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I do not think any amount of information and warning can prevent someone who is genetically predisposed to becoming an abuser of drugs and/or alcohol.
If you're reading this, though, and think it can't happen to you -- at least in regards to opiates -- I would think again. Like many have already said, once a month quickly turns into once a week and once a week quickly turns into you convincing yourself to smash your fucking finger in with a hammer because the payout will be worth it.

Fail to respect your addiction (opiates ESPECIALLY), and it's going to rip EVERYTHING meaningful away from you and beat your fucking ass down to your knees. Without you even realizing it.

If you're going to continue on using opiates though, and I'm pretty sure you most certainly will, at the very LEAST, just be aware of your addiction. In the hopes that you can recognize it before that shit gets TOO dire.

Good luck and be safe!

The Universe applauds your words of wisdom. Well written - honest to the very core - but wrapped in a layer of self-forgiveness too.

Thanks for sharing your insights in this thread.

Methadone doesn't really have a recreational value when you're on a maintenance program. I think if you're unable to fight addiction alone you should seek some form of professional help. It really sounds like you're just trying to substitute one drug for another though.
if your dose before m.m.t. isnt too high, methadone will make you feel high for the first month or two. then your body will adjust and you wont be able to get high on it
Anyone have advice on quiting benzos? I basically quit opiates and replaced them with benzos. I've quit suboxone and opiates over and over cold turkey. But quiting this or tapering just gives me seizures. So I have no idea what to do, except find a Dr. that will prescribe more.

I think I would rather go through a detox and get switched onto valium. I wouldn't have a problem with that. What would happen if I checked into a treatment center? I couldn't imagine. I really need help though.. If I could change this into a hardcore opiate habbit and have to quit that I would be in heaven, that would be a walk in the park (not that, that's easy) but benzo's are seriously not possible...

I also have anxiety so dont want to quit completely. I just think my usage and retarded Dr.'s has become out of control. And i've been scared for quite some time.

Hi Hydrochron,

I have some seriously good advice on quitting Benzos.

About 25 years ago, while living in Holland, myself and my partner (at the time) met up with a Dutch woman who was deeply addicted to Valium. She used to take 10mg 3 times a day (or so she said), but she always had extras, and was liberal in sharing them. Normally I find Benzo's are not really much of a recreational drug, but are more perfect for things like coming of the end of an Acid trip, or to balance speed if it gets too fast - or to help me sleep when my mind won't be quiet. Valium is the only Benzo that I have taken a fair bit in a purely recreational sense. I think it is because Valium is so physical, and you can feel that wave of relaxation just flowing through you. I also just liked the actual high - and again - most Benzos don't make me feel 'high' as such.

I found that my relationship with Benzos was never really an 'addictive' relationship - and I took them on and off for over a decade without really feeling dependent on them.
However, when my second marriage ended about 8 or 9 years ago, I ended up taking first Ativan (lorazepam) and then Clonazepam for a total of about seven years without a break.

The Dutch woman who was addicted to the Valium (Diazepam) told us that she was completely unable to quit taking the Valium. She told me that the withdrawal from Valium is much, much, MUCH worse than from Heroin, and that it could last up to *three months!!!!* She never fully described how the withdrawal made her feel, but when we tried to be good Samaritans and offered to babysit her through her withdrawal, we got a taste of the madness after only 30 hours.

Here's the thing about quitting Benzo's Cold Turkey.

D O N T !!!!!

NOT EVER!!!!!!

Putting aside the fact that unlike Narcotic withdrawal, Benzo withdrawal *can* kill you. you have to understand that the withdrawal is *unbearable* - and dangerous for your mind as well as your body. If you have been on Benzos for over a year or two you need to be even more careful.

In my case, I was on a fairly low dose of Clonazepam just before I quit. I think was only taking about 2mg per day - but I could be wrong. The actual "withdrawal"part lasted about 3 weeks for me, plus another three, just to absorb the shock of what I had done. I had no support at all, and no-one even knew that I was quitting.

If you put aside the puking and crying and screaming and suicidal thoughts, you come to the *bad* part. Thank god I found a website with some information - it was *dedicated* to Benzo withdrawal - and as I read it I cried even harder - but this time with some relief. In every story I read by those who had done it, there is a predominant theme. And that is, that somewhere between 3 and 7 days, you go mad.

And I really mean that - mad - even by my own standards. I have taken so many different weird and wonderful drugs in my life - I've lost my mind an many occasions - but nothing had prepared me for this (Actually, there was one thing - Artane - I posted a story on it last year - but even then - Artane only lasted one day).

There were severe visual and auditory hallucinatons - I was interacting with people who were not there, seeing all sort of being creeping around my house, and so on. And on top of it all - the *feeling* - I could not stand being in my body. It was absolute and utter hell. I was a fool to try it - despite my success.

So here's my two cents worth. If you have a doctor who is smart, he/she will likely offer the same advice, and will help you wean off *very* slowly. There s a lot of information online, with tables and guides to tell you how to taper the dose - and if you have been on Benzos solidly for at least a year, then you should take a minimum of 3 months to taper off (depending on how high your dose was). It is not unrealistic for a person who has been on a high dose for more than 5 years, to take 18 to 24 months to withdraw.

But hey, Hydrochron - you really have nothing to worry about regarding the withdrawal if you taper down slowly.


P.S. And of course we all know how easy it is to taper off the things that we are addicted to....
I was shootin dope for years, got on Methadone 115mgs per day at a clinic for 4 1/2 years
I'm 24 yrs old. I overdosed on New Years and almost died... was in ICU for 2 days.

I ended up going into an In-Patient Treatment center for 28 days and got re-introduced to NA.

It took me close to 1 month to get through the Methadone withdrawals... that shit lasts for EVER... It took me 1 1/2 months to start shitting right... Now I'm 60 days clean and I'm happier than ever. I never thought I'd get rid of the ball-and-chain but if somebody like me can do it... then all of you can. You just have to want it. If your not ready to give up opiates then you wont be able to stay clean.
I'll tell you though... its a complete lifestyle change... a lot of its uncomfortable and it will be for a while, but each day is getting better, I'm making sober friends... good stuff.

that makes me super excited. im going to Nova in Oshkosh on Tuesday the 6th. im 2 days clean and hating every second. i keep battling with my mind. one half says "Celeste, go figure something out for money and get me high...the other says, chill" it sucks and im hating how i feel. i just want to feel normal!!!!!
Been reading so many words of some sort of understanding that is being addicted. Encouragement, advice, as it is, here i am, what next? Myself litterally started my methadone script yesterday, been addicted to Alcohol since a wee bairn and now knackered with the opiates. Methadone!!!! I'm so toying with the idea of scoring a load of valium today to detox from the heroin and not get hooked on the methadone before it's too late. That's my big worry now.

Can i detox from opiates with valium before i get hooked on methadone?
Can i detox from opiates with valium before i get hooked on methadone?

Yes you can but if you are scripted methadone I would ask them to do a rapid detox for you. That way it will be much easier, say over one or two weeks.
Help off H

21 yr old , has been doing down since he was 19 . Daily dosage: .1p -1/2g smoked or insufflated consistantly every day. Some days or for weeks at a time has been using other substances to enhance effects and lower tolerance, these include diphenhydramine, clonazepam, alcohol, gabapentin, dxm, ms contin, lorazepam, t3w/c, pregabalin and kratom. he has also smoked cigarettes (1 pack a day) and marajuana (1j - 1/4oz per day) since the age of 17. Now I am interested in the best way of going about detoxing this fellow. He has extreme motovation to avoid methadone maintainence or suboxtone programs due to cost issues and the fact his habit will be exposed. Any comments or help is greatly appreciated.

One question i need and anwser to is
which drugs should be stopped first and which can be stopped cold turkey without going through hell? (cigarettes & marajuana included)

ty n pce out

Hey I am new to this but I really need some advice what to do.
My name is Lori and I have been using herione for the last year and a half straight. I havent went without it at all.. Until today. I am really sick and I needed to know what I can do to feel better. Please anyone help me.
-> Addicted and need help?

Dazed and Confused - I used cocaine a while back to help me feel better from heroin WD's. It worked and I didn't use too much cocaine either.

However, it's better if you get on ORT. It really will be. Some people would say "yes stimulants make it worse", others won't. Suboxone or methadone is the best way you have to recover.
If i did coke while I was sick would that make things worse?
probably. your body is in an anxious accelerated hypertensive state during withdrawal. any stimulants should increase all these negatives. however, if you love the psychological environment of stimulants, that could obviously overcome the physical symptoms for you

it's rather unhealthy for your circulatory system at the least, also maybe exacerbating any risk of psychosis or other psych problems from eg staying awake too much / being too stimulated all the time
IME when I'm dopesick using coke makes the sickness worse. It just makes me want to get well 100 times more than I did before I used the coke/crack (mostly crack). I'd stay away from it (cocaine) until you aren't dopesick. Just my recommendation...
ugggghhhhh i still fucking cringe when i think of using coke when i was dope sick, i wanted to fucking die . and when i had dope and coke i would end up doing all my dope up i could never even save a morning wakeup , loved the feeling of speedball but the consequences were to much for me
quasi... that 1 week guideline thing your talking about... at some point it will go out the window, everyone makes rules for themselves, i wont dose more than one time a day, i wont dose more than once or twice a week, etc, and eventually, if they keep using, they will start slightly breaking their rules, and then eventually they will totally go out the window
Detoxing...any suggestions

Right now im going through a transition of detoxing...does anyone have any suggestions without the use of more pills?