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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

**advice please** I NEED tips on how to control myself with new adderall prescription

No! I wish people didn't flush drugs! You're just tainting the water supply for everyone, not just yourself.

Now you got me worried. I would assume water is filtered and cleaned before being returned to the system. Well our tap water is drinkable so maybe its not like that else where. I mean if drunks got through then wouldn't your last dump as well? Soz i just really know how this works.

Anyways on topic, i wish people would consider the sanity of taking amps every single day, prescribed or not. As a meth user the idea of taking amps every day is like a 1 way ticket to life ending addiction. Daily use and functional use is imo the two biggest mistakes with amps. It seems totally nuts. I may be wrong, if so let me know.

I would even say weekend meth use is probably safer then daily prescribed amp use imo.

Moderator Note:

We're not here to help people score drugs from doctors or beat the system/doctor shop in any way.
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When I get rx'd Adderall, I take it "as needed," read: whenever an exam or term paper comes up and I need more inspiration, I re-dose.

When I got Vyvanse, suddenly, I didn't need to do that. 140mg (my insurance authorized up to 170mg; check with yours) of Vyvanse, which is equal to my Adderall 60mg/day, and I take it once and don't have to think of it for the rest of the day. I don't re-dose on it or even feel tempted to re-dose on it for 2 reasons: 1): I know if I re-dose after the morning, I can't sleep the next day. And my problem isn't taking a bunch at once when I wake up, it's taking more adderall as the day wears on. But 2nd reason): after 200mg in a day, Vyvanse stops metabolizing, stops cleaving the lysine from the amphetamine, effectively meaning you're pooping out unspent Vyvanse if you take more than 200mg/day. And the dose between what I was taking and 200mg was too marginal to justify caring about.

The only problem with Vyvanse is some might not find 70mg enough, as it's equal to 30mg of Adderall XR. If you take more Adderall XR, you have to find a doc willing to prescribe an equivocal dose of Vyvanse, which means for now working outside of the parameters of the PDR's recommended dose range. Luckily, many insurance companies authorize you for higher doses, like I said, mine lets me take up to 170mg, so call your insurance company before talking with your doc. it's not -that- expensive, though, although if you want to use Shire Cares and you're unemployed or make very little money to get approved for free Vyvanse from Shire, they only cover up to 70mg/day.

Vyvanse can't be metabolized by snorting or injecting it; anyone who tells you otherwise is also as stupid as the types who take more than 200mg to get "high" (aside from them not being able to metabolize more than this, they're likely confusing a mild mood elevation for euphoria, since the dose is too low to get euphoria from).

Anyhow, good luck, and stick with a long-acting stimulant of some kind, even if Vyvanse doesn't work out. Of course, in re-reading your post, I note you are the type of person who thinks he doesn't have AD/HD, despite seeking out stimulation from drugs 24/7, and feeling a buzz even from low doses of stimulants... maybe you're not fooling anyone, or playing any cards, and you need to just accept you may very well seek out stimulants because you probably couldn't pay attention in classes, had low motivation in school, this resulted in you not finishing college, thus resulting in a perpetual feeling of needing to escape your relative poverty/issues of failure/perception of failure in life, which in turn led you to seek out meth, all of which could have been averted had you had parents who gave you low doses of stimulants that let you do well in school by motivating you do so and helped you achieve success in school that led to success in work and other areas of you life. Too close to home?
take Provigil (modafinal). It stimulates your mind without being addictive, and has a lot of success with meth addicts. It's expensive, and not all insurance covers it; it also goes by a newer form called Nuvigil. Check your insurance formulary, and you may want to be open with your doc and say you don't trust yourself with stimulants, and want to try Provigil. If you want to come prepared, there's a boat load of successful studies of modafinal on MedLINE online (google pubmed). If that doesn't work, or you can't get your insurance to approve it and can't switch insurance, it's easy to get from India, but I don't advise that or will help you, since it's probably against a rule on this forum, and you're safer to work with your doc.

Unfortunately, Provigil still isn't approved for stimulant addiction yet, and I fear the usual pattern of giddy immature bragging drug addicts that confuse relief for euphoria will result in even it being called addictive eventually. but so far, it's still only a C-IV, so the DEA isn't exactly going to have Operation Provigil Bust with mail sent from India anytime soon...
Send it in the mail trto someone u trust and get them to send it bacck to u when u need it...like a day or two beforre u need more.......think about it ....it makes sense.....i had ti end uo doing that with my stash of mdpv...
Trust me its tough keepin your adderall use in check, but you have to keep a tight leash on yourself to use amphet medicinally. Here are some tips that I usually follow:
-Only dose what you need and only dose once
-Keep occupied, study, work, go out, do ANYTHING you can to get out of the house
-Keep motivated once it wears off if possible (helps with habituation problems)
-Eat, of course. Most important thing you can do.
-Exercise before using adderall
-Lastly, try going without! You have the brains, everything good about you comes FROM you, not adderall.

Good luck my friend, and have a good new year!
you're not going to find what you're looking for. you're fooling yourself. 20mg 1x per day? being off meth for a few months is great, but your body still remembers the high. addiction is addiction , doesn't matter what you switch it up with. be true to self.
where's the "like" button on this damn thing? clean for four mo. and you took ten 20mg on the first day. I know that my body chemistry would have me floating off the planet at high speed if I were in that situation.
I'm responding because i think only the first tommyboy reply had anything good in it. and this is almost identical to my experience last year. There's simply no way you are going to flush these pills in the toilet. Give them to a family member. this would have helped me, but i couldn't even get the support from my family to be involved in my adderall intake at all (??!) just make sure you're not tearing up the house looking for them. I have noticed that adderall addiction doesn't make me go after the fix with quite the same intensity, as with opiates. probably because you are heavily sedated and out of love in the first part of wd. good luck! I know for a fact that this is difficult and very consuming. <38o<3
Send it in the mail trto someone u trust and get them to send it bacck to u when u need it...like a day or two beforre u need more.......think about it ....it makes sense.....i had ti end uo doing that with my stash of mdpv...

Azron: they're called drug-sniffing dogs. You were lucky, but don't bless your decision-making skills on someone who might actually listen to you and very well could wind up in prison because they did. What you're talking about works with cigarettes-- I had a friend give me his pack after he bought one and used one or two cigarettes, and did this every few months when he came to visit.

Or the OP could walk up to the DEA's Office of Drug Diversion, put his pills into little plastic baggies, and ask if they will hold onto them for him until he really, really needs them, because you tried mailing them to someone without a prescription, but wanted to start saving on postage stamps. Hopefully, they will be gentle as they cuff you and cite about 20 different federal laws you're breaking, regardless of whether you had a Rx. Oh, and fun fact: there's a law that controlled substances must be in the labelled pharmacy bottle at all times, including just for that few pills you took in your pill cutter box with you for the day. They generally will in practice put your name in the paper for possession if they find you in some traffic stop with pills in the car, arrest you, and then a tiny correction to the police blotter or follow-up to the news article (I've read these) will report you were freed after it was found you had a prescription to them. Otherwise, that law is generally only used when they want to load up on criminal counts for a legit case of drug diversion.

Or, for the love of God, you could take Vyvanse, which pharmacologically cuts you off after 200mg-- it stops metabolizing after that, even if you were to take more. That, and you wouldn't want to re-dose, because after the morning, it would mean you couldn't go back to sleep. Or you could be grateful you don't have AD/HD, assuming you did well in school (and if you didn't, you probably did have AD/HD-- everyone denies it and thinks someone ELSE would have it, but you're either motivated to do work in school or you're not).

Or Provigil, which isn't addicting, but gives you stimulation. And Provigil you can buy cheap from India.
Honestly and frankly you're just landing yourself in the same shitheap by swapping over to adderall. Your use will just get higher and higher to the point where you say fuck it and cave into taking meth again. You're really dancing hand in hand with the devil. It's like many recovering heroin addicts turn to codeine for a buzz as they think its weaker, they can control it and they won't let it consume them again. Many end up with deadly stomach ulcers or just get back on the gear and overdose.

Throw away the pills while you still have a chance. If you don't want to take my advise - and are insistent in using the drugs then so be it. Give them to your parents or relatives to hand out to you. He'll, give them to the pharmacist to dispense once a day. That way you're monitored and controlled.

I still really don't think it's a good idea. But the best of luck to you.
Amphetamine is amphetamine - and amphetamine maintenance therapy for someone who can consume 0.2 g mixed amphetamine salts in a day is not the most feasible when you are scripted, at present, 0.6 g mixed amphetamine salts a month. It would not be feasible if you were, somehow, magically scripted 0.2 g mixed amphetamine salts a day, either. Amphetamine addiction, once hiked to a certain level of intensity with correlating tolerance, should not be maintained for it is unhealthy to do so - very unhealthy. Even normal doses of amphetamine prescribed are neurotoxic, and not healthy, really. And, you know you would end up very quickly feeling like shit if you tried to take just 20 mg mixed amphetamine salts a day, with how your addiction has changed your neurochemistry so - you would feel better, I can guarantee, not to use any amphetamine at all and allow for, as one poster said, a healing time. But, even after said healing time, which should be very long, I would not so much as think about touching amphetamine, again. You recognize it is an issue, but addiction is a bitch, especially amphetamine addiction with the mechanism of action of the drugs in a well-tolerant addict encouraging a sensation of MORE, MORE, MORE not to feel like utter shit. But, you must know this is just not possible for you to do - it is just not possible to do and keep from binging, because a little will feel good maybe very, very shortly followed by what I could only imagine a bad comedown with a lot of physical and mental side-effects would feel like, and so you take more to bring yourself up - the re-dosing keeps getting less and less effective, and you end up hung left to dry, terribly burnt-out, worse off than you were before you began and not even a truly good high to justify any of it. It is not just chasing the proverbial dragon, here, but running yourself through fields of barbed wire and pot holes to try catching him, even though you cannot - again you will be left all run-down and utterly shitty in how you feel and it will take more time to recover because of it.
i think when a meth addict was put in front of pure samples of methamphetamine and amphetamine sulphate, they couldn't tell the difference between the two. when put in front of d-isomers many actually PREFERED the d-amphetamine.

goes to show that these molecules are essentially the same when it comes down to recreational use. be it meth or normal amphetamine, it produces the same effects.
Most meth addicts are beyond help and will end up being addicts for the rest of their lives. So if you want to recover you need to take drastic action. Taking adderall will not help.