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Adderall causing uncomfortable pressure sensation near prostate & random ejaculation?


Jan 22, 2009
Adderall causing uncomfortable pressure sensation near prostate & random ejaculation?

I know this is weird to talk about but I've been on 120-150mg adderall instant release daily for the past year or so and I noticed that when I am "peaking" after ingestion, if I am laying down playing video games for a while and go to stand up, I get a very uncomfortable feeling of pressure down towards the prostate area and this is almost always followed by involuntary ejaculation. Does anyone have any similar experiences?
Say whattttttttt? Are you playing naughty video games? I'm just fucking with you man I just googled it and seen you are definetly not alone. It might be time to lay off the shit that's crazy! One guy was complaining about nutting while shitting from Adderall that would scare the fuck out of me if I had shit like that happening!
Say whattttttttt? Are you playing naughty video games? I'm just fucking with you man I just googled it and seen you are definetly not alone. It might be time to lay off the shit that's crazy! One guy was complaining about nutting while shitting from Adderall that would scare the fuck out of me if I had shit like that happening!

Wow I've actually had to shit a couple times while on adderall and definitely thought I was pissing....let's just say it wasn't urine...totally the weirdest feeling ever because it feels exactly like you're pissing but instead, you're busting a nut!! And absolutely no climax or orgasm whatsoever when it happens. Wtf! I wonder if this is a sign of a prostate issue or something, I know my tolerance is pretty damn high for amphetamines.
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Yeah and that is a thing that was mentioned in some of the articles I read that the orgasm wasn't euphoric it was just semen shooting out of the guys dick. So that makes sense you thought you might have been pissing. I'm sorry man I was kidding but should have been more serious about your situation. Look I'm not a doctor but please research this farther and seriously reconsider your drug of choice this shit sounds scary to me. Please be safe man and I'm sorry at my juvenile attempts at humor. I have a real inappropriate sense of humor at ties I think it was the way I was raised.
Yeah and that is a thing that was mentioned in some of the articles I read that the orgasm wasn't euphoric it was just semen shooting out of the guys dick. So that makes sense you thought you might have been pissing. I'm sorry man I was kidding but should have been more serious about your situation. Look I'm not a doctor but please research this farther and seriously reconsider your drug of choice this shit sounds scary to me. Please be safe man and I'm sorry at my juvenile attempts at humor. I have a real inappropriate sense of humor at ties I think it was the way I was raised.

Lol it's OK bro!! I felt kind of silly asking but now that I researched it I've read a couple other individuals with the same issue. Adderall and oxycodone 30mg's are what I am prescribed and it's for sure not the opiate causing it, definitely the adderall. As funny as it sounds, today I was in my car after being on 100mg+ adderall and stepped out to go in to Best Buy and while walking around I felt something dripping down my leg with the consistency of urine or water. Don't mean to get graphic but just telling it how it is! Very weird to ejaculate with no hard on and absolutely no climax or orgasm/pleasure. Basically a leaking faucet of semen. Sometimes after urinating on adderall it is sometines difficult and burns. This only happens on adderall
Please stop using them man I don't want anyone to get hurt. When you have issues like this the partys over!
peejaculate syndrome
common side effect reduce dose or stop the medication
addy can enlarge your prostate a bit
Really sounds like you need to see a urologist in the real near future. If it's as common as it sounds (from the posts in this thread), I'm sure the doc would have some experience with it and should be able to help you out in one way or another. From what you've posted, it almost sounds like you have semen built up just behind your prostate gland and while you're sitting down or whatever, there's enough pressure there for it not to come out. However, once you stand up the blockage is no longer there and whatever was just sitting there comes out. No need for an erection, it's just a release of fluids. Just a thought but please see the doc!
Meh, the southern cannon fired off when I shot methamphetamine for the first time. So I'll assume the same principles apply and the rush is just very intense for you? Consider scaling down.
I would recommend medical attention, however it might comfort you to know that amphetamines can cause dysfunction of certain genitourinary mechanisms - I only know this because I have more than a little personal experience with it. I am not saying don't worry, just because I never got it checked out, for I really should have.

Anyhow, here are a few things I would recommend to help, and some others might think I am a little whacky, but I know enough to give some good advice:

1) Keep yourself hydrated with good old-fashioned water, consistently through the day and night.
2) Don't let yourself starve; keep well enough nourished as is possible.
3) Look into non-stimulant laxatives like docusate; this will help ease your bowel movements with less discomfort than with other types of laxatives, however prescription lactulose would be ideal. You want regular and easier bowel movements, as the bowel and rectum can retain more feces and harder feces as a result of amphetamine use - this retention causes pressure on the prostate, which is extremely erogenous and I hypothesize may cause stimulation of the physical sex organs and their processes, potentially triggering the unusual arousal responses and physiological sex processes. I do not believe anyone took the time to study an amphetamine user's genitourinary function, so all this is informed guessing based on my personal knowledge and education as well as my personal experiences which mimicked yours, where for me I would often generate pre-ejaculate easily and involuntarily and I would often find that urinating during or right after a bowel movement would produce semen - this felt like urinating, not very remarkable, but occasionally had a bit of a burning feeling associated.
4) Drink cranberry juice regularly for a couple weeks, and when symptoms relieve themselves, follow up with maybe a couple cranberry juices here and there throughout the week.
5) Use Preparation H wipes with witch hazel, just to keep the anal area less likely to develop hemorrhoids, fissures, and discomfort.

And, keep in mind that amphetamines are sympathomimetics, which means, more or less, they influence other areas of the nervous not just the CNS; and, the kicker is that sympathomimetics cause mucous membranes to secrete less fluid, leaving them dry and less healthfully functional than they would be - this involves all mucous membranes of the body, including the gastrointestinal and the genitourinary systems. Amphetamine also works as an efficient diuretic, increasing the demand for more water and more regularly for optimum function under the circumstances. Water is the true key - hydrate and flush.
Don't have time to read through the other replies at the moment, but this has happened to me 2 or 3 times in the 10+ years I've used Dexedrine and/or Adderall for ADD-PI. Typically if I'm abusing them.

Almost certainly to do with a fatigued pelvic floor, especially in the presence of heightened libido, vieiwing porn, masturbation, etc. Though there are possible other reasons.

When the CNS is in overdrive, you'll find yourself clenching your teeth or muscles (if you're really spun, it may not be as obvious to you). One of the muscles that's being clenched is the pelvic floor (the muscle that Kegels are associated with, usually with women, but men have the same muscle that can also be worked out with Kegels.) One of the functions of this muscle in men is to hold back semen (some me might use it for the a practice known as edging). When your high, and clenching your pelvic floor (consciously or unconsciously) for extended periods, it becomes fatigued. Being high on Adderall can result in rumination on sex (masturbating, looking at porn, etc), causing erections, supported in-part by the pelvic floor. All of this activity causes the muscle floor to not be able to do its job. Therefore, the act of urinating (which can take some effort when you're really high) can sometimes lead to ejaculatory fluid being released through the urethra. The more you know.
I highly recommend to extract it, or so, you can mix it with Xanax, it would definitely be the best choice, I think. Good luck!