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Adderall High?


Aug 6, 2019
What's an Adderall high like for you guys? I've heard theyre supposed to make you super energetic, but I snorted 2 capsules and all I got was a bit of a fuzzy feeling in my body and then I got really mellow and tired. I fell asleep for about 30 minutes but then woke up and I haven't been able to fall back to sleep for 8 hours and it's 6am. And also, I looked up the imprint so I know it was Adderall for sure. Was my dose maybe too low?
Were they time released? I tried snorting time released once and it sucked.

For me the adderall high gets me wicked focused and a bit horny. Stimulated for several hours.
The type of energetic feeling from adderall is often misinterpreted in movies and such in my opinion. I personally dont go zoom around the room and have boundless energy that makes me talk fast and other things of that nature. It is similar to that feeling you get when someone surprises you because you didn't know they were behind you, that surge of adrenaline that causes your entire body to "wake up". Except the come up isnt as fast and there is a euphoric calmness that comes with it. It takes 20-45min and you can feel the adrenaline start coursing through your bloodstream and the dopamine releasing into your brain. The "fight or flight" response combined with a dose of happy-go-lucky is an accurate description. Also, you are/can be in a state of deep concentration (being "in the zone") if you are trying to accomplish a task.

Also OP, what mg were the pills? If you took anything more than 10mg you should have felt something so I dont think it was a matter of taking too little. Maybe your expectations of what the drug actually does were different than its true effects?
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Yeah, agreed. It isn't like a neurotic, speedy type of energy.

But it works differently for everyone. If you actually have ADD, it is more calming.
tends to feel like a few cups of coffee without a crash 45min later, more like 4-8 hours later, some people say the addy crash is harsh on them, its always been whatever to me, and nonexistant with a benzo
i don't fuck with addy unless im planning on taking 90+mg either
What's an Adderall high like for you guys? I've heard theyre supposed to make you super energetic, but I snorted 2 capsules and all I got was a bit of a fuzzy feeling in my body and then I got really mellow and tired. I fell asleep for about 30 minutes but then woke up and I haven't been able to fall back to sleep for 8 hours and it's 6am. And also, I looked up the imprint so I know it was Adderall for sure. Was my dose maybe too low?
It’s different for everybody. Even before my meth use I could do a whole bottle of 30s up the nose and just chill and text all day where my friend took 1 30 and jumped off the walls. If you have a hyper active disorder it’ll chill you and focus you and it will be a moderately euphoric social high like you will get the best feeling just from human contact. As for falling asleep either not a good dose or you over amped which your brain will shut off to defend itself. Start slow pill by pill with a few minutes in between until you get to a peak effect. Once it stops getting more intense stop cause there is a point where you’ll add to the crappy comedown feeling without intensifying the effects. Please get your heart checked before getting into amps or any stimulant really .
^ This overamping thing is a serious misconception. Your brain wont just "shut off" to protect itself from a dose of amphetamines. If this were the case then it would work for cocaine, MDMA, MDPV, and every other stimulant out there. If you take too much amphetamine you will overdose.
The loss of consciousness (LOC, syncope) is due to increased oxygen demand caused by the increased cardiac output. This can cause the heart to have an arrhythmia eventually leading to ventricular tachycardia (VT), which results in the heart shutting down and syncope by association. All of this is caused by the body releasing massive doses of serotonin and even more importantly norepinephrine.

This is a serious situation that should be brought to the attention of the Emergency Services immediately. If you feel like you like you are going to lose consciousness after taking amphetamines, call 911. It can very well result in a stroke, brain hemorrhage, or cardiac arrest of not treated immediately. There is no "overamping".
Dependent upon dosage, Amphetamines can make you feel like you could kill Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in a fight while working on your graduate studies. As others have kind of alluded to, this effect is often misinterpreted in movies and such. For myself the effects are more internal than external. The only way someone would notice is because I would suddenly have a change in mood and focus. Someone you've never talked to in your office? It would seem like the right time. You will probably end up talking to them for so long about so much weird shit that it's more noticeable than some think. Tweakers are different. They are already physically dependent and the drugs will affect them in a different way.


-Individual on amphetamines
Everybody has different body chemistry but for me it has been extreme focus on all the wrong things. If I need to finish a song I can't stop thinking about what I did wrong yesterday. I believe my PTSD plays a role but I was only prescribed them for 2 months and genuinely can say they were 2 of the worst months of my life. Also, I took a single shot of Jameson and my entire body overheated to the point I pulled the trigger and just threw everything up because I was convinced I was dying lol.
I wanted to try coke. I think my pill dealer screwed me. Can someone message me and answer some questions? IM me please
What's an Adderall high like for you guys? I've heard theyre supposed to make you super energetic, but I snorted 2 capsules and all I got was a bit of a fuzzy feeling in my body and then I got really mellow and tired. I fell asleep for about 30 minutes but then woke up and I haven't been able to fall back to sleep for 8 hours and it's 6am. And also, I looked up the imprint so I know it was Adderall for sure. Was my dose maybe too low?

I can also fall asleep after a dose (also from other stimulants, ritalin, caffeine etc) which isn't as uncommon a reaction as it may seem, and possibly a pre-synaptic (autoreceptor) effect. FWIW I don't get 'high' or euphoric from any dose of stimulants, just energetic, positive and (once that short 'nap period' has passed) very awake for a long time.
I can also fall asleep after a dose (also from other stimulants, ritalin, caffeine etc) which isn't as uncommon a reaction as it may seem, and possibly a pre-synaptic (autoreceptor) effect. FWIW I don't get 'high' or euphoric from any dose of stimulants, just energetic, positive and (once that short 'nap period' has passed) very awake for a long time.
^ This overamping thing is a serious misconception. Your brain wont just "shut off" to protect itself from a dose of amphetamines. If this were the case then it would work for cocaine, MDMA, MDPV, and every other stimulant out there. If you take too much amphetamine you will overdose.
The loss of consciousness (LOC, syncope) is due to increased oxygen demand caused by the increased cardiac output. This can cause the heart to have an arrhythmia eventually leading to ventricular tachycardia (VT), which results in the heart shutting down and syncope by association. All of this is caused by the body releasing massive doses of serotonin and even more importantly norepinephrine.

This is a serious situation that should be brought to the attention of the Emergency Services immediately. If you feel like you like you are going to lose consciousness after taking amphetamines, call 911. It can very well result in a stroke, brain hemorrhage, or cardiac arrest of not treated immediately. There is no "overamping".
I second the above, if i take only a small dose ( for me 10-40mg) im able to sleep after 2-3 hours tops, may not lst as usual but sleep nontheless and i write this having taken 400-700mg in the last 24 hours so yep. But ill be crashing in 6-12 hours, gonna take 2 last seperate doses of 15 mg maybe alittle more and call it a successful binge not too hectic or anything
Yes, well things change quite a bit when you start buying Crystal Methamphetamine Shards by the gram. Like most other drugs, the glass ceiling is yet to be broken. I've never been as high as you could possibly be. To do so would be impossible. To chart your habit on the continuum of pain, misery and porn... There are an infinite number of points on the continuum.

Do I even exist? What the fuck? Is this a dream?

Seriously though, given the relatively low dosage of Amphetamine for the purposes of "stimulation", it is pretty wild to know that folks inject half-grams just for a hit. If you plan on using Methamphetamine regularly, get an early start telling your loved-ones why you appear to be without a soul.

I took a camper with my friends to Bozeman, MT one time and everyone in the old camper was majorly high on Dextroamphetamine stuff. We all sat cross-legged in the "kitchen/living room/den" space and listened to Sultans of Swing by Knopfler and Co. for hours. The same track. I still cringe when I hear it in Stop n Shop or whatever.
For me personally Adderall is much closer to methamphetamine than Finnish street speed. The effects are super fucking strong and its simultaneously more cleaner feeling.
Tho snorted ritalin is no.1 stim for me :)
For me personally Adderall is much closer to methamphetamine than Finnish street speed. The effects are super fucking strong and its simultaneously more cleaner feeling.
Tho snorted ritalin is no.1 stim for me :)
Even over coke? Cokes effects are stronger but not as lasting as rita
Yes, well things change quite a bit when you start buying Crystal Methamphetamine Shards by the gram. Like most other drugs, the glass ceiling is yet to be broken. I've never been as high as you could possibly be. To do so would be impossible. To chart your habit on the continuum of pain, misery and porn... There are an infinite number of points on the continuum.

Do I even exist? What the fuck? Is this a dream?

Seriously though, given the relatively low dosage of Amphetamine for the purposes of "stimulation", it is pretty wild to know that folks inject half-grams just for a hit. If you plan on using Methamphetamine regularly, get an early start telling your loved-ones why you appear to be without a soul.

I took a camper with my friends to Bozeman, MT one time and everyone in the old camper was majorly high on Dextroamphetamine stuff. We all sat cross-legged in the "kitchen/living room/den" space and listened to Sultans of Swing by Knopfler and Co. for hours. The same track. I still cringe when I hear it in Stop n Shop or whatever.
Eep 500mg worth would be pretty up there in a single dose, i never really go over 120 in a single oral dose and that dose with my tolerance is akeen to putting rocket fuel in the tank i know i could possibly handle more in one dose but its not really worth it since there is such a thing particularly with amps ive noticed as being "too stimulated" where its uncomfortable
That said though i maintain the same effects of 120 throughout the entire ride by dosing 30-90mg as needed every 2-3 hours
I have a rule with amps however, to never redose the initial dose until its been 24 hours since taking it
Havent used coke in years, but yeah it would propably be better. I remember having really good time while going through a g bag.
I can also fall asleep after a dose (also from other stimulants, ritalin, caffeine etc) which isn't as uncommon a reaction as it may seem, and possibly a pre-synaptic (autoreceptor) effect. FWIW I don't get 'high' or euphoric from any dose of stimulants, just energetic, positive and (once that short 'nap period' has passed) very awake for a long time.
Im sure you maybe just dont associate the energetic/positive effects as high, perhaps you view it in a light like i used to akeen to having a few cups of coffee but since i use alot more stims lately ive learned more about what being really high on stims is like, especially the snap/rush when you dose, take a few smaller doses of amphetamines sublingually and think about it especially meth, youll really associate stimulant 'high' differently as you snap higher and higher ( but maybe only a tolerant individual can do this so i dont think i can reccomend it but thats what id say if anyone says stims dont get them high and you say all stims which i think includes cocaine which is very odd everyones ' pleasure / perception' is different on what we percieve as high or euphoric and perception is adaptable at first i didnt really get off on amps, but theyve grown on me, the clear snap an zooming of time definately high but i also dont feel as great as i do with coke but the amps im using work very differently than coke so theres that.