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After 9 yrs on methadone, can't get high, what gives


Sep 14, 2010
I stopped methadone at the same time my mother started cancer treatments. I finished methadone 5 months ago and can't get a buzz going. I have 3 fentanyl patches on (total 150 mg.) Snorted 12 mgs of crushed long-acting dilaudid and swallowed 8 mgs short acting dilaudid 6 hours ago.
I've gone through a lot of opiates in 5 months and nothing works.
My tolerance is so high and I keep waiting for a breakthrough.
The doctors not trusting my mother with her drugs gave them to me to sort out - well she won't be having an overdose with me here.

Note: My mother has an arsenal of drugs. If I wasn't advocating for pain meds she would be on Tylenol 3s for cancer. I'm in a small town unable to get methadone. I've had to sacrifice regular appointments with my addiction doctor and psychiatrist to care take for my mom. She is difficult and it's a bit much to expect me to do everything for nothing and my limits are stretched. I'm an addict and to equate that with stealing the last pill from my dying mother's mouth while she lies in excruciating cancer pain is a bit Hollywood. Don't worry, this isn't moral evil.
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Dude, seriously be careful. I'm not certain if you are being serious, but that seems like a lot. And do you mean you are stealing your sick mother pain meds lol.
1. Methadone raises your tolerance thru the roof

2. Snorted/swallowed dillies have low BA

3. That's fucked up stealing your moms cancer meds
It sucks huh bro. Im only on 120mg but been on it for over 7 years this last time , go once a month to the clinic. I Maybe we are ruined addicts. Our fun is over!!! Im trying to get a script for xanax, But even if its legit I dont know if my clinic will bitch and make me get off the benzos...
It sucks huh bro. Im only on 120mg but been on it for over 7 years this last time , go once a month to the clinic. I Maybe we are ruined addicts. Our fun is over!!! Im trying to get a script for xanax, But even if its legit I dont know if my clinic will bitch and make me get off the benzos...

It'll be in your urine test, so you will have to explain it
this posting to me if serious is very sad first you were on methadone presumably because your life was out of control on opiates now your back to heavily abusing strong opiates with the amount you say you consumed your mum will need support to go threw her illness and i sincerely hope that your not stealing her medication which she will need plz get sum help for you and those around you
It sucks huh bro. Im only on 120mg but been on it for over 7 years this last time , go once a month to the clinic. I Maybe we are ruined addicts. Our fun is over!!! Im trying to get a script for xanax, But even if its legit I dont know if my clinic will bitch and make me get off the benzos...

I'm allowed benzos on methadone. I wish I didn't have to take the damn things because my motivation sucks. Plus fatigue is ever present. I can never get a benzo buzz, I've been on them for decades for anxiety. Aside from lessening anxiety the only other thing they allow me to do is sleep - that's fun.
I was only on 80mg meth for 6mo and ive been off a month (on and off dope and sub (like no more than 6mg sub))

And I am in NJ, I can easily shoot a bundle of NJ fire, which i THOUGHT WOULD BE A SUICIDE RUN 6 months ago when sniffing 6 bags of the same shit would get me nice.

I only even started shooting causem ethadone made my tolerance so fucking high. I spend like as much as I spent on oxy if i wanna get decently high for a whole day.
My meth clinic had a psych that you could make an appointment with that could prescribe benzos (and would usually after you try some alternative once) or you could just bring a script from your GP or whatever

I never had ANY issued being scripted temazepam and they were a sweet combo with my methadone

i just had to give a copy of the script or pharmacy printout to my meth councelor
I stopped methadone at the same time my mother started cancer treatments. I finished methadone 5 months ago and can't get a buzz going. I have 3 fentanyl patches on (total 150 mg.) Snorted 12 mgs of crushed long-acting dilaudid and swallowed 8 mgs short acting dilaudid 6 hours ago.
I've gone through a lot of opiates in 5 months and nothing works.
My tolerance is so high and I keep waiting for a breakthrough.
The doctors not trusting my mother with her drugs gave them to me to sort out - well she won't be having an overdose with me here.

Note: My mother has an arsenal of drugs. If I wasn't advocating for pain meds she would be on Tylenol 3s for cancer. I'm in a small town unable to get methadone. I've had to sacrifice regular appointments with my addiction doctor and psychiatrist to care take for my mom. She is difficult and it's a bit much to expect me to do everything for nothing and my limits are stretched. I'm an addict and to equate that with stealing the last pill from my dying mother's mouth while she lies in excruciating cancer pain is a bit Hollywood. Don't worry, this isn't moral evil.

You mean 150mcg of fentanyl. I don't think there is a person on this planet that could survive 150mg of fent at one time. Don't steal a cancer patients pain meds. Karma is a motherfucker.
after 5 months off methadone, you should be able to feel other opiates without a problem , unless you have a very rare sort of drug metabolism or something. methadone does block at high doses for a good few days ime, but 5 months? unheard off. anyway hope you feel something soon and good luck with your mom