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Addicts shoot up in safe haven in Canada

Righty-Oh Capt'n :) Makes sense, as when I have witnessed others fix, the process seems to center on stirring the dope into H2) w/ the plunger/whatever... Oh well, at least this isn't such a problem for me, as I very rarely chip being on (and preferring the buzz of) buprenorphine and all

Yeah. When I said "you" I meant anyone in general, and wasn't referring to you specifically buddy. %)

One of my friends even offered me heroin, for free, and I still turned them down not only on principle (they're in recovery and shouldn't be doing it anymore) but also because I absolutely loathe and hate having to transition back onto Suboxone when I'm "done" with it.

Oh, that, and if I accidentally do too much heroin, it's highly dysphoric and not enjoyable in every sense of the word.

Not to mention if I ever accidentally OD'd, I wouldn't die, I have narcan, so one of my friends would likely have to bring me out of it. That would be incredibly painful (something I wish to never experience), and I would hate to put one of my close friends through the panic of thinking that I could have died, etc.

So all of these factors lead me to absolutely stay away from heroin at all costs, especially since all we get out here (90% of the time at least) is tar.
Yea, I hear ya. Exactly why, when I do chip, I only use 1-2 doses over one 24 hour period, max 4 doses over a 48 hour period, but I never spend more than that much time not taking bupe so that it stays in my system in amounts that don't make if any difference once I resume after that 24 or 48 hour period.

When I started bupe I made the mistake once of twice of going on one to four week runs, and switching back to bupe suuuuucked, as I had to use a lot more dope than normal during the run thanks to the tolerance/blocking effects of bupe's antagonism and so getting back on the bupe left me feelings really crappy for a day or two (I wasn't in the typical opioid w/d one experiences when withdrawing from all opioids, but there was a compenent of w/d at work given the high dose of bupe).

More than any other reason for keeping the chipping to a minimum is that, as I mentioned, I prefer the buzz I get from buprenorphine over the high I get from potent full agonists like heroin. However, to really make the most of that bupe buzz I have to only use bupe, or rather it has to be the predominant opioid in my system when I take it. Thus, by limiting chipping runs to 24-48hrs I don't deplete the bupe in my system so much so that I can't enjoy it's buzz once I resume my normal 'tex dosing. Only way to really get something significant out of the opioid agonism of bupe is to stay loyal to it, not to mention keep my doses smallish (e.g. 2mg).

And on another note, boy do I love generic 8mg buprenorphine/subutex tablets %D I've pretty much given up on the idea about bupe maintenance via IM injection, instead alternating between sublingual and intranasal use, given they're just so much less to worry about or possible complications that are inherently involved in using needles no matter how pristine one's track record is of safe, sane and sanitary practice when it comes to IDU.
I really Hate what Canada has become thanks to this "Conservative" government. What up Steve ?

Referring to the minister's comments of course.
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Prime Minister Stephen Harper's opposition to InSite is well-documented. Speaking in 2005, he said: "We as a government will not fund drug use."

You fucking conservative piece of shit scumbag. You know very well that the Canadian government has had its hands in indirectly funding the use of both booze and tobacco. Man I can hardly wait for you and your backwards thinking party to go the way of the Dodo.

Also, re. David Berner - I've had a chance to read, see and hear some of his opinions regarding drug addiction and how it should be approached, and - while that doesn't make me an expert on David Berner's mind - I see someone who thinks he's got it all figured out from a purely theoretical standpoint, and zero practical. FTR, he's also completely against the whole concept of treating a relapsing opiate addict with a maintenance opioid such as methadone. He loathes the doctors and counselors who are associated with MMT, or any approach other than complete abstinence. Again, this is a guy who has based his opinions from theory-based observational experience, nothing first hand. I've never heard of him having to deal with addiction in his own life. And I'm sorry, but that doesn't cut it for me. If you haven't been there, done that, and you think you know better than someone who has (regarding anything, not just drugs) - I think you're an arrogant fool, and I'll never take your advice on the topic seriously. Do you really think we haven't tried abstinence? I lost count long ago how many times I've tried (or I was forced) to quit cold turkey and tried to be content to stay clean. The cravings I experienced afterwards were disturbingly intense.
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ah fuck those conservative pieces of shit, they don't really believe in any of that, they don't fucking care one way or the other so long as their tar sands are putting money in the bank and so long as no one gives a shit that we/they are destroying the Earth. The conservatives just say that shit to keep their power and pull with the older generation and the other dumb shit conservatives out west, in and around, ontario and scattered throughout the rest of the country. The only reason the conservatives even get a minority government is because the liberals and NDP are so fucked in the head they can't get their shit together enough to even make someone consider voting them in over anyone else.

anyway, MMT and sub programs are all in place, medical cannabis though fucked is being fixed slowly but surely, abortion is legal, gay marriage legal, there's welfare, prostitution is quasi legal, we have our socialized medical system which sucks but is better than the US, we have OTC codeine, pharm stims everywhere, places like insite, ibogaine clinics and hardly any scheduled RCs, as well as much much more!

Canada is clearly not conservative and those assholes in power probably aren't really either, they just need to act like it so they can keep the policies going that make them shit loads of money, like copying America's prison industry explosion by being tough on crime and to keep that oil coming! I mean really, conservatives believe in minimum government, no regulations, freedom, capitalism, right to property, right to bear arms, like these guys can even call themselves real conservatives lol.
What? Why? What if you pay for it yourself?

There are only maybe 3 doctors in my whole province and only 1 that i know of anywhere in my area who have a license to prescribe methadone. The way methadone prescribing licenses are handed out is nuts hence the 3 month wait list :\

Then they wonder why there is such a rise in the use of hydromorphone and morphine 8)