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agomelatine + afobazol + venlafaxine + trazodone combo


Oct 19, 2009

I would like to start taking venlafaxine (75 - 150mg) + trazodone 150mg(for a night) + agomelatine and later I want to add afobazol.

Then, I have oxazepam as 3 times per day + some tablets of inderal for my anxiety.

What do you think about this combination ? Is it safe combo ?

Afobazol is a MAOA inhibitor so this combo has the potential to kill you.

Dont take it with any SSRI/SNRI togheter.
this isnt ADD material really

has your doc Rxd these drugs for you ?
I have got venlafaxine, trazodone, oxazepam for prescription. Agomelatine and afobazol I am going to order online.

I want to take Afobazol later and i will take afo in low dose.

Es un chiste.

Or wait, Todo menos el fregadero doesn't work in Spanish, does it? I mean, it's not recognized as a joke--even a not-so-funny joke, is it? I'm asking.

Anyway, you're contemplating the following combo:

1) Agomelatine
2) Afobazole
3) Propanolol
4) Oxazepam
5) Venlafaxine
6) Trazodone

Do away with #3.

How will you know how well the agomelatine is working if you take it with afobazole (though chances are you'll underdose the afo).

I like the combo of trazodone with agomelatine.

This is speculation, but venlafaxine plus agomelatine could lead to some unpleasant effects; ago is noradrenergic during the day.

As probado el phenibut? Me esta dando muy buenos resultados. Me aniquila la ansiedad social.
I wouldn't combine trazodone with agomelatine. Each of them can cause priapism (trazodone in particular); the combination could very well see you losing your dick.

That drug cocktail really is ridiculous. Why don't you avoid polypharmacotherapy until you know what you're doing?
trazadone and venlafaxine (effexor xr) where a very big mistake for me. MAOI inhibitors and SSRI/SNRI are very, very UNSAFE. Go see a psychiatrist/doctor please before you do some serious damage....