Mental Health Advice and suggestions needed for long term mental illness - complex case

That would be really nice for me actually, I need some contacts who understand this sheer level of severity. I have some friends with milder mental health issues, but they can never understand why the things that work for them do not work for me. So for example something that I could use help with is gentle encouragement to try certain meds and not to be scared of them, and then we can keep each other updated about med progress. It might be a bit one-sided to start with, but if you (God forbid) relapse then I will try to reciprocate the support as much as I can.

Just a warning though, I am really unstable and have borderline personality disorder. That can lead to me being sometimes very unpleasant to talk to, and I don't want to cause any stress to anybody due to this. I have one female friend with BPD who tolerates it from me, but not many others can.

It's fine! I'm totally okay with doing that if it would help you! I think I may also be able to help with noticing the thought patterns that your brain has and that lead you to say unpleasant things.

To be honest, I still have bad thoughts. Manipulation, insults, other bad stuff. It's just that now my mind is less clouded and I can recognize what's a legitimately good thought and what's my BPD pushing into my mind, and it becomes easier over time!

So yeah, feel free to reach out however you like and whenever you need, I got my messages and this thread on watch whenever you wanna share your progress!

It's fine! I'm totally okay with doing that if it would help you! I think I may also be able to help with noticing the thought patterns that your brain has and that lead you to say unpleasant things.

To be honest, I still have bad thoughts. Manipulation, insults, other bad stuff. It's just that now my mind is less clouded and I can recognize what's a legitimately good thought and what's my BPD pushing into my mind, and it becomes easier over time!

So yeah, feel free to reach out however you like and whenever you need, I got my messages and this thread on watch whenever you wanna share your progress!


Thanks, I will message you now
"more sensitive to our surroundings" is the cutest description I have yet heard :D Makes it almost sound nice. I always refer to my surroundings as a sledgehammer that keeps beating information into my head.

Thing is, source is the physical brain, further marred through medication. I'd be extra careful with any step in any direction. Even discontinuing the use of medication and/or drugs OP might be taking could potentially be very dangerous. I see why OP feels stuck..

It's really hard for me to imagine how that could be nice, haha
yup i fucked up my thyroid by suddenly quitting meds i had been taking for years
Yeah I've had a shit childhood, and too many mental illnesses to ever have decent life circumstances. I can't get into a relationship (rejected at every turn), no friends want to see me after hanging out with me twice, family who invalidate my feelings and trigger anxiety whenever they are present, completely afraid of any social interaction (they make me feel much worse both during and after the interaction). I am severely mentally ill, one of rare cases. I actively yearn for death and would have committed suicide long ago, but I have very firm religious beliefs about suicide leading to hellfire and therefore much greater torment (I've researched the topic for 10 years and this is the only conclusion that I can reach). This is why I resorted to drug use, no desire to live (except out of fear of what's beyond) and complete learned helpnessness. I need to be institutionalized, but the government in my country has destroyed the health service, and private treatment is out of reach for anyone besides the wealthiest.

Honestly thanks for your suggestions, my posts here will have a bad and negative tone due to how miserable I currently am. I can't do therapy, I have intermittent catatonia and social phobia. Can't leave the house without a drug, the last therapist said that it was pointless due to how I'm just completely unresponsive. I can't go without meds, everytime I drop the dose I become suicidal and my catatonia worsens. Absolutely unbearable. This is not a withdrawal issue, I tested that. It gets worse months after reducing the dose. Thanks for your advice on trimipramine, I suppose I should do that, but I will need to find a substitute. I think at this point, I may have to resort to olanzapine or something similar as I'm not left with many options besides something like opiates. Tried quetiapine and it was absolutely horrible for me, made my depression, dysphoria and anhedonia much worse. The trouble with antipsychotics is that they usually have horrendous side effects long term. Most long term users of antipsychotics that I have spoken to have said that they have done more harm than good. I think the catatonia might be responsible for my treatment resistance. Catatonia is present in 10% of psychiatric patients, and is almost always overlooked and missed unless the person has it severely. The treatment for catatonia is different. The algorithm is benzodiazepines -> ECT -> memantine/amantadine -> valproate/carbamazepine -> olanzapine/aripiprazole. Usually, they say that antipsychotics should be avoided in catatonic patients because they often make the situation worse.

I've been considering kava kava for a while, so that's a good point. It's just so expensive and on welfare benefits due to mental disability, so it is very difficult for me to fund these things.
Mind if i message u?
Is this a suggestion to the original question of the thread, or the way you're feeling right now??
Check what he wrote to me on my last blog entry... do he talk to all girls like that or just to me?
It's really hard for me to imagine how that could be nice, haha
yup i fucked up my thyroid by suddenly quitting meds i had been taking for years
Yeah anybody who had a sensory overload knows it's the opposite of nice, it just sounded kinda nice, sorry ^^

You can unfuck your thyroid however. This takes some time ofc, but you can use vitamins & minerals to get it back to work.
Just don't take medication for it, because then your thyroid becomes dependant on said medication after some time.
Yeah anybody who had a sensory overload knows it's the opposite of nice, it just sounded kinda nice, sorry ^^

You can unfuck your thyroid however. This takes some time ofc, but you can use vitamins & minerals to get it back to work.
Just don't take medication for it, because then your thyroid becomes dependant on said medication after some time.
Yeah, i was given selenium cuz theres something wrong with my eyes too
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