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Aitvan, Loperamide, and Cannabis (Opiod Detox)


Dec 11, 2015
Was taking anywhere between 8-16 Norcos (10/325) everyday.

Tried many different detox regimens, all failed so far.

New regimen: Working beautifully. Only 2 days in though.

-Lorazepam(or Benzodiazepam), Generic bottle of 100+ loperamide 2mg tablets, and some weed (preferably wax/hash)
-Fresh tolerance for cannabis (haven't smoked in 30+days)
-Strong Stomach

It has been surprisingly well so far.

-Started with 8mg loperamide + 2mg ativan......
-3-4 Hours later 4mg loperamide + 1mg ativan + Pot (wax myself)....
-Fell asleep for the rest of the day....
-Woke up at 10pm, smoked a little more wax, fell asleep again for the rest of the night...
-Woke up at 9:30am.... have taken 8mg of loperamide and 1mg ativan (waiting to wake up some more before more ativan)

So far, No mental craziness (ativan), no noxious internal organs (loperamide), but I can't do anything about the damn restless legs. Going to smoke more wax momentarily after I wake up more.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Comments? Inquires?
I love your set up its so similar to mine :p I have like 25 , Valium 10 mg weed almost as much as I want , wish I could get wax or hash ... I mean I could get wax and hash I live 2 exits from a dispensary but it's expensive not my budget which is why I said "almost as much as I want" I buy top shelf shake to save money it's the same as the top top stuff they have just the shake at the bottom of the jars so almost same shit basically is. I also got infinite loperamide I don't see why anyone couldn't get infinite it's cheap also 4 flexerils but never tried those. Also got 12 vicodins and 3 subuxone 8 mg 1 strip 2 pills generic. I'm coming off of 3 years on and off Black tar IV it's been 1 year since I've been clean even 2 days :/ I'm with you brother on this I wish you luck tonight is my last night and I'm joining you .
I prefer to use benzo which has anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects whenever I have to stop using oxycodone cold turkey as it deals with restless legs too.

Lorazepam has quite strong anxiolytic effects along with some sedative and muscle relaxing effects but nearly zero anticonvulsant effects so it won't help with RLS.

Either clonazepam or diazepam works for me since Klonopins have mediocre anxiolytic effects with superior anticonvulsant effects and Valium is a jack of all trade that has nearly the same amount of anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, muscle relaxing and sedative properties.

There is also drugs for RLS which aren't benzos or opiates such as pramipexole which is dopamine agonist mainly used for Parkinson's Disease but has an off-label use for RLS and prescription can be easily obtained since it can't be abused. It also stimulates production of testosterone as a side-effect and few first times will make you quite drowsy and I would call those both as positive side-effects when you are in WDs.