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Alcohol Alcohol and Cannabis withdrawal


Jan 4, 2020
Hi all, first post here.

11 days ago I quit Alcohol and Cannabis.

I drank moderately 10 beers 3x per week for 40 years.

I Vaped Cannabis for 8 months, a couple hours every day..

I never had major issues quitting alcohol. This occasion I quit both. It's been 11 days now.

Withdrawal symptoms:
Stomach issues
All symptoms are now tolerable except sleep. I cannot sleep, or sleep 2 hours at must.

Last night to fall asleep, I took a2 mg Ativan, 2 kava capsules, 100 mg hydroxyzine, and 10 mg melatonin... And finally fell asleep.

I am prescribed 2mg Atavan, twice per day.

Would appreciate any and all experiences and feedback. I am in dire need of sleep. The cannabis was my sleep aid.

thanks in advance
in theory, cannabis withdrawals should be over in a month, but probably it can not be simplified that much.
In rehab/ detox, for Alcohol. They sedated me with Diazepam. day 1: 80 mg, 2: 40, 3: 20 mg and day 4 10 mg.

Never noticed any WD's off THC during it. But you get quite stoned alike from Diazepam lasting at least 2 week's. Which could have covered them a bit. And THC has, like Diazepam, an extreme halflive. So technically you are tapering.
in theory, cannabis withdrawals should be over in a month, but probably it can not be simplified that much.
Psychologically it feels like its something that will will alway's be in the back of my mind even if I would quit. At least as long as it has no adverse just positive effect's.