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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Adderall 40MG's and 5HTP 300MG's - Very good combination...so far


Nov 11, 2012
Today, I decided I'd try combing 5-HTP with Amphetamine (Adderall IR). The Adderall dose was the same I take every morning (40MG's) and the 5HTP dose was 300MG's. I'm not sure if that dose is safer or not (since it's six times what the bottle recommends), but I thought I would find out. My hope is to up the 5HT effects of Amphetamine. Amphetamine causes release and reuptake inhibition of Serotonin through stimulation of the SERT. This, you would think would cause reuptake, but it actually induces the transporter to flow in reverse. It's believe amphetamine dose this through potent agonization of the TAAR1 receptor - but that's not important for this post.

Anyways, the point of this combo is to bring back the Amphetamine magic. Amphetamine felt pretty fucking similar to MDMA when I start got prescribed it. Since tolerance has built up though - it no longer feels that way. I'm hoping that by taking 5HTP with Adderall, I can bring back the incredible music enhancement that it produced when I first started taking it.

12:37 PM (CST) - Dosed 20 milligram Adderall.

12:40 PM (CST) - Dosed 20 more milligrams of Adderall and 300MG's of 5HTP

12:50 PM (CST) - I'm starting to comeup. Feels only like a normal Adderall dose at the moment, hopefully it will change. I'm worried atm that I'll experience the dampening of effects reported by MDMA users who had pre-loaded with 5-HTP. REALLY hope this doesn't happen...

1:28 PM (CST) - Okay, I'm not worried about the effects being dampened anymore. Adderall's effects have been noticeably boosted. I'm much more talkative and I have no anxiety. However, it's not anywhere near as strong as MDMA (disappointingly). Therefore, it's having very little effect on how good music sounds. Which is what I was trying to obtain form this. However, other things have been improved. I'm gonna see if I can boost these effects a bit more with a therapeutic dose of DXM.

1:33 PM (CST) - Took 40 milligrams of DXM. This should increase the effects of Amphetamine without producing effects itself. We'll see if this helps.

3:30 PM (CST) - Well that was fun. This combo gave me very slight empathogenic effects, but they only lasted an hour or so. Normal effects of Amphetamine returned at this time.
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