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adderall, is it worth snorting?


Mar 3, 2010
I don't care for duration of the drug, i like the taste and it gives me a rush that i dont get from eating them so what is your opinion; snort it, or pop it?
If you really want the most out of it, I would plug it. There should be a rush if you plug it up your arse. I know it sounds kinda funny but it's just another method of administration.
If you really want the most out of it, I would plug it. There should be a rush if you plug it up your arse. I know it sounds kinda funny but it's just another method of administration.

Plugging rocks! I don't find it funny... I just find it fun.
Back in high school me and my friends used to call adderall "diet coke." so yeah you can definitely sniff it. I've never plugged anything before but people are saying thats also a good way to go.
I'm not saying plugging isn't a good way to do them, but IMO anyone who thinks you're gonna get a rush anyway except IV has never really experienced a rush. Since that is kinda impractical for adderall I snort them unless I'm doing more than my nostrils can handle. Then I eat them. The bioavalibilty is pretty good by any route.

Well, smoking crack is a rush, but that isn't relavent to this thread.
I plug when the supply is running low to maximize my absorption and push it as far as it will go. I actually started my heroin career plugging after I found it hit me much better and quicker then snorting. I eventually moved on to the IV route but that's another thread.
before school in hs it would always be pop one 20mg and sniff two, and you're set for a fantastic day, and snorting adderal just in general is fun
I've done it many times, but mostly just for the social ritual involved with doing it at school and at parties. You get a faster onset which is cool, and the first few times you do it you sort of feel like Tony Montana which adds a little excitement to the experience. In my opinion its just too much powder too little active ingredient. Not as bad as say snorting a percocet 5/500 but hey. I've said it before just swallow the scripted amphetamines, they're best that way.
I've done it many times, but mostly just for the social ritual involved with doing it at school and at parties. You get a faster onset which is cool, and the first few times you do it you sort of feel like Tony Montana which adds a little excitement to the experience. In my opinion its just too much powder too little active ingredient. Not as bad as say snorting a percocet 5/500 but hey. I've said it before just swallow the scripted amphetamines, they're best that way.

LOL @ Tony Montana...
How many mgs are the Adderall you're wanting to snort and how big are the pills?

If the active ingredient makes up a tiny portion of the overall weight of the pill (binders etc) then imo it's not worth it at all, too much powder containing very little amphetamine. If this is the case, do your nose a favour and just swallow them.

If you're seeking a better ROA, try plugging them in a liquid solution. I went through a phase with my dexies (d-amp) of using this ROA with good results. But after a while, I came to the conclusion that just swallowing them was overall and in the long-run the best ROA for amphetamine meds.
I ALWAYS swallow them. I find snorting them to be a total waste of time & effort, & if anything I find that they're MORE effective swallowed.
Oral is the way to go, snorting leaves you feeling coked out, feigning and anti social
i have 10mg IR's...they are huge for just being 10mg..i wouldn't sniff em. maybe if i had 30mg that were the same size
99% of the time any adderall I have gets plugged. Plugged adderall feels the best, has an easy come down, doesn't hurt or damage your nose/veins, has a much better BA then oral or snorted, and is just generally the best way to do adderall in my opinion. 7-15 mg rectally should be a good tweak for someone with a fairly low tolerance tolerance. Snorting adderall sucks and oral adderall is wasteful and also much less enjoyable then the other ROAs.
if i had the 30mg IR i would sniff, as long as they weren't any bigger in size
lol snorting adderall - lame + blue nose hahah

just eat them, works like a charm. better high and it lasts longer. I do amphetamines all the time, trust me
We only get 5mg d-amphetamine IR tablets in Australia as far as amphetamine meds go. And I think the tablets weigh 100-200mg but only contain 5mg d-amp. So when the powder you're snorting is ~3-5% purity, it's just not worth it.

It does work, not denying that. Faster onset, increased BA and effects initially, then wears off fast, leaving you feeling rather shit.