After New Orleans


Oct 16, 2004
Since New Orleans had a lot of drugs being imported to there and a lot of drug dealers do you think any drug prices will go up across the continent. Probably not that much but I think prices of cocaine, meth, and heroin should go up if you live around that area. Do you think this might happen or am I off my rocker.
imagine the pharmacys that got swept away and or broken into........dexedrine and oxycontin floating everywhere
^I heard an account of doctors going in to Walgreen's to get Anti-Biotics. If they could get in for that, I'm sure some people were able to get in for other reasons. I know I would have ;).
As sick as I think it is for people to be looting everything after what happened I would have a hard time passing up those pharmacies. ;)
yah, those idiots going for loaves of bread and fresh water. id be running out of Ekkerd (do they have that in the south?) with pockets bulging with little green OCs.
well now that martial law has been declared, trying to score some freebies could get your ass GI'd to death
holy fuck i'd RAID pharmacies all over. id be in heaven. lmao.
^considering the flooding, alot of them would have dissolved...

I'd drink the water ;)
Yeah. I feel bad for the people of new orleans, but if I was there and my house had been blown/flooded away I'd be hitting every dry lootable pharmacy I could find. It's sick, but it's a way to get your life back after Katrina, no doubt.

The martial law deal would make me think twice, but if there were no cops/national guard you bet your ass I'd be all over those pharms. Fuck wal-mart and these discount stores people seem to find the urge to loot from.

As for the OP's question, no I don't think prices will go up across the continent. I know for a fact that the heroin prices in Atlanta are stable, and as for meth, being that we're the 5th largest manufacturing state in the nation I don't think that'll be a problem. I'd estimate the same for coke, but I don't know. I'm out of that loop. Shit, I'll stop. I'm drunk.
Yeah it's sad everyone is looting, yes we do have ekkards in the south..Wait they are changing them all to cvs. But you are not allowed to buy even the cough/cold med over the counter, you have to be 18 and they take your name down, so forth. It sucks....I haven't felt the impact of prices, I'm sure maybe Houston will have problems if they did go through N.O for drugs, but here in North , texas Nothing.
I always assumed that Miami was the major drug entry port in the U.S., though I suppose New Orleans probably is too. I imagine that smugglers will just move their shipments through the other ports until New Orleans is open again. In all, I think the areas not directly affected by the hurricane will be fine.
Gas is expensive too. Since lots of the dealers have to drive to get their shit, I would imagine they will just be adding the price of the gas to the drugs. Just a theory.
well im in BTR and yes the drugs are affected now imma have to go through people in houston now I hate that 4 hours away when I was 45 min away from NOLA
Some people would raid the pharmaices... how about the chemical supply companies?

ABC news reports: "As the flood waters receed, authorities say so have 1.7 metric tons of the chemical ergotamine tartrate."

sigh... yeah right :)
Everytime there is a flood somewhere I think about the dope dealers stashing stuff in there houses. Somewhere there are pounds of dope wasted.
etardedadam said:
Everytime there is a flood somewhere I think about the dope dealers stashing stuff in there houses. Somewhere there are pounds of dope wasted.

you best belive no one left lbs of dope to get wasted. they either evacuated and took that shit with them or had it in their backpack.
Yep, I saw pics where the Superdome was littered with crack vials....

Nobody left their shit behind, trust me. LOL
Well the way I see it. Might as well just go to work every day, make money, cut corners, take care of the kids, have fun, cause this world is never gonna change especially the people in it.