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Adderall Shortage - is this happening anywhere else?

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TL;DR in response to another extremely long post-

One interesting point- as much as I see your point and I am positive that the reformulation of pills will lead to harder drug use (I should know, i was one of those 20something year olds that switched from OC80s to dope when the formulation changed), and I really hate that they did that, but just for the sake of discussion maybe the gov't knew that that was gonna happen but they were thinking long term... they're not completely retarded I'm sure they put just a little thought into it before making the decision. I have been thinking of this recently.

Now yes we all know the gov't and lawmakers are some ignorant stupid assholes, but realistically if you make the pills non-abuseable that may deter people from getting into it in the future. Sure, you have just ruined the lives of everyone that used to just fuck around with pills and now they're on heroin (or meth like this adderall reformulation thing suggests), but I know that heroin was never the slightest of thoughts in my mind until I got heavy into pills and then they got harder to get, I started getting interested in dope before the switch actually happened but I was already an addict. And sure I used Opana a little after trying dope and before they reformulated those too, but honestly there was definitely some of a "gateway drug" effect if you will. The first time I ever snorted a tylox capsule and instantly fell in love back when I was like 15, I never thought in a million years that one day it would lead to me vomiting and shitting at the same time while I sweat through my shirt and shook because I didn't have enough money for heroin... Like I said before, I don't think that what they did was a good idea, but maybe if all of those OC pills weren't around I may not have become such a drug addict because what type of pot smoking teenager just decides they're gonna go try some heroin one day? I'm sure there are a few but you get my point. They did what they had to do to stop it from going on any longer than it did. There is a problem now, and the reformulation of pharmaceutical pills definitely fucked some people over in the process, but after this current wave of junkies blows over maybe there won't be such a big problem in the future... Once again, I'm not saying I agree with it, but I totally see the rationale behind it. Until they just get around to waking up and regulating and decriminalizing drugs, this was really one of the only ways to put a stop to it. I know so many people that are like "wtf, didn't the government know they were just gonna create bigger addictions by doing this?" and I was definitely one of those people for a while, but since I have thought about it for a while I do kind of understand a little bit. Sucks but it's the truth of the matter.

Just had to play devil's advocate for a little bit, don't hate me for it. I just wanted to bring the other side into light for the sake of discussion to see what others think about it and if anyone even saw that side of the picture... I know I didn't for a while and once I did it was a big "oh, I get it" sort of moment

And as far as this adderall/ amp pill reformulation discussion, this is the first I'm hearing of it. Is this something they're really doing or just a theory?
A friend who has used the medication for over ten years told me of it. She isn't one to gossip and isn't one to be speculating when it comes to her meds (bi-polar, manic depressive, etc.) I am checking into it myself and see some articles that suggest talks of it but nothing specific.

Back to what you were saying tho I agree, it could prevent further waves from this happening to them, but 10-20 years ago, OC wasn't a big problem and heroin still was. I agree with what you are saying absoultely, it prevents future abuse but it sure puts those that used to mess with it and got hooked in a really bad spot, some worse than others... but i guess we all walk our own path for a reason, part of the journey of life. To me it's all the same, no matter what opiate it is, but now it just seems that H is the easiest to get even if you are new to a town. Ask a person if they can find you any oxys or opanas or percs and most would be like, "huh??" ask if they can find you blows and they will be like " oh sure, go to here or I got a guy..."

and that in itself Reckless is a tragedy.. esp with technology today and youtube and the ever popular forums like TOPIX, you can post a simple question like "how do I find this drug in this city" and you'll get a ton of replies. i imagine 15 years ago it wasn't that easy.
I got my script filled yesterday and they had to give me two different generics since they didn't have the full 60 of either one, but it was probably due to back to school demand. Not a problem, except they put it in two different bottles, both of which say the manufacturer and imprint of one of the generics, so it seems like half of them aren't mine. Like if a cop stopped me and checked out the pills and then looked at the bottle I would probably get arrested, although it would get sorted out later on, but after time and money. I might seem paranoid but I got caught/arrested with 7.5mg vicodin in the 5mg vicodin bottle, so they definitely look into that shit around here.
One thing that I haven't seen much mention of is pricing: before, during, and (at least so far) after this enigmatic "shortage".

I was paying ~$35 USD out-of-pocket for generic IR Adderall (20mg / qty.90 per month). Then the prices spiked by nearly a factor of 7.

Anecdotal example: after great effort, I was occasionally able to fill a few scripts for somewhere north of $220, IIRC--and these were also generics. During that time, it could take me between 7-10 days and 18 calls among 12 different pharmacies to maybe get lucky and fill a script (most won't do partial fills here--and those that did required a new script be written, which added more overhead to an already ridiculous process IMO). Those lucky scores usually required a 3 hour round trip. And lucky only if I were able to get there in time to fill, as there were no guarantees they'd still be available when I'd arrive.

Titration and cessation didn't go very well, and I've since returned to my previous regimen. But I've noticed that while the prices have come down somewhat, they are nowhere near what they once were. It reminds me of the supposed "fuel crisis" in some respects. Prices rose very high, very quickly. Incidentally (?) very effective in mitigating peoples' abilities to plan and prepare. Not really claiming conspiracy, as I don't think one is even required in today's socioeconomic systems. Basically, when people are dependent upon something, they'll pay almost anything to acquire it. And continue to do so long after the shock politic du jour has subsided.

For a few months now, I've been paying between $125-$175 to fill those same scripts. Maybe the prices will continue to drop, but I'm doubtful. The better news is that they've been available in my town again, and at least as of last month, I was even able to fill all my scripts at a single pharmacy.
October Moon- there's a good reason you haven't seen much discussion about the price... It's against the rules. There is no price discussion allowed, even if it's about legal prescriptions that you buy at the pharmacy. That's one of the biggest and most enforced rules on this site, it's even one of the three posted in huge blue letters in the banner at the top of the forum, and we made sure it's the biggest thing on the page and located front and center so nobody would miss it...

Nothing personal, you're not in trouble or anything but please be just mindful of the rules going forward, no big deal. You may want to take a quick look through the BLUA (bluelight user agreement) and the NASADD forum guidelines to re-familiarize yourself with the way we do things around here to prevent things like this in the future. Links to both can be found in my signature. Thanks
This is a pretty old thread about a pretty old topic. Afaik, there isn't a shortage anymore. I haven't heard about it in quite some time and it seems to be everywhere. I think that it was just a hiccup in the system and is no longer an issue.

Even if there were still a shortage, having this weird old thread about it doesn't really change much now does it? If a crazy new law or DEA restriction or something of that nature were to come about and cause another shortage that would be worthy of a new thread and discussion about the topic, but to me it seems this thread is pretty useless at this point and I'm going to close it.

If there are good reasons to keep it open, feel free to PM me and enlighten me and we'll discuss re-opening it. Until then, CLOSED.
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