addiction/pessimism vs how do you enjoy sober life?


Jan 6, 2010
ok so well all know that when you go from using a substance(s) eccessively to slowing down alot or even stopping it can be quite depressing and so can life and recently alot has gone wrong in my life so i dont have much to be happy for or enjoy compared to before and along with that im trying to fix my substance problem wich isnt good because in my oppinion a 17 year old shouldnt be trying to find a way to get fucked up almost everyday no matter what the drug almost or the risk because when i am sober i have a very hard time enjoying myself and ive already tried finding someone i care for alot to be in another relationship again but that isnt exactly going the greatest so what do you do during sober life after heavily using substance(s) for a while?
It's good that you are making efforts to improve your life. Are there any old activities that you used to enjoy that you stopped doing because of drug use? This can be a good time to being back old hobbies of anything that you were once passionate about.

If you focus on doing "inner" work and dealing with the issues underlying your drug use, the rest falls into place. It's difficult to find enjoyment in day to day life if our emotions are all over the place. Take care of yourself in whatever way you can :)
best recommendation: go to a NA meeting, and get some numbers. there are lots of sober people who will be willing to take you out, and go do sober activities. most of the time it's things you'd do while high (movies, diner, walks, etc), but it can still be enjoyable sober. fuck before i went to rehab i never thought i would laugh so much with out being high or something. but then again i was with a bunch of crazy fuckers.
I was never into getting fucked up, just altered, I never liked being too high but I still got myself in over my head with drugs.

I'm more sober now than I used to be and it's a huge adjustment and I'm prescribed plenty of meds to make the process more bearable. For me I definitely have always had a dopamine deficiency which is why i self medicated for so long with weed then alcohol then opiates and amphetamines.

I've always had things I enjoyed doing but I had trouble enjoying them when I wasn't high. Now that I'm prescribed therapeutic doses of Ritalin everyday life is much easier to regulate, I'm also on subs and kpins.

For the time being these meds allow me to focus on work and what I need to do and it helps a ton because I just couldn't focus before unless I was high on something. I would go to the bar everynight and drink too much and just not going to the bar everynight has been a big change because my social life revolved around certain bars.

It's tough, it can be lonely because you need new friends but if you're fortunate to find a job you love and other things non drug related that you enjoy it makes a big difference. I'm still adjusting, I'm a professional musician so temptation is everywhere but realizing why I was getting high has helped me just stick to my rx'd meds and focus on my job.

I don't even know that I'd call myself sober on my prescriptions but definitely more sober than before, I'm improving, it's slow going but it feels very worth it.
It's good that you are making efforts to improve your life. Are there any old activities that you used to enjoy that you stopped doing because of drug use? This can be a good time to being back old hobbies of anything that you were once passionate about.

If you focus on doing "inner" work and dealing with the issues underlying your drug use, the rest falls into place. It's difficult to find enjoyment in day to day life if our emotions are all over the place. Take care of yourself in whatever way you can :)

well the only things i can still have fun with are really expensive and i dont have the greatest income (mountain biking,downhill skiing,going to concerts) and then i also used to be passionate about playing guitar but i lost the motivation to keep practicing and everything and just lost interest in it since i started doing drugs more and the issues i cant really fix i try to be as optimistic about things as much as possible but that still isnt really enough to quit because after a while of being sober i just cant be optimistic anymore
best recommendation: go to a NA meeting, and get some numbers. there are lots of sober people who will be willing to take you out, and go do sober activities. most of the time it's things you'd do while high (movies, diner, walks, etc), but it can still be enjoyable sober. fuck before i went to rehab i never thought i would laugh so much with out being high or something. but then again i was with a bunch of crazy fuckers.

i didnt think of that im just not sure if there is a place close by enough because i dont have a car but if i can find a place where they hold them ill definatly be down to give it a try thxx
I know that AA has online meetings and I expect that NA does too.
I've found that keeping occupied really helps keep the wolves at bay. Social activities are best, especially ones where you're not dwelling on your past addiction. Yoga has done wonders for me, art classes are fun, running/biking are both very therapeutic and can be social, and even just reading is a great way to keep busy.

The more you sit in your head analyzing your life the more of it passes you by. I'm all for self-knowledge, and have spent a long time on it myself, but I've found that in general I feel better when I'm actually doing things that I enjoy rather than dwelling on the things that I used to do.
I've found that keeping occupied really helps keep the wolves at bay. Social activities are best, especially ones where you're not dwelling on your past addiction. Yoga has done wonders for me, art classes are fun, running/biking are both very therapeutic and can be social, and even just reading is a great way to keep busy.

The more you sit in your head analyzing your life the more of it passes you by. I'm all for self-knowledge, and have spent a long time on it myself, but I've found that in general I feel better when I'm actually doing things that I enjoy rather than dwelling on the things that I used to do.

i find that after a work out i am in a little bit of a better mood and i would love to read but im very picky and the only thing i really read is forums and stories of drug addiction
Don't. Read anything and everything that you can get your hands on. The more you focus on drugs and addictions, the more present it will be in your mind, and the more you'll focus on it. Vicious cycle and all that.

For some light fiction, Stephen King's The Dark Tower series is pretty absorbing, and (IMO) better-written than most of his other stuff. The Lord of the Rings is always a good bet, although it can be a bit annoying keeping the names straight if you're not a name-rememberer. Graphic lit is often a good bet too: Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi is fascinating, the Flight series edited by Kazu Kibuishi is amazing, and if you're into slightly surreal slice-of-life lit, then American Elf by James Kochalka would be good.

The thing is, if all you do is focus on how you can't do something any more (i.e. drugs) then you're going to be miserable. If you're able to focus on what you can do (i.e. everything else in life), then in time you won't miss drugs as much.
ok so well all know that when you go from using a substance(s) eccessively to slowing down alot or even stopping it can be quite depressing and so can life and recently alot has gone wrong in my life so i dont have much to be happy for or enjoy compared to before and along with that im trying to fix my substance problem wich isnt good because in my oppinion a 17 year old shouldnt be trying to find a way to get fucked up almost everyday no matter what the drug almost or the risk because when i am sober i have a very hard time enjoying myself and ive already tried finding someone i care for alot to be in another relationship again but that isnt exactly going the greatest so what do you do during sober life after heavily using substance(s) for a while?

I quit the real poison in my life (opiates) and went back into powerlifting and boxing with a desire I hadn't felt in years. If I don't keep myself going 24/7 I will fall prey to using, their is no other way around it. It's too close to me, I feel that shit in my skin, and I have to be very careful to be around the right people.

Also I am moving in a couple months - I cannot be in this area, changed my # 3 times and I still get leaks , it's at the point where I simply do not trust people near as much as I should - time for fresh start -

I recommend you also spend time hiking - getting fresh air - whatever you can do: dirtbike , hike , swim - get back in touch with nature. I'm no hippie (relax I got nothin against you guys lol) but I fully believe that getting back to the routes that the earth offers and enjoying it's natural beauty is one of the best ways to revitalize your body and mind together.
The real world doesnt revolve around drugs, real sober life has alot more genuine things to offer(Genuine in the fact they wont cost you your health/Sanity/IQ). The pessimism comes from not knowing anything else/better outside of that lifestyle. I remember feeling completely redundant and also pretty 'Braindead' from my lifestyle. The 'Health' Hobbies are always good, wise and empowering. Take this time to focus on yourself and build yourself up; Diet, Exercise, Sports(low/high level, Solitary/Competitive). Keep an open mind and whet your appetite for an Interest that Grabs your attention and also 'Improves' you in some way(Socially; Meetings?, Intellectually; Reading, School, etc , Spiritually; Music, Nature, Volunteer groups etc). The more you are looking after yourself, the more confidence and trust you'll gain in yourself, and therefore , you will be able to allow yourself to enjoy things rather than constantly seeking for something else to depend on for your happiness.
Do make concious efforts to reward yourself everytime you try something new, no-matter how small-dont ever take yourself forgranted!
I know it can be really difficult to Adjust to a different lifestyle but once you let go and Accept the reality that there are better things out there for you, than being stuck in the rut of a Substance based lifestyle, you can start to see that you will eventually have more Freedom and Scope to choose whatever works best for you, being Sober. Keep Strong, Sometimes your only starting to get to find out who you really are and what works for you, although it can be tough, look at it as a 'Rite of Passage' for yourself. Remember ,to take it easy on yourself dont beat yourself up if things dont run as smoothly or as fast as you'd wish-sometimes its experiencing how you get there, and not just getting there that matters!:)
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In the early days: Meetings, reading, video games, tv, talking to supportive friends and walks and or exercise really help. Keep yourself busy. If you are truly addicted then its going to be very difficult or impossible to "cut back". Its either all or nothing.

Time is the biggest thing though, as I gain more sober time I find myself falling into a healthy routine.
Don't. Read anything and everything that you can get your hands on. The more you focus on drugs and addictions, the more present it will be in your mind, and the more you'll focus on it. Vicious cycle and all that.

For some light fiction, Stephen King's The Dark Tower series is pretty absorbing, and (IMO) better-written than most of his other stuff. The Lord of the Rings is always a good bet, although it can be a bit annoying keeping the names straight if you're not a name-rememberer. Graphic lit is often a good bet too: Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi is fascinating, the Flight series edited by Kazu Kibuishi is amazing, and if you're into slightly surreal slice-of-life lit, then American Elf by James Kochalka would be good.

The thing is, if all you do is focus on how you can't do something any more (i.e. drugs) then you're going to be miserable. If you're able to focus on what you can do (i.e. everything else in life), then in time you won't miss drugs as much.

that sounds like good advice but it seems everything has become so boring although i may give books a try other then stories on drug addiction who knows maybe ill actually get into one
I quit the real poison in my life (opiates) and went back into powerlifting and boxing with a desire I hadn't felt in years. If I don't keep myself going 24/7 I will fall prey to using, their is no other way around it. It's too close to me, I feel that shit in my skin, and I have to be very careful to be around the right people.

Also I am moving in a couple months - I cannot be in this area, changed my # 3 times and I still get leaks , it's at the point where I simply do not trust people near as much as I should - time for fresh start -

I recommend you also spend time hiking - getting fresh air - whatever you can do: dirtbike , hike , swim - get back in touch with nature. I'm no hippie (relax I got nothin against you guys lol) but I fully believe that getting back to the routes that the earth offers and enjoying it's natural beauty is one of the best ways to revitalize your body and mind together.

well luckily my addiction isnt as bad as opiates but its getting really cold here and starting to rain alot so enjoying nature isnt exactly the easiest right now and literally every one of my friends uses some substances although they will not influence me another problem with enjoying the nature is winters coming and i dont live near any ski hills and thats the only thing i really enjoy about the winter skiing although i will be looking for indoor activities to distract myself from substance use
The real world doesnt revolve around drugs, real sober life has alot more genuine things to offer(Genuine in the fact they wont cost you your health/Sanity/IQ). The pessimism comes from not knowing anything else/better outside of that lifestyle. I remember feeling completely redundant and also pretty 'Braindead' from my lifestyle. The 'Health' Hobbies are always good, wise and empowering. Take this time to focus on yourself and build yourself up; Diet, Exercise, Sports(low/high level, Solitary/Competitive). Keep an open mind and whet your appetite for an Interest that Grabs your attention and also 'Improves' you in some way(Socially; Meetings?, Intellectually; Reading, School, etc , Spiritually; Music, Nature, Volunteer groups etc). The more you are looking after yourself, the more confidence and trust you'll gain in yourself, and therefore , you will be able to allow yourself to enjoy things rather than constantly seeking for something else to depend on for your happiness.
Do make concious efforts to reward yourself everytime you try something new, no-matter how small-dont ever take yourself forgranted!
I know it can be really difficult to Adjust to a different lifestyle but once you let go and Accept the reality that there are better things out there for you, than being stuck in the rut of a Substance based lifestyle, you can start to see that you will eventually have more Freedom and Scope to choose whatever works best for you, being Sober. Keep Strong, Sometimes your only starting to get to find out who you really are and what works for you, although it can be tough, look at it as a 'Rite of Passage' for yourself. Remember ,to take it easy on yourself dont beat yourself up if things dont run as smoothly or as fast as you'd wish-sometimes its experiencing how you get there, and not just getting there that matters!:)

now this sounds like EXACTLY what im trying to do at the moment although i have had a problem with excessive eating since cutting back but i am supposed to go to the gym tommorow and ive found that recently i really dont like who i am and i dont know if its because its really who ive become or if its just me without the substances ive also found my self a little schitzo recently and its seems like no matter how hard i try i just cant seem to get things right but i dont plan on giving up because you normally do learn something new everyday and the best way to better yourself and find out who you are is through experience and i will definatly follow this advice in my pursuit for sober happiness
In the early days: Meetings, reading, video games, tv, talking to supportive friends and walks and or exercise really help. Keep yourself busy. If you are truly addicted then its going to be very difficult or impossible to "cut back". Its either all or nothing.

Time is the biggest thing though, as I gain more sober time I find myself falling into a healthy routine.

the thing is im not addicted to one substance alone im just addicted to geting fucked up off whatever i can although the dominant of all the things ive been getting fucked up off of is alcohol and i dont have access to much of the activites u suggested since im living at my dads for a little wich sucks but i do have a few supportive friends and i can still exercise and talk to people wich are 2 things i plan to do and ill see if the school library has any good books that i might like
just because yur not addicted to one substance doesn't mean yur not an addict. go to na meetings and meet sober people to which you can do sober activities with other sober people. it's almost that simple