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Stimulants Adderall IR

Fuck you, you drunk piece of shit.

I suppose in comparison I seem like the "drunk piece of shit" as opposed to you.

I said don't be lazy. I didn't say anything too offensive.

Do at least 5 minutes of research before you ask stupid questions AND THEN get butthurt over the answers. Do what you want I suppose. Is that what you want to hear?
I apologize theundecided, somewhat, I just noticed you're not the one who told just told me to fuck off.

I only assumed because I was answering you... I don't have a fucking clue what your post was about and/or trying to prove Snazzy, but clearly you're just misunderstood and definitely not simply unintelligible...
I apologize theundecided, somewhat, I just noticed you're not the one who told just told me to fuck off.

I only assumed because I was answering you... I don't have a fucking clue what your post was about and/or trying to prove Snazzy, but clearly you're just misunderstood and definitely not simply unintelligible...

I would not tell you to fuck off. Especially since you just provides insight.

One last question before he doses. Since he has decided on taking 60 mg XR, is crushing still necessary or can it be taken as is since 60 mf is starting to get a bit high?
My friend ended up taking 60 mgs XR just as is.
He definitely felt this time. In fact he stayed up until 5 am the next day when he took it around 12 pm the day before.
60 mg might have been a maybe little too much or I just need to tae it earlier and I think the XR was what he was looking for. In his opinion, XR>IR
Ok the 30 minute amphetamine buzz is a first . Even Iv'ing I've never confirmed that short of a buzz . If you don't have add it's different on you than what it's meant for but as a study aid for 1 ide go with adderall xr . If you just use ir okay. 2 you really don't want to use a big enough dose to give you a tweak or rush buzz . It increases your focus to a point untill you are focused on what you don't need to be. Ir is good for single studies just not all nighters. If you do enough that you get a social enjoyment , euphoria , or you can't focus on just one subject or thing , you did too much to help study . Taking you use ir and have low tolerance ide do a ten maybe 15mg and that's surely enough to increase focus . Take another 10 when you start feeling like you just can't keep studying . If you're wanting a buzz than do a higher dose after study time cause higher dose is more tweak lower is more subtle focus . And with what you said , if you took 50+ mg you should deffinatly have a noticeable high. Seriously though . Tweaking or rush doses are for fun not focus . Trust me . Don't do over 15-20 at once . You want focus not high.