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Stimulants Adderall with alcohol or adderall with xanax?


Dec 13, 2014
I'd like to take 40mg of adderall ir with no tolerance. This would get me decently energetic and euphoric. However, I'd like to add a small amount of a depressant in order to take the edge off of the experience and increase euphoria. Would you suggest having a few drinks during it (maintaining a BAC of about .06-.08 throughout the duration) or taking 1-2mg of alprazolam? I'm aware that using xanax instead of alcohol would probably be healthier on my liver and body overall, but I assume that using alcohol instead will create a more euphoric experience? Am I correct or will the xanax be about equally as enjoyable?
Have you taken 40mg alone?
I'd rather try xanax. Officially you should not drink when you take amphetamines.

But does this basically mean that if you want to get euphoria from stimulants you have to take doses which are so high that you automatically also get side effects which you have to counter?
Alcohol should generally be avoided when possible. It will exacerbate the side-effects of stimulant use exponentially. Combining the two will in-effect make it impossible for you to hydrate yourself.

Benzodiazepines are a much safer and healthier choice.
I definitely get euphoria from stimulants like molly and coke. However, amphetamine tends to be a less relaxed euphoria; I'm more likely to get nervous/apprehensive/anxious thoughts sporadically throughout my good time, which is annoying. Adding a low dose of a depressant allows me to relax and enjoy the experience without as much worries. Btw, I'd like to use amphetamine because it's much less expensive than coke and I don't use molly more than once every month or two just as a general rule (to avoid bad comedowns, emotional changes, loss of magic, etc).
Cocaine is pointless these days...

If you have self-control, benzodiazepines and amphetamines are the perfect couplet. Good for both the comedown phase and in reducing tics and tremors when you're high.
Do you use medical amphetamines?
Where I live medical d-amph is insanely expensive. There's only 1 company which produces it and they can charge whatever they want.
For 100mg d-amph I have to pay ~ 35$. This is crazy.
I never do meth or adderall unless I have my benzos... Great combo, it takes away all the negative side effects and keeps u from getting the "twacked out and paranoid" feeling.

I guess alcohol is cool if you're partying, if u have nothing to do the next day... because you're going to feel like total shit.
Personally, I don't do amphetamines unless I have some benzos on hand, especially for the comedown. For the sake of harm reduction I'd say to keep your dosing as small as possible until you know how the combo affects you. Do you know if you can handle 40mg ir by itself, having said you have no tolerance in the first place?

The combo can be a perfect mixture, you just have to make to find the proper balance that's right for you. Usually, that involves taking less than you'd normally of both.

As for alcohol and amphetamine - you'll get drunk really fast. But, overall, it's more dangerous than it is fun, as you're forcing the liver into overtime. Not that benzos and amphs are "safe"; I'm sure you're aware of the effect a stimulant and depressant combination has on the heart. Which is why for safety purposes it's usually advised to wait until the comedown before taking depressants. But, I won't be a hypocrite; stick with the benzo idea, just don't rush into too heavy a dose.
I said previously that I have no tolerance but that may not be true, I use 20mg adderall xr about every week or two for studying purposes. However, at that dose, I know that I would definitely want to consume more for recreational purpose. I've used 20mg ir too and I'm relatively certain that I'd be fine with another 20.
Also, I'm pretty sure that stimulant-depressant combos aren't dangerous inheritantly, it's the fact that people often consume too many downers while on stimulants because the stimulants make them feel sober and then when the stimulant wears off they're CNS is dangerously depressed. Also, I know that doctors often prescribe amphetamines and benzos together (for example someone who may have add and anxiety)
I'm not aware what the price is through prescription, but it's generic amphetamine salts so probably not very much. However, street price is anywhere from like 3-10 dollars for a 20mg adderall, so yours doesn't sound too expensive if you only use occasionally; but if you take it everyday, then that blows.
Alcohol and opiates, benzos and opiates, or any combo of that sort is the most dangerous for sure. Stops u from breathing...

Stimulants and depressants together are overrated as being dangerous. The whole "pulling the heart two different ways" thing is more of an old myth.
Yeah, like I said, it can be a great combo. Admittedly, I do it far too often. The adverse health effects on the heart are usually exaggerated, although I wouldn't necessarily call it a myth. The combos you mentioned are definitely much worse.

Honestly, I just didn't want my first post back on this harm reduction forum to be advocating something potentially dangerous. Hence, the overcautious comment.
I personally enjoy a small quantity of benzo's whilst on stims, to take the edge off.

Perhaps a milligram would be a nice dose.

Alcohol tends to make one nauseous, IME.
Alcohol goes much better with cocaine.

As far as with meth or adderall... mehh.
yeah i was thinking a miligram every 2 to 3 hours. Then maybe 2mg when it's over and i decide i wanna sleep.
Don't combine anything with the Adderall/Dexedrine. It's fine on its own without adding downers like alcohol and benzos to it.

When I was prescribed adderall/Dexedrine I didn't even smoke herb while on them.

If you have no tolerance to the Adderall/dexedrine take only 5-10mg at first, or 15mg at the most orally.
Lol obviously it's fine without them; but i'm not trying to feel just fine, I'm trying to feel really good.
Back when I was into using this combo - I perfected the ratio. It's 30 mg ir d-amp tabs taken with 0.5 mg xanax (alprazolam). This combo taken first time in the day will have you feel great for approx 4 hours. Onset of xanax - amp special synergy at 45-50 mins no later. Peak at 60-75 mins. Plateau at 75 - 150 mins comedown (feeling weary) begins at 180 - 240 mins. One sure sign your use of amphetamine is beyond honeymoon feel good phase is when comedown starts at 4 hours, then 3 h 45 mins. Then 3 1/2 hours. Any earlier than 3.5 h give it a rest it's going to wear you down n it's a waste of brain.

Being a lot wiser now, I wouldn't fuck with xanax because it's a deceptive nasty little drug that can turn you into polydrug user faster than you think. Always useful to have benzos with any sort of stim if things get out of hand. Clonazepam or klonopin is much better in terms of harm reduction. Avoid alcohol.

I still use d-amp from time to time but I don't EVER use it concomitantly with stimulants. What this means (feeling need to take benzo same time or soon after) is dose is too high, or redose one too many times, or you're taking too frequently. If absolute must, take clonazepam AFTER harsh comedown has begun in minimum effective dose.

POINT: avoid concomitant use more than infrequently. Benzos cloud the fuck out of ur judgment and memory formation and this effect is much worse with xamax compared to kpin.

A lot of times higher dose amp will give anxiety because it's a protection mechanism. Xanax will turn off ocd bad thoughts, but it will totally blind you to your insidious progressive deterioration. This is why benzo use is I'll advised. Benzo equals physically addictive. Anything physically addictive has potential to make you shake and shiver if you don't have it, sorry fuck that it's not worth it. I can take mentally feeling bad but it's mostly in ur head. Physical means objective reality. Means concrete problems for a fact.
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