughing, when you're milking a cow...matter of fact, i got it now.
can't remember how the ad goes...
when your fun becomes your reality...what do you do for fun???
Tarsalan...i completely disagree with you. I think that people should be able to administer what drugs they feel like, and in whatever place they want to, without being harassed and looked down on.
Imagine if drinkers could look at chemical takers without the stigma that commonly is found! Dont be hypocritical.
I love getting pissed! Its so much fun...i'll be doing it for the rest of my life. Ive gone out heaps of times intending to take pills, and then just started drinking and just fucked off munching. Alcohol is my saving grace.
i think its a persons own choice but i dont mind drinkers in the dance community as long as they are not doin sterotypical drunk stuff that is concindered offensive to a lot of people when they are not drink.
I personally love drinking, and i tend to mix it with a lot of things and quite enjoy it, but it is up to personal preference.
All my mates go out and drink and pill, i fiond it great for comedowns and very enjoyable, as it has been discussed before elsewhere (scatterdrunkeness).
Not all drunks act like idiots, yet some do, as long as long as you dont overdo it on whateva u are people are usually not a problem
have fun

Alcohols effects are like magic...that is until you try other psychodelic substances.
Basically every teens first contact with psychodelic substances is alcohol, and at that stage most would universally agree that it was a fantastic social experience, and it was. As you proceed to try other drugs, most notably for this argument E, speed, and similar substances which hieghten your sense of well-being; most (me included) soon come to the realization that they are simply superior.
It doesn't take any degree of genius to come to that conclusion
Ecstacy: empathy, love (believe it or not love is a chemical condition in the brain, it isn't anything mystical), happyness, alertness, reduced inhibitions.
Alcohol: drowsiness, slurred speech, reduced inhibitions, makes you either happy or sad depending on how you feel when you take it.
compare them for yourself, if you feel I've cut alcohol short here by being critical of it's qualities then make your own list of various qualities they possess. If you make an honest mental list, and come to the conclusion Alcohols positive effects or lack of negative effects outweighs MDMA's corresponding qualities; then by all means come to the conclusion Alcohol is preferable.
But the fact is, I would'nt be confident of anyone coming up with a comparison that suggests this.
Niques Wisdom
- Don't ever try your best, it's the first step to failure.
-It is far better to be pissed off than pissed on.
-If someones life is in danger, do not help them, this will almost always bring you to the same fate.
My only quip is that there are some situations, like a relative's 21st on the weekend, where alcohol would have been preferable to the speed/e that i took. This was a semi-family social situation (5 adults, 30-40 people around 21) and i decided that a little speed would be in order to liven things up a bit. My cousin and best friend disagreed with this because of the stigmas attached with taking drugs (as held by the majority of the population) and the fact that his parents and my parents found out, where previously they were totally unaware.
I think the point i am trying to make is that there is a difference between having a few quiet drinks at a party and having a few quiet lines of speed at a party - they're just not the same and i guess this would have been a situation where alcohol would be preferable to sitting there dribbling shit to my auntie (she said afterwards that i was "gushing")
There is a time and a place for everything and chemicals can't be used in every social situation (although i have been doing that for the last year or so
). There has to be a balance between the usage of the two and certainly in company of people that don't take chemicals, taking speed/e will tend to alienate you and put you on a different level.
I still think that e/speed/other chemicals are much better drugs than alcohol but i also think that pot is much better than alcohol as well but i would never go out clubbing stoned. I guess what i am trying to say is that just because a drug makes you feel and act better doesn't mean it is a better drug for a specific social situation.
never turn your back on the bottle people, it never turned its back on you! *hic*
"...Clevinger was dead. That was the major flaw in his philosophy..."
all i can say is that drinking has helped me learn all the verses to american pie and for that ill always be gratefull...
a long long time ago...
It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.
I think that there is nothing wrong with alcohol or drugs in clubs. The problem is dickheads in clubs. You know, the annoying people who try to stare you down and get in your way and just act like complete wankers. These people are often drunk, but sometimes on speed or a comedown or are just completely off there nuts. There is nothing wrong with getting fucked and having fun, as long as you do not detract from other people's fun!!
Off the topic: I agree that it is very hypocritical to be crapping on about how drugs are bad when you have a beer in your hand. Alcohol is widely considered more addictive and destructive to your body than ecstacy. One of the only reasons that e is illegal is that some wanky Texas senator in 1985 decided that anything that fucked with your mind should be illegal, so he talked to the DEA in america and they consequently banned it, even though at the time it was considered to have no negative effects and was used extensively by psychiatrists.
That is my 2 cents.
I think that there is nothing wrong with alcohol or drugs in clubs. The problem is dickheads in clubs. You know, the annoying people who try to stare you down and get in your way and just act like complete wankers. These people are often drunk, but sometimes on speed or a comedown or are just completely off there nuts. There is nothing wrong with getting fucked and having fun, as long as you do not detract from other people's fun!!
Off the topic: I agree that it is very hypocritical to be crapping on about how drugs are bad when you have a beer in your hand. Alcohol is widely considered more addictive and destructive to your body than ecstacy. One of the only reasons that e is illegal is that some wanky Texas senator in 1985 decided that anything that fucked with your mind should be illegal, so he talked to the DEA in america and they consequently banned it, even though at the time it was considered to have no negative effects and was used extensively by psychiatrists.
That is my 2 cents.
I think that there is nothing wrong with alcohol or drugs in clubs. The problem is dickheads in clubs. You know, the annoying people who try to stare you down and get in your way and just act like complete wankers. These people are often drunk, but sometimes on speed or a comedown or are just completely off there nuts. There is nothing wrong with getting fucked and having fun, as long as you do not detract from other people's fun!!
Off the topic: I agree that it is very hypocritical to be crapping on about how drugs are bad when you have a beer in your hand. Alcohol is widely considered more addictive and destructive to your body than ecstacy. One of the only reasons that e is illegal is that some wanky Texas senator in 1985 decided that anything that fucked with your mind should be illegal, so he talked to the DEA in america and they consequently banned it, even though at the time it was considered to have no negative effects and was used extensively by psychiatrists.
That is my 2 cents.
I think that there is nothing wrong with alcohol or drugs in clubs. The problem is dickheads in clubs. You know, the annoying people who try to stare you down and get in your way and just act like complete wankers. These people are often drunk, but sometimes on speed or a comedown or are just completely off there nuts. There is nothing wrong with getting fucked and having fun, as long as you do not detract from other people's fun!!
Off the topic: I agree that it is very hypocritical to be crapping on about how drugs are bad when you have a beer in your hand. Alcohol is widely considered more addictive and destructive to your body than ecstacy. One of the only reasons that e is illegal is that some wanky Texas senator in 1985 decided that anything that fucked with your mind should be illegal, so he talked to the DEA in america and they consequently banned it, even though at the time it was considered to have no negative effects and was used extensively by psychiatrists.
That is my 2 cents.