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Afghan heroin plus pic and coke flakes plus pic - dosage h while on c?

And not being able to sleep and suffering big time from my heavy drug use in the past is something i experience every day already, im not Just doing stuff, im with great care playing a game, and indeed a very risky game that can only end bad, but i used to play this game with so little regard for what IT would lead to that i.learned that the hard way, and i know by now what IT can lead to, and im confident im at least not entirely naive about the situation,.without this meaning that i dont see to what extent you are right in what you say...
I feel like you are somewhat frustrated by this situation and me thinking about this the way i.do, and im not sure about this, cause i dont really understand what you mean with that i dont know who im talking to,.but i could take this.the wrong way as in a way IT could seem
As a bit of an insult, so i regret you not replying anymore so i could maybe come to Realize IT maybe isnt An insult,.but anywho, this is all im going to say about IT and Just let it go and Assume that you didn't mean IT in a wrong way, im actually very easy going in general...

PS i also feel like in every Reply i make more than clear enough that i consider IT possible that what im saying is Just wrong, but i cant help having my own opinions about this that just as well deserves to be taken seriously...
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To me that would be a shot of pure pharmaceutical grade undiluted diamorphine. It's on my to-do list before I kick the bucket
To me that would be a combo of pure peruvian fiscale coke and pure nr 4 top quality heroin, and IT would be basecoke that would not be fiending lol
I need to make a correction, i made a mistake, i earlyer said that i wanted to try a PVP and that this came highly recommended at a dutch drug forum and that IT was a real hype over here, but i Just realized i meant something totally different than a PVP, i meant a stim RC but i cant figure out which one i meant, now that i realize what a PVP is i must say i do not want to try this and this is not An hype over here and its not what was recommended to me but that stim RC was...

I can get confused at Times, and i reAlly know very little about rc's, until very recently i had no interest in Them at all, and i Just got interested in rc's cause i also Just recently find the magic i lost using stims in heroin and this makes me want to explore opiates And opioids a lot more so also opioid rc's, atm i AM most interested in trying out hydrocodone which i can get clinical grade very cheap, but i think - since i have zero tolerance - i AM going to start with o dsmt, tho i suspect im not going to find IT strong enough and maybe not analgesic enough (i know very little about these things, everything i know about IT i Just researched the last hours, i Read some general things about opiates, opioids and rc's, and more specific about heroin and o dsmt, and i researched some trip reports, these were all sources other than bluelight BTW) i initially feared for liking o dsmt since i really find very little To no Joy in Tramadol,.but i know now IT does not have to metabolize to o dsmt as It does when taking Tramadol and that at least for some part due to also this o dsmt is more potent, IT also should be more analgesic and more typical opioid, which all sounds good to me and sound like improvents on tramadol, i also like that from the information i gained that would be not that difficult to experience an at least to some extent intense body euphoria, this is only something i usually only experience during my very best drug experiences but something i really love, on the other hand in a decent trip report on yt (there was something about the way hè told.it that really made me enjoy this trip report a lot, im not sure to which extent this clouds my judgement about the quality of the report itslf but IT seemed well formulated, detailed and i reAlly enjoy that hè also talked about some of his thoughts while on o dsmt other than about the drug experience but were really interesting, IT had to do with math, but IT seemed hè needed An higher dose to have any mental euphoria besides the comfort the other effects Already induced, something i think which in a way maybe is already some type of euphoria but im not sure, maybe i dont define euphoria well enough...

What i also liked was that IT gave long lasting consistent effects, tho not every trip report was saying the same about this, and of course rc's are very easy to get my hands on,.fully legally,.cheap and clinical grade, so rc's have serious advantages for me... Also this gets delivered the next Day with track and trace which gives such a level of Trust and quality to the service delivered by the seller, compared to for example most coke deliveries over here, that this is something Really important to me...

Im also looking forward to Really any day now again have some oxy, which i suspect i Will still like more than o dsmt as i also got to know from that trip report...

But there are some things about rcs that also seem less good to me,.i always felt very attracted to the idea of all natural drugs and i always felt - i dont want to think about if.this might be A total illusion - but i felt like drugs being semi synthetic the semi part gave Them some soul and made me appreciate Them more, so i dont like IT that rc's are fully synthetic, also, and maybe this is Just a misconception of me, but IT seems to me as if rc's have more side effects than classic drugs, i dont really know where i got this Idea,.also i dont like that since IT are rc's i feel too little is known about each drug...

These are the things that are keeping me busy atm...
You know you can edit your post rather than continually posting?
Okay, ill take in consideration i Will rather edit than keep posting, i didn't realize there could possibly be a problem with the way i was doing IT...

Edit: only now by contemplating this I start to Realize that IT indeed is better to edit, my mind sometimes has difficulties with such things...
This is GOD!!!
Only you and me can se this & I know what you been upto on that a-pvp too!!!!!

Wanking for 7 hours is horrendous & the ghosts are real, your neighborhood are ringing the cops on you right now.

I apologize I haven’t read the whole thing, but my word of caution is:

Don’t do more than you’d regularly do. The opioid high will feel a little dull cause of the uppers, and you’ll wanna compensate with more downers, but DON’T!

I was one time doing adderall and decided to smoke some blues. I was like “this ain’t doing shit”. Then the next thing I knew my friend had dumped a bucket of water on me because I OD’d lmfao. (To this day still don’t know why she didn’t just Narcan, but hey! The water worked apparently)

When you’re on uppers too you really can’t tell your limits. So don’t test em.
Yes that smell is YOU & believe me others can smell you too. Everyone is a member of The Secret Police.

Trust nobody, holes are drilled in your walls & cameras are watching you.

Your piss is the colour of stale apple juice too, that's quite real.

Worship Gabe the Dog is your only option now.

Bathsalts and I have come to a mutual understanding that we’re not good for each other. So we split up. It’s better this way.
I know the feeling.
I was never a huge fan of any stim as my heart is with 4-MeO-PCP, 2-CB, 4-HO-MET and heroin but the very first line when I smoked 99.8% pure MDPV HCl I knew I'd found God.

Literally I blew my first line out and knew I was going to be in love but I'd also began a dance with the devil.

Many grams later when it was fully banned I got into smoking a-pvp. By fast forward 13 months I'm on a no sleep or break 8 days awake session, ended up doing 2 weeks in a secure mental health unit. I've never smoked any since.

I still say that MDPV is the best drug ever, it even got me off heroin. My sessions were different to most as I'd put lumps of 30-40mg on foil and smoke it slow and spaced apart, I found this far better than doing huge doses all together.

The feeling off good Perv Powder aka Mad Dog Parole Violator has nothing to compare it to. I like very clean Crack & I've smoked clean coke washed up 3-4 times but PV is something else.
I know the feeling.
I was never a huge fan of any stim as my heart is with 4-MeO-PCP, 2-CB, 4-HO-MET and heroin but the very first line when I smoked 99.8% pure MDPV HCl I knew I'd found God.

Literally I blew my first line out and knew I was going to be in love but I'd also began a dance with the devil.

Many grams later when it was fully banned I got into smoking a-pvp. By fast forward 13 months I'm on a no sleep or break 8 days awake session, ended up doing 2 weeks in a secure mental health unit. I've never smoked any since.

I still say that MDPV is the best drug ever, it even got me off heroin. My sessions were different to most as I'd put lumps of 30-40mg on foil and smoke it slow and spaced apart, I found this far better than doing huge doses all together.

The feeling off good Perv Powder aka Mad Dog Parole Violator has nothing to compare it to. I like very clean Crack & I've smoked clean coke washed up 3-4 times but PV is something else.
I’m definitely more of a downers person.

I still enjoy occasional stims, like my addy, but intense stims are a no go for me mainly due to my mental health. A meth comedown one time literally almost made me insane. Thought I would never be normal again and always see shit the rest of my life lol. Week later I was fine (I accidentally ingested 300mg of methamphetamine 0.0)

However, cathinones were different. Better than coke for sure, but can we talk about the come down for a moment? Omfg I wanted to die. Even with benzos and antipsychotics on hand.

I did compulsively redose a bit just to stay away from the come down as long as possible, but you eventually have to face it. Euphoria was really decent, but between the comedown and the GOD AWFUL PAIN from snorting, eh I decided to stay away.

Like lmfao, to this day I have not snorted anything more painful than cathinones.
I do like my pcp analogues tho

A lil pcp analogue + ketamine + acid + nitrous = royally fucked up

Funny story:

My corn snake actually somehow managed to GET OUT HIS CAGE while I was on this combo and it was god awful putting him back lmfao. It was so fucking trippy, I remember bawling cause I thought I was a bad snake mom LOL
I know the feeling.
I was never a huge fan of any stim as my heart is with 4-MeO-PCP, 2-CB, 4-HO-MET and heroin but the very first line when I smoked 99.8% pure MDPV HCl I knew I'd found God.

Literally I blew my first line out and knew I was going to be in love but I'd also began a dance with the devil.

Many grams later when it was fully banned I got into smoking a-pvp. By fast forward 13 months I'm on a no sleep or break 8 days awake session, ended up doing 2 weeks in a secure mental health unit. I've never smoked any since.

I still say that MDPV is the best drug ever, it even got me off heroin. My sessions were different to most as I'd put lumps of 30-40mg on foil and smoke it slow and spaced apart, I found this far better than doing huge doses all together.

The feeling off good Perv Powder aka Mad Dog Parole Violator has nothing to compare it to. I like very clean Crack & I've smoked clean coke washed up 3-4 times but PV is something else.
Yeah MDPV was crazy. I don't know how I managed to not end up in a mental hospital
I’m definitely more of a downers person.

I still enjoy occasional stims, like my addy, but intense stims are a no go for me mainly due to my mental health. A meth comedown one time literally almost made me insane. Thought I would never be normal again and always see shit the rest of my life lol. Week later I was fine (I accidentally ingested 300mg of methamphetamine 0.0)

However, cathinones were different. Better than coke for sure, but can we talk about the come down for a moment? Omfg I wanted to die. Even with benzos and antipsychotics on hand.

I did compulsively redose a bit just to stay away from the come down as long as possible, but you eventually have to face it. Euphoria was really decent, but between the comedown and the GOD AWFUL PAIN from snorting, eh I decided to stay away.

Like lmfao, to this day I have not snorted anything more painful than cathinones.
Ever tried snorting 2C-B?
That stuff is horrific I swear to you, I only did it due to how potent it is & how quickly it kicks in.

Snorting 2C-E should be a punishment used in jails for the worst prisoners due to the pain & effects. I did think about snorting 3C-E but it would be way too much powder & if it burns like it's 2C brothers several hundred mg's of that would take someone special.

The best thing for a PV comedown is a good spliff, I know that sounds insane but I swear by it. Heroin hardly does anything but for some chemistry reason good week works so well after only 3-5 drags. A bong bong hit will stone you into next year.
Ever tried snorting 2C-B?
That stuff is horrific I swear to you, I only did it due to how potent it is & how quickly it kicks in.

Snorting 2C-E should be a punishment used in jails for the worst prisoners due to the pain & effects. I did think about snorting 3C-E but it would be way too much powder & if it burns like it's 2C brothers several hundred mg's of that would take someone special.

The best thing for a PV comedown is a good spliff, I know that sounds insane but I swear by it. Heroin hardly does anything but for some chemistry reason good week works so well after only 3-5 drags. A bong bong hit will stone you into next year.
Nope, that’s one of very few substances I haven’t tried tbh. Want to though, some day.

What sucks is I’m one of those strange people who can’t smoke weed normally again after smoking it on acid once. Straight up sends me into a catatonic episode lmao. It’s awful.
FWIW - my rocomendation to the dutch lad is to ; mix all the brown and white in a jam jar with water and vit c gently heat then titrate in to a syringe Inject at regular 15 minute intervals until said jam jar is empty. Otherwise your just pissing about.