Adults Aged 40+ Wanted for Study on Cannabis, Tobacco and Health


Jun 10, 2009
The National Cannabis Prevetion and Information Centre are seeking adults aged 40+ to participate in a study looking at how health concerns may relate to different types of involvement with tobacco and cannabis. If you participate in this study, you will be asked to complete an online survey about your general health and about your recent use of tobacco and cannabis. If you live in Australia, you will receive a $40 Coles Myer Group gift voucher as compensation for your time. Please email for more information if you fall into any of the categories below:

1. I have smoked cannabis on at least four days per week on average for at least the last 5 years AND I have not smoked more than 100 tobacco cigarettes or equivalent (including mixing tobacco with cannabis) in the last 5 years.

2. I have smoked cannabis on at least four days per week on average for at least the last 5 years AND I have also smoked tobacco (even if just for mixing with cannabis) on at least four days per week on average for at least the last 5 years.

3. I have smoked tobacco on at least four days per week on average for at least the last 5 years AND I have not smoked more than 20 joints (or equivalent) in the last 5 years.

4. I have smoked fewer than 20 joints (or equivalent) in my life AND I have smoked fewer than 100 tobacco cigarettes in my life.

Email: [email protected]

Best wishes,
Sally Rooke
Hi Sally,

Do participants in this study need to be from Australia, or is that only to be eligible for the gift voucher?

I have smoked cannabis every night at 5pm for 5 years now for pain relief and no tobacco cigarettes with no ill effects yet.
The National Cannabis Prevetion (sic) and Information Centre?

• to provide the Australian community with access to evidence-based information on cannabis and related harms;
• to provide community access to, and awareness of, evidence-based information to prevent uptake, and continuation, of cannabis use;
• to supply service providers with evidence-based interventions to respond to people experiencing cannabis-related problems.

I wonder what would happen with any research that contradicted the stated goals of your organization? Never mind that, if taken at face-value, the first goal is contradicted by the second and third goals. Probably the same thing that happens to research that contradicts anti-tobacco orthodoxy. But I'm sure you given it careful thought, and that that won't be an issue.
Hi there. This study has now been pulished in Addictive Behaviours. The Abstract appears below. Thanks! Sally

This study aimed to identify patterns of health concerns associated with long-term use of cannabis and tobacco individually,
as well as in combination.We recruited 350 adults aged 40 or over who smoked cannabis but not tobacco
(cannabis-only group, n=59), smoked both cannabis and tobacco (cannabis/tobacco group, n=88), smokedtobacco
but not cannabis (tobacco-only group, n=80), or used neither substance (control group, n=123). Participants
completed a survey addressing substance use, diagnosed medical conditions, health concerns relating to smoking
cannabis/tobacco, and general health (measured using the Physical Health Questionnaire and the Short Form 36).
Several significant differences were found among the four groups. With regard to diagnosed medical conditions,
the three smoking groups reported significantly higher rates of emphysema than did the control group
(psb.001). However, all members of the cannabis-only group diagnosed with emphysema were former regular
tobacco smokers. Total general health scores, general health subscales, and items addressing smoking-related
health concerns also revealed several significant group differences, and these tended to show worse outcomes
for the two tobacco smoking groups. Findings suggest that using tobacco on its own and mixing it with cannabis
may lead to worse physical health outcomes than using cannabis alone.
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