ALCAHOL and E. What are the real risks?


Dec 18, 1999
I know this post must have been done loads of times but I seem to get differant opinions from everyone and never the real facts so if there is any experianced bluelighters who can 'enlighten' me on the subject I would be very grateful.
-------disclaimer----i'm not a doctor
but personaly---i think the only dangers of mixing booze and e is disminishing the effects of E--- i love to drink after a a good roll * but this is AFTER the roll> while coming down>
I've had people say the same.
I once knew an alcaholic who tried a mitsabushi for the first time while pissed up. The man didn't even come up at all.
I don't know exactly why or what this means but i don't think all bother putting myself in that position.
<~p-E-achy~> -=+PLUR+=-
here's a little brief info on being drunk...
what it actualy casues is a "fatty acid" reaction, and these fatty acids clog up your synapses... (which is why you lose motor control etc) and if you have done your research on e, you will know WHY drinking and e, (at the same time) doesn't work.
although, drinking AFTER (like the next day) just knocks me on my ass, in an entirely different way than rollin, or being drunk... go fig.
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
hmm, in responce to my own post...
could it be hwen you drink the next day (or shortly after your come down) the clogged synapses don't let the seratonin back out, so it just goes back to the receptors?? intereting...
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!