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adderall (xr) and alcohol


Dec 1, 2010
Really looked for a definitive answer but found none.(I know its user dependant) how do adderall and alcohol go togehter? I'm just looking for that social buzz aspect and I wondered if other users had any experience. I am rx'd 30xr once a day and I enjoy my wine. anyone have any input as to whether there is any sense of euphoria?
While I personally think this question is bordering on the "how can I get high?" line, but there is a certain level of HR in this. Make sure to check out this thread and this thread, they deal with similar questions.

As far as how they go together, the euphoria is, as you already said, very user-dependent. If you're taking 30mg daily you've probably got some sort of tolerance and that has to be taken into consideration.

The main dangers when it comes to mixing amphetamines and alcohol are dehydration and the stimulant effects of the amphetamines counter-acting the alcohol's depressant nature and vise-versa. This means that people tend to drink more than they usually do because the Adderall is keeping them awake or take more Adderall because the alcohol is dulling the stimulant's effects.

It is well-known that alcohol causes dehydration and this is one of the main reasons for hangovers. Amphetamines cause dehydration as well, and combining this with alcohol means a very very mean hangover the next day. It is good to make sure you're drinking enough water and consuming at least a multivitamin after your night out to help your body start the recovery.

I used to do this combination pretty much every time I drank (except with Dexedrine instead of Adderall) and I made it a point to take a multivitamin before and after partying. I also noticed that drinking two or three big glasses of water before going to bed helped a lot.

If you are able to moderate your intake of both substances with this mixture, it can indeed be vary social and euphoric. Just be careful when mixing the two and take harm-mitigation steps such as the those I listed above.
^ No better way to say it then that. I personally love this combo. Im a light weight when it comes to drinking. On top of that im that guy that throws up A LOT!! lol. but if i take some addy its totally different game:) Just dont over do it to fast and dont get so drunk that dont remember you took the addy and get alcohol poisioning. It happens. DRINK WATER BEFORE!! DURING! AND AFTER!!!
adderall xr is rather shitty, i was on it and got up to 60mg. really a terrible drug. im sure you can get some euphoria out of it if you take a dose like that if youre not tolerant to it, and bring alcohol into the mix. i would have to take like 100+ then i would have a good synergism with the drug i experiment with while on it. drinking a fair amount of alcohol will do, and personally my thing would be to smoke some ganga while on it. it can definitely make you feel good.
I am really not trying to be a bitch. All I wanted was users experiences. Whether you think I'm trying to get high or not is your opinione I just want to know how other people feel when on this combo. I know that the mix isn't the best choice but I'm sure that people have done it and I wanted their feedback. What's wrong with a little high?
I am really not trying to be a bitch. All I wanted was users experiences. Whether you think I'm trying to get high or not is your opinione I just want to know how other people feel when on this combo. I know that the mix isn't the best choice but I'm sure that people have done it and I wanted their feedback. What's wrong with a little high?

Well you sure came off as one. All three people gave you their experiences on mixing the two. This is a harm reduction site, learn it's ways.
Wow. Holy cow. I am so sorry to all of you. I was just curious. Man I have been put in my place now. I feel like a jackass.
^These users did share their experiences with you, I shared mine as well. More reports will come in due time, don't worry. :)

I also recommend checking out the Erowid Experiences Vault - Alcohol combined with Amphetamines Page for some other experiences.

This is a harm reduction site which is why I informed you of the risks, and its why other users mentioned the risks as well. That's why Bluelight exists. I know you're going to do this mixture either way and it is quite a recreational one so nobody's blaming you for wanting to do it. In fact, I'm happy that you took the time to ask what the risks are, but be aware that not everybody will have the same opinions on it that you do.

We are a harm reduction forum first, after all. No hard feelings. We can all play nicely.
Hanks to all for your replies. I guess I was a bitch at least one person confirmed this although I was being facitious.(Sp) I guess I should have worded my question better. Since I am prescribed adderall xr anyway I was more so wondering if alcohol offered a bonus . Not necessarily looking to get high just thought that since I drink anyway I was wondering if it would fell ok. Like I said. Sort of icing on the cake. I know this is about harm reduction but I thought that this question wasn't so awful considering the subject matter of other questions regarding hard drugs and other medications. Like I said I don't mean to be a bitch or an A-hole I just wanted to ask since this is the only board that seems to offer straight answers.
^Its okay, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

We know that people are going to mix substances no matter what, its natural to want to try combinations. We're here to make sure you're aware of any risks the combination may cause. :)
I've had 70mg addy xr and a 4loko and I had a kinda fun night.. Not the most exciting combo tho..
Depending on if it was the old version of Four Loko that had caffeine in it or the newer version that's just alcohol, it could have been pretty dangerous.

Caffeine + Alcohol + Amphetamines = worse hangover and worse choices than just Alcohol + Amphetamines. I've known a lot of people to do this combo (think Vodka Red Bulls and Dexedrine) and they drank a lot more than they usually do and felt a lot worse the next day.
Amphetamines like Adderall XR just allow me to stay up and drink more than I usually can. I have used this combo at drinking parties on a fair amount of occasions and the Adderall XR came in handy as without it I'm usually one of the first to pass out and wound up wearing a dress with make-up all over my face once. With it, I'm the last one to fall asleep and "become" the person who puts make-up on the people who pass out early. I got my revenge last time. Tossed an entire economy size bag of baking powder on the person who put make-up on me. You should have seen the guy, ruined his clothes to. That's what amphetamines allow you to do.
Amphetamines like Adderall XR just allow me to stay up and drink more than I usually can. I have used this combo at drinking parties on a fair amount of occasions and the Adderall XR came in handy as without it I'm usually one of the first to pass out and wound up wearing a dress with make-up all over my face once. With it, I'm the last one to fall asleep and "become" the person who puts make-up on the people who pass out early. I got my revenge last time. Tossed an entire economy size bag of baking powder on the person who put make-up on me. You should have seen the guy, ruined his clothes to. That's what amphetamines allow you to do.

Indeed they do. The main danger of this mixture is, again, blacking out and making bad choices because the amphetamines allowed you to drink more than you normally could. That, and dehydration and the following hangover. Of course, if moderation is observed, it is a good party combination and is relatively safe.
anyome takimg adderall xr and plans or does drink should read this in my opinion! I used to have a pretty high tolerance for alcohol, could really hold me liquor. Close to half a handle a day, which for a 19 year old is kind of rediculous, i know. But i had been perscribed adderall xr 60 mg a day, which is a high dosage. But during that time period that my tolerence got that high, i stopped taking it on my own. Now that i am taking it again i find that when i drink i no lomger have a high tolerance. I also no longer know when to stop drinking. Thus i always end up drinking way too much and most times black out ( as in not rembering what happened at all, which i never used to do no matter how much i drank. I can drink half of what i used to while on xr amd still black out or vomit. i must say after doing it so many times, it is not worth it. i strongly suggest drinking very little while taking this medication, i made the WORST mistakes while mixing them. I just hope this will help someone else from making the same mistakes
Taking adderall while drinking always made my tolerance to alcohol go up. I'd drink a ton, wake up feeling shitty and then pop another addy. It always made me feel better. Like some of the others said, make sure you stayed hydrated.
Really looked for a definitive answer but found none.(I know its user dependant) how do adderall and alcohol go togehter? I'm just looking for that social buzz aspect and I wondered if other users had any experience. I am rx'd 30xr once a day and I enjoy my wine. anyone have any input as to whether there is any sense of euphoria?


I'm one who's walked a few hundred miles in your shoes, thus I think I can give you the relevant answer you need.
To answer your question simply, adderall xr (and instant) and alcohol are not a good combination. Regardless of your body chemistry.
It will most definitely discombobulate any desired effect you expect from either supplement giving you the worst of both worlds, and mercilessly mind f*ck your emotional state.

That being said, it really depends on the scenario you're in. Wether to judge it as a good or bad thing.

Personal examples,

While on alcohol by myself, I might occasionally think about my ex and the good times we had. (I do NOT want talk to her)
While on alcohol and adderall I wrote a 15 page letter, mailed it to her house, then also proceeded to dig thru any pictures we had, and paid walmart photo services
to mail the print to her house. With express shipping. Never would even fathom such a thing in my right mind; yet alone to her. last letter I wrote was in grade school.

However, if I was writing to a girlfriend, or a potential spouse, it would be a good thing.
In short, I became really impulsive. The first thought, emotion, was acted on with the utmost diligence. Which is not my personality type.

As for the adderall effect, you can throw your focus out the window. That 4 page essay I could type up with no sweat, is not happening.
Focused and alert yes, but it was focusing on the emotional state of mind alcohol causes, and alert enough to carry out what made sense at the time.
At the end of the day, its not a good feeling. There is a 30 minute window when they synergize and I felt like my ultimate self, but that only happened once, and never again.

I recommend just drinking, if your going to drink. You'll get a better buzz, it doesn't last 8 hours and stays in your system a month, and you can better control
the "turn-up" level you want. I love me some seasoned steak, and I love fresh strawberry cheesesteak. But I wouldn't eat both in the same mouthful. Aces in their places.