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Advice: Mescaline + Opium


Apr 9, 2016
Hi, 90 minutes ago swim ingested 1900mg of Mescaline HCL (synthetic, 98% purity and tested positive with reagents; mandelin, marquis etc). Swim is feeling uncomfortable now and a bit nauseous would it be safe for swim to relieve this with some strong opium pod tea?
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Just ride it out and if your still feeling uncomfortable in a couple of hours take a very small dose of the tea...!
Thanks for reply. Is the combination safe is what I'm wondering? Far too early to hit the benzos yet.
I once smoked opium on mescaline, nothing much to report other than the fact I was tripping, and nodding from the opium. You could take a small dose of a benzo, but then do not take the opium tea!
Don't ingest anything now!
1.9g of mescaline is too much imo, get a bucket and do some slow deep breathing, try to relax it will help.
Would 200mg Modafinil (generic pharma) help with the nausea, perhaps even potentate the mescaline?
No intrinsic interaction between the two so if it is a tolerable dose of opium (or any opiate) it isn't really any less safe than the individual constituents, and in fact it sounds like a lovely experience. Opiates can also give nausea however. I'd discourage adding modafinil although again I doubt it would seem dangerous per se. For nausea perhaps a little Benadryl. A lot of the fancied antiemetics otoh have pharmacological properties that might block some of the psychedelics and potential that of the opiates (as would Benadryl to some degree.)
I had an absolute splendid experience. It was a rather graceful, refined trip, with a while to take affect but when after the nausea subsided completely after the 3 hour mark and subsequently had a strong dose of opium pod tea with peppermint extract (30g of very fine quality cut poppy pods), I slowly ascended into a divine realm, the veil of my internal world was slowly melting away before me and my body was immersed into a state of the utmost extreme comfort. It was at the point of 5 hours in, very close to approaching the mescaline peak I decided to use n,n-DMT freebase (I had 4x50mg doses preweighed out) and hit the GVG hard with 3 strong draws. It was indescribable. Roughly every hour on after that I reloaded the 50 mg and did as much DMT as I could manage to hold. I was to behold a beauty of some kind, in its supreme development, that excited my lacking soul to tears. I was lost in a sea, that had cast its spell and was held in its net of wonder, with the tide crashing in with the DMT. 11 hours in, I ingested 25mg capsulized ketamine and slowly swam back upwards to reality, the comedown was very pleasant, warm and forgiving but I felt sad as I didn't want the beauty I felt to fade into nothingness. I'm new to Bluelight but have been lurking on here for years, reading what some of the wonderful things some of you guys have to say, I'm sorry if this isn't an appropriate post to this forum as it's a little incoherent. But I plan on writing a proper trip report of this and of some of my previous experiences. I find it very hard to describe what I felt, maybe its because the best part of this beauty is that which no words can describe.
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You are crazy my man, I've never heard of anyone doing such an insane amount of drugs in one night and having a positive experience. I could never do so much drugs in one night because i'd feel as though I was being greedy and having that weiging on my conscious would of course ruin the trip.
I've done what he wrote about many times and more so... To each their own! I used to regularly combine LSD, mescaline, and 2c-E, smoke DMT, then do some nitrous... All in high doses...
A lot of people report that mescaline + MDMA can be fantastic but I found it absolutely horrible, the MDMA completely ruined the trip and intensified any unpleasantness that could possibly ever arise from mescaline.
Burnout, I understand how that problem could arise and effect ones trip. However, if one is in such circumstances where their occasional usage is having no ill-effect on their financial situation and also no repercussions to their real life and future recreational wishes I don't see how it would be a problem that should induce anxiety or negative feelings on a trip.
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It's not just repercussions that people 'worry' about. The bigger the doses of psychedelics, the smaller the confusion or lack of "centeredness" needed to confuse a person and plant a seed of discomfort that flourishes the more the confusion and mind blowing / expanding psychedelic canvas takes over.

I definitely don't think props are due for taking any amount of any drug, or the dicksizing implied here, but the respect goes out to the mentality necessary to just undergo any completely immersive trip and go all in.
You are crazy my man,I've never heard of anyone doing such an insane amount of drugs in one night and having a positive experience. I could never do so much drugs in one night because i'd feel as though I was being greedy and having that weiging on my conscious would of course ruin the trip.

You must be new here...welcome to net.drugs.kids land, a new level of degeneracy ;) :p