Mental Health ADHD and Bipolar II: Stimulants and CBD


Feb 5, 2014
Yesterday, I received my Medical Cannabis Card.

I have ADHD and co-morbid Bipolar II it seems. I have been diagnosed with both. I am not a huge fan of my medication options for Bipolar.
I tried Lamictal and made several threads about that, but due to some side effects I discontinued it. It was early in titration each time I discontinued (I know that's not good).

I wanted to try CBD. I have been trying 2 Indica strains -with decent effects. One was "Iced Widow" at around 7%Thc 9% CBD and one was "717" at 7% THC: 17% CBD.
Some successes, far less paranoid. I have better results on the second one.

I am attempting to use this as a mood stabilizer / elevator of sorts. I am not saying this will work but it has provided benefits for others with Bipolar, Schizophrenia, etc. I just really can't tolerate a lot of the meds it seems - and I'm scared to "ride them out." Does CBD interfere with the metabolism of Dexedrine? I think they both may affect Cytochrome p450. I have a low tolerance and have been trying vaping the 2 aforementioned strains, the last few weeks with decent results. I want even more positive benefits and hope to keep a positive mood, throughout the day. I would use Cannatonic (<2%THC : 19% CBD).

Should I take CBD 30mins or a couple hours before I take dexedrine in the morning? And Take it again at night? Or should I use CBD as needed only when I get depressed?
I felt okay today going to the clinic. But the non CBD strains made it quite difficult to feel and act normal most the time. I think I could go to school or work on the 7-17 strain, but I think I still felt kind of messed up a little. I didn't sleep the night before. Anyways, does anyone use CBD as an antidepressant/Mood Stabilizer? Can I take dexedrine and still treat my ADHD effectively?

I found this interesting - and I know its anecdotal, but I do the same thing with Prescription Drugs too when I am trying to assess the risks/benefits and see if side effects I experience have presented in others.
Sorry for the late reply.

Does CBD interfere with the metabolism of Dexedrine?

Not really, and there should be very little interaction between the two. Most of the amphetamine will be excreted unchanged in your urine. If you feel it has strengthened it, you could briefly acidify your urine (with 1-2g of vitamin C) once a day (perhaps a few hours before bed) to draw more amphetamine salts out.

Regarding your condition, if you have bipolar, you wouldn't often be maintained on amphetamines as the risk of inducing mania is rather high. You might find a regular antidepressant helps tackle both the bi-polar and the ADHD in a more manageable way. Have you discussed this with your specialist?
Hi there, my bad for getting back to you late.

I actually had very bad reactions to Effexor (mania) and non-reactions to other things like Prozac. I was diagnosed ADHD before Bipolar II. When I was on antidepressants, doctors thought it was anxiety and depression. The ADHD is pretty certain and the meds don't hurt me too much hypomania wise. Sure they cause insomnia and the like, but I never go fully manic nor psychotic on them. They actually help anxiety and mood a bit. But I always make sure to take breaks.

I tried Dexedrine with Lamictal and it worked very well mentally. I felt more functional and like I could succeed in work and day to day. But unfortunately I had to discontinue the Lamictal due to side effects. I am scared to try Lithium... although maybe a low dose isn't bad. I tried Trileptal, and it was ok but more depressive than antidepressive. And I don't want to add a ton of meds. I am still kind of lost on this... I really want something to work soon, because I am looking for jobs and I want to be able to keep it. I don't know if I need to stabilize mood and this and that first, or if having some things out of the way and having the structure I need vis a vis having my work will help a lot. I will then afterwards work on my true passion, and that should help.

I feel like Mood Stabilizers help - or at least Lamictal did, but it had huge downsides. I'm hoping CBD/MMJ and dex can help me. So maybe I accept the side effects for the ADHD meds but I don't for the Manic Depression meds. The specialist that sees me regularly knows I have ADHD and concurs with another specialist (who is an expert in bipolar and its research), that BPII is likely too. So it's like I could or should treat both conditions. Which is proving to be quite hard for me.
-Almost died last year thanks to Finasteride (just get rich, get FUES if you need hair. Mine's still better than 40-60% of guys my age maybe more -- but it was godlike pre adderall (4-5 yrs ago, 2 days) and pre lamotrigine [89 days (tiny dosage) 2016-2017].
-Effexor nearly killed me severe mania blackouts unknown dual dx [ADHD***/BPII**; ***= severity/noticed i.e. ADHD primary diagnosis, if I lie no one will ever guess BP except when enraged, too cynical, depressed]. BOTH ARE BAD*... BUT*** EFFEXOR/PSSD+Extortion+Mem loss+near death in early 20's and PFS[Post-finasteride syndrome] ARE SUBSTANTIALLY WORSE**. -Got tons to say, nursed self back to 70-80% health, was suicidal 247 ish for weeks-months.

-I'm my own startup -- trader, writer, eventual criminal lawyer (and internet, real estate, sole practice -- whatever makes me money, I don't give a fuck).

Canadian socialized healthcare and socialism here has nearly killed me and pharma (PFIZER, MERCK, generics) have almost killed me, too many fucking times now.

-I will update later.

-Suffice it to say:
-No treatment: I'm cool, funny, smart... but always late, disorganized, losing things daily, fucked up, mad bc wasting potential.
-DEXEDRINE: 0-4 mood, stable-er - 3-4 or so and FOCUS 8-9/10.
-DEXEDRINE and ALPHA-GPC [MOOD 5-6 stable, less major dips... less rage; FOCUS= 7.8-8.5+]\
-DEXEDRINE and ALPHA-GPC + Cannabis Oil/ CO2 Vape/I'm sure other vapes ---> MOOD=6-8 and FOCUS = 7-9/10 (I have entrance tests, but needed to fix 2 computers, get ADHD treatment, work on physical health, writing lyrics, etc, and getting back to hobbies, and stuff... maybe of 30 symptoms of PFS I resolved 15-20, and the rest are mostly a lot better, but this isn't my peak).
-I was bedridden 16 wks ago suicidal at times. WATER FASTED 30 days: i.e. 5d break 1 meal, 6 d and break 1 meal, 20 d straight.
-GOT RIPPED and JACKED after (still lanky, lifting above body weight most areas except chest, doing 210 dips in 3 days (2-3 mins each day, and 400-600 reps++ in a workout (total body, but not a ton on legs - bone/cartilage issue + hyperflexibile/hypermobile like everywhere).

-ANYWAYS DEX or strong d2-agonist + GPC for stabilization + some tiny amount of CBD heavy weed (clean, like oils or vaping) will make law school, dating, and work, and trading, and friendship, and other bullshit a lot easier. Fuck pharma for most part. Lamotrigine and adderall raped my perfect hair, finasteride hurt vision, urology, endocrine, neurology, effexor nearly got me killed. FIN almost made me kill myself, I'm fucking pissed off and only out for money till the day I die, fuck everything.

-A lot better tho now; and worked on fitness, career, making sure a couple+++ ways to earn, hobbies, relnships, goals, and ADHD/BPII (as they call it).
-Still need a fam doctor and to move back to east coast (my ADD doc is usually 2800km east).
-Told narcissistic family, IDGAF too.
-Done with all the bs. Money, power, respect over everything.

-maybe mood will be higher with rite mix and money, and more success, better relnships,
all looks issues resolved (good looking, ripped, excess skin from major weight loss removed, smart but mess up a lot, delayed in success, thinner eyebrows maybe eyelashes, eye area changed a bit - facial fat/collagen loss (most of the bad things are from finasteride, not joking... talked 4-5 ppl out of suicide in last 4-5 months).
---> LIFE WILL ALWAYS have stress.
-even then tho imperfections, and also just being attractive, kind of successful, stable, and "happyish", and kind of young... still can be not good.
_SO Ill find other stuff in life besides that and "success". Love or something, some greater purpose, whatever, I'm out.

Thanks to this forum (helped me a lot in ADD days) and will help as PFS resolves (on some other forum, some v smart/helpful ppl there too).
-The only 2 forums I trust are bluelight and that one (certainly not crazyboards, most of psycheforums, retarded bodybuilding or hair forums).

-I have fam members surgeons, runners of 100mn dollar companies, drug addicts, bankers, hedge funders, etc... life's still a bitch bc all selfish.
-Parents, my brother, and I aren't rich (despite him being a plastic surgeon), we have (and mostly me) a ton of stress.
-I just need the funds and papers to gtfo out of canada or at least be mobile. Earn in a few cities/ travel/date elsewhere.

-I fucking hate Toronto. Not gonna slave away to be an ethnic lawyer to pay 80% tax and represent abused cowboys.

NE Calgary and VC and SUrrie, NJ, NY, Asia, etc... wherever the fuck money is I'll go. I like the east coast but I hate social justice warriors.

I survived numerous attempts on my life, and worse "accidents" from pharma.

I have 2 degrees, 3 eventually, would have 3+ 5-8 yrs ago without misdx, shitty school system, family, medicine, medical and legal system, and fake ass friends and women.
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate any particular group, only whatever is in my way.

-Insane 2008 saved frds lives, shd have let em die or worse. (effexr ruined that).
famILY BLAmes me.

-Near dead 16mo, save myself to clap for motherfucking idiots at their med and phd graDS. LOL, I would never go to my own grads cuz I don't care, just a means to an end, like school, meds, workouts, jobsa, relnships, rules, etc.

-MONEY, mental health and confidence (staying in shape) over everything. BUT not in a dumb way (no finasteride/dutasteride, feminizing drugs).
Make money, and travel/date elsewhere. Toronto is trash.
-White social justice warriors, come at me.

-I lived in a building unlived in before/ 29th floor 1700 a mo, now 2500... bought 340 -400 those foreigners sold probably 800k and same with my next (less nice place on 13th floor - tho cheaper rates, 1550 a mo).
-EVERYONE was gay or a drug dealer, or a woman (besides me).
-THEY certainly weren't splitting atoms. They exist and are above 6-7/10 in looks (used up by 30, then trying to get married, not to me bitch).
-It's sex worker central.
-I've fucked way better looking girls in europe, smaller places in Canada, the states, etc...
-12 academic petitions I won 11... ---> against Harvard, UofT, and YORK U PhD's and committees (fuck all those useless clowns).

-In the end I will win.
-Law school, this and that... living here or there ---> meet this idiot, do this or that... It's just a means to an end.
-Life is insignificant anyways on some scope.
-AND Life is a game.
-AND usually I struggle thru it despite my potential. I am better now but want all damage reversed.

-TOOK accutane 3mo (17 or 18); Effexor XR (9mo - 1 yr? at 19-20 or 21-22); Finasteride 29 (4.5 months).
-IF I have brain damage, I want it resolved, any other symptom too.
-And I want those responsible to suffer like I have. Not implying anything.

-I won't be a public defender nor a cuck on Wall St nor Bay Street.
-In the end, I stay me. Lost myself at 20 and beginning of the next decade. FIXED a ton:
-obesity, excess skin, coke, vodka, etc addiction, ADHD/BP, PSSD, PFS, extortion, near death exps....
-OVERWEIGHT --> fit but skinny --> v strong --> ripped.
-SHY, nice, love ppl --> intimidating, hate nearly ev1 I've ever encountered on some level except pretty girls (who are nice enuff).
-I'll still be a good person tho, deep deep deep down.
-Life's a game and I will not lose it. I was losing thanks to a lapse of judgement at 19 and 29 where I trusted the shit system.
-SUICIDE from PFS (FIN), or MANIA and jail or death from shady events I was forced into on EFFEXOR.
-GOod times.
-ALSO Lost out on millions last yr (super easy, super legal, and I see lazy idiots that killed it last yr, incl so called frds).
-Making sure a like minded frd is in law school in any of my 3 preferred cities.
-Good day.
-I like this place. SAVED me lots of issues. BUT my biochem/luck etc isn't built for meds.
-ONLY stimulants, and such... nootropics, mmj a tiny bit.
-Occasional other things.
-I have not drank in near 200 days, same with smoking (only smoked on effexor and after fin, otherwise I vape. Nic mimics acetylcholine).
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-It's not that I have bipolar.
-It's that people and society at large doesn't want me to be happy, succeed. Etc.
-Well, fuck all of em.
-I keep all my money hidden.
-Even if I was arrested, the streets will glorify me.
-Even after I die, I will haunt their fucking dreams.

-Fuck a cannabis card, I'll just get from good sources.
-WOn't travel with them tho. Can get it again if need be. Annoying tho.
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I'm sure that your doctor, cannabis retailer, and qualified sources on CBD, will lead your in the right direction via dosing.

That was a quadruple-post. If given some time, people will respond to you.

If you're manic, dexedrine will not help that...if you abuse your medication then you will never find balance in medication. Please don't, especially regarding stimulants, as stimulant addiction quickly leads to decline.

I'm keeping this open for the benefit of others and to ensure that you're okay.
Sure, thanks. I think (that was over 12mo ago), that it was kind of "start low and go slow". And take it from there.
Sorry, I didn't mean to quadruple post.
Been feeling v messed up. Happy I'm healthy again, but it's been 18mo or so since I had a prescription. AND NOW I'm scared that maybe just maybe amphetamines predisposed me to
getting very bad finasteride side effects (Post-finasteride syndrome). Maybe by increasing BBB permeability. And also, maybe as a 21 year old I was right to use coke to study sometimes, bc no real brain damage. I hope I didn't cause myself a horrible 2017++ and delay my career and life, bc I wanted to treat "focus and mood" or ADHD/BPII. Wtf? I can't win. I think maybe it's safe, and only using low amounts like say 10-20mg (at 180-190 sometimes less, more muscular now 190lb, but without water retention I'd probably be closer to 186lb).

Anyways, I hope the one med that never hurt me too much (dexedrine) isn't insidiously responsible for destroying my life.
My calculated average dose per day from 2013-2016 was 19.67mg per day. I took long breaks, but during my last Economics semesters + academic petitions (5 courses in summer, and 3 essays challenging rules at the university), I sometimes took 10-12 in two days. So like 28-30 maybe even 35 or so in one week. Quickly stopped, lowered a bit, then stopped 8 weeks or even 12.

But, I couldn't continue like when I was younger.... good marks, no shows, fails, thinking I could "catch up", not knowing what the directions are.

I filled dexedrine Jan 17 2018 (2400mg). I still have around 40mg or so. Some was given to a friend in need (stupid I know), but I may have taken at times... until March or April of last year. Then was sick (was sick before but severely sick) April-Jan or so. This was from finasteride. Luckily, through a ton of hard work, and reaching out to others I got a lot better.

But now I worry, that either I need something to help mood with it, or that it is neurotoxic, maybe it caused "BPII" like symptoms. But then, what about Effexor XR years before?
My brother takes stimulants... he's a plastic surgeon, he's mostly fine. I'm in way better shape and am resilient. But when I get sick, I get really sick

I mean PSSD/Effexor Mania and stopping, and 8 yrs later or more... PFS (endocrine, neuro, vision, digestion, etc side effects from Finasteride).

I do have quality resources, but since I got better and got into trading and really thought about professional school a lot over many yrs, I just wanted to get it over with.
Now I have entrance test booked... I can retake if need be. If I take dexedrine, I can get an ok-good mark. If I just take coffee.... possibly ok. Combining with medical cannabis is hard, esp when you never liked cannabis. I try and do nofap (if I eat right, intermittent fast, abstain from all other drugs, then why bother fapping), but both dexedrine and mj make it harder. Even when mj helps anxiety and such, I feel a bit dumber for like 4-5 hrs. And supposedly it can reduce toxicity of amps when taken first. It supposedly can increase neurotoxicity when taken after. I don't know this for sure, these are partially summarized thoughts from another thread posted on here regarding possible dangers with amphetamines.

Maybe ritalin was irritating bc I didn't have tolerance back then?
I avoided it because I thought maybe it would lead back to coke... or something. But supposedly those NRI's don't cause true toxicity, whereas Dopamine releasers/ agonists like methamphetamine and d-amphetamine (different compounds of course) do.

-Since September I was trying to get some help for Finasteride. But the situation was dire and isn't very well understood by the medical community.
-Found some places, most super depressing and toxic (propecia help, solvepfs forums). Found another place, it's really stupid and arrogant "bootcamp" mentality there. And with very bad ADHD, their steps and knowing I had already saved my life from one major pharmaceutical mistake -
Effexor XR (taken 2008, fixed life 2010-2011).,
-this all made me suicidal. I couldn't leave my apartment. Had chronic fatigue... this never happened to me before.

-It was finasteride. Talked to guys with exact same symptoms from facial fat loss near the eyes, to slurred speech, to 30 other things.
-Like I said I'm a lot better. But what if I NEED a medication in future for something else? I will have beaten 2 post drug disorders (PSSD, PFS) eventually.
-But third time, could kill me.
-From 2007-2017 I took Effexor and other SSRI/SNRI's maybe 12-16mo total. Never again after 2009 or so. And Dexedrine 2014 regularly till 2016-2017.
-And Lamotrigine < 3months and Finasteride 4months. -- That's barely anything at all... and I probably lost 3 yrs just like that... and another 3 bc I transferred to the worst possible school and didn't know about either part of my so called dual diagnosis (which could be complete bs).
-I just know that as any kind of office type and even running my own business I am better with controlled dose and proper use of some stimulant.
-But maybe that's just my mind acting in such a way that is destructive, and I can't see it. But I do see it. I already have tremors. They were worse on LTG and Fin. I was concerned about SJS... didn't realize fin was messing me up, until I had sex. And until I quit. I had an abdominoplasty last yr (after losing a lot of weight many yrs before). And I had to quit meds. So I quit finasteride, and was bedridden and could barely eat and couldn't stay awake and eventually could not shower or shave.
-Pharma and society have taken so much from me, it's not fair. I was a really good kid.

-January I water fasted (after juice feasting and such were minimally helpful). Fasted 5 days, break. Then 6 days, 1 meal break again. Then 20 days.
_Refed. Felt way better end of Feb. And more normal day 8-16 of fast. And day 20... like 20-30% health almost.
-Birthday in March, maybe 35-40% health. Mid April, back to working out. End of April... trading, and studying markets... and talking to some of my good friends again. More social... and less on the health forum I was on. May-June... better, but stressed, and wanting to move on without being angry and not worrying about time and money and stuff so much. Started taking dexedrine again 10-20mg or so a few times a week in early May I think.
-Got my first prescription a few days ago. It was hard. My family doc (that I won't see again because of the finasteride) and my psychiatrist are 2800km away.
-I moved to East Coast Canada because of a severe drug reaction. And moved back home temporarily because of another one.
-I don't want this to ever happen again. And I want to succeed and not think about this stuff anymore. And I want to be 100% and even better, have all side effects of fin removed. It did serious damage, and I will need counselling and stuff. Fasting and getting back to health, working out, certain prohormones (androsterone) have helped tremendously. Other more natural things as well. I am basically functional and most of personality back.
-And Alpha-GPC alone or with dexedrine helps a lot (my "normal" mood and focus issues come back, as I return to myself).
-Basically some facial fat loss, vision, sexual, and other side effects remain. But I could hold a job or go to school if I like it.
-I WILL NOT LIKE IT, and so I need the stimulants. It's just a means to an end.
-But if I have 2-3 ways to make money, and am relatively young and never rely on just one job to earn/pay bills and can save... it's not so bad.

-I don't see this happening to everyone else though.
-I look and act younger again. After Effexor - looked bad and gained weight. 23-25 looked younger than then (just before 22 I quit it).
-Looked terrible and felt lifeless 8-12 months? Now fitter than nearly everyone at the gym (minus guys on roids and guys who are just way bigger than me).
-Succeed in things I hate, get brain damage, more susceptible to terrible illness to do workI hate, to maybe make 150-300k someday, to waste it ALL on tax??? WTF is the point of any of this?
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