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adderall and health risks


Jul 25, 2014
Okay so just a little background, male, mid/early 20s, 150 lbs. Anyways I've done any good pharmaceutical, weed, coke, lots of mdma, shrooms, acid (or assuming whatever rc they sold me as acid), d.m.t. (that is not a recreational drug by any means lol), ect ect. Basically tried about everything. Don't do any of it anymore, except Adderall and prescription opiates.

Anyways, my question is about my Adderall intake habits. I get 30 20mg xr and 30 10mg ir a month. I usually go through them in like two weeks. I'll usually take one xr in the morning and take the ir ones through out the day (could be one or sometimes maybe 2).

With that being said, I don't really binge as just take a steady higher dose then prescribed. Anyways I'm worried about future health problems. Or even current health problems. As of now my only problems are constantly higher heart rate, Col hands and feet, and body feels like shit alot.

I'm more concerned asto how you guys would think that could effect someone in their later years, like when you've since been done doing drugs for many years and blah blah. I'm just worried I'm completely ruining my body and mind. But I also don't want to give up taking Adderall because that's really what keeps me from falling off the edge and over doing harder drugs. Keeps me on the right track, not running around fucking my life up... I think?

Sorry about the long ass post, but what do you expect pulling up an Adderall thread :p lol. Not looking for cure all answers, just like minded thoughts or experiences.

Thanks :)
Hello, I'm glad you're concerned about your Adderall use. Short-term effects of use include appetite suppression, weight loss, trouble sleeping, irritability, a feeling of restlessness and cardiac issues of course. You can raise your heart rate to a dangerous number, but I'm sure there are other dangers associated with amphetamine use. Long-term effects would be paranoia, hostility, obviously an increased risk for cardiac problems or a stroke.
You could try searching what happens when Adderall is used over a long period of time, but there's a chance it would be heart related like palpitations or an abnormal heart beat, which can cause problems in the long run.
Don't exceed 60mg a day, and that's a dose for experienced users with a tolerance, which I'm assuming you are. This is your best bet to prevent a heart attack from having too much amphetamines in your system. I think 30mg a day is a good dose for someone like you who uses it to keep themselves in check with their life, then again it's up to the user to determine how much they do.
Anyways, I'm sorry if my answer wasn't helpful, I've been on Adderall 10mg before, I used it recreationally and got nothing out of it other than the fact that I freaked out over how fast my heart rate was. Please be mindful with your use. We don't want you to have heart disease in the long run! I can't find anything on the specific illnesses that adderall causes, but it's just bad for your heart in high doses and can even be neurotoxic after prolonged use. Stay safe!