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ACIC Illict Drug Data Report 2014-15


Bluelight Crew
Jun 17, 2005
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission's Illicit Drug Data Report 2014-15

The Illicit Drug Data Report (IDDR), now in its 13th edition, informs Australia’s understanding of the illicit drug threat and focuses collective efforts by bringing together data from a wide range of sources into the one unique report.

In the 2014–15 financial year, Australian law enforcement agencies made a record 105,862 national illicit drug seizures, weighing a total of 23.5 tonnes, with a record 133,926 national illicit drug arrests.

For the first time, the IDDR includes data from wastewater analysis, gathered through the chemical analysis of sewerage water. Data on methylamphetamine, MDMA and cocaine was collected, indicating methylamphetamine use in the community has been increasing since 2009–10. The data obtained from wastewater analysis will provide law enforcement, policy, regulatory and health agencies with additional and more objective data in relation to the usage of methylamphetamine and other drugs.

Here is a link to the report in PDF format, released 6 days ago: https://acic.govcms.gov.au/sites/g/files/net1491/f/2016/08/acic-iddr-2014-15.pdf?v=1470178813

A. <3
Thanks Ash :)

Let's hope it did better than the census last night (lol)

I wonder if coke is still 'highly' detected as it has been in the past. If not I'm changing from drinkin Gray water and hitting the sewage plant.
That was a interesting read thanks for sharing that. I'm glad I read the start because I tripped out when I saw the name ACIC as I know they arnt one of the 8 agencys under the A.I.C however it mentioned the merge if two forming it in July so makes sense now &#55357;&#56842;
Have a look at pages 36 to 38 of the report. It shows that in 2010-2012 reductive amination of MD-P2P to MDMA via borohydride was the most common method used and all of the other ones were about even. However, in the last few years, hydrogenation with a platinum catalyst is far and away the most common reductive amination method utilised.

Could this possibly be the explanation we have been looking for which might explain why many of the MDMA pills produced in recent years seem "different". There are all sorts of theories about this and this is not the time nor the place to rehash all of this discussion, as there are countless other threads on the other forums about this issue. But here is clear and reliable scientific data which shows a shift towards one particular method used in MDMA production, at the exclusion of others which were more commonly used in years gone by.

It is a fact that some metal catalysts can favour the production of one stereoisomer over the other in certain reaction conditions; I don't know if this is the case here, but it certainly warrants further investigation.
Have a look at pages 36 to 38 of the report. It shows that in 2010-2012 reductive amination of MD-P2P to MDMA via borohydride was the most common method used and all of the other ones were about even. However, in the last few years, hydrogenation with a platinum catalyst is far and away the most common reductive amination method utilised.

Could this possibly be the explanation we have been looking for which might explain why many of the MDMA pills produced in recent years seem "different". There are all sorts of theories about this and this is not the time nor the place to rehash all of this discussion, as there are countless other threads on the other forums about this issue. But here is clear and reliable scientific data which shows a shift towards one particular method used in MDMA production, at the exclusion of others which were more commonly used in years gone by.

It is a fact that some metal catalysts can favour the production of one stereoisomer over the other in certain reaction conditions; I don't know if this is the case here, but it certainly warrants further investigation.

Chemistry, Biochemistry, Alchemy, Organic Chemistry, Drug/Pharmaceuticals and Quantum physics have been very big passions of mine over the last decade (I figured that's more appropriate that pin pointing the specific question as introductory)

From my understanding which IMO is fairly good, but it would be ignorant to say completely, is that I highly suspect that your correct in your correlation between the information provided and the resulting thoughts and analysis of the users. I had been wondering the same myself. Remembering when I would roll off 1/4 (first dose) of a 200mg MDMA/Binder pill (ie orange and pinkish/purple Dolphins 06) yet half a tested 100mg pill of the last few years (the European lab testing) would have no effect and 3-5 would see a good night out.. 1 dolphin droping 1/4s and half's 1.5 would easily have me off guts for the same..and seemed slightly more euphoric.

This lead my back into further research regarding how and if methods used effected the end product. Up untill two years ago I was stronger stuck on the logical way and when I think back often argued the point myself along with other knowledge members that if something its completely pure (as in 99%+) it doesn't matter which method has been used it will still be identical. That is what seems completely logical.

I added quantum up the top. My god how things and understanding of physics,and many sciences in general are rapidly starting to become questioned and re examined based in very significant breakthroughs in Quantum. With the often daily or weekly new findings and studying/understanding of all aspects of matter theres now a whole knew chapter of things which simply where not known 5 years ago. In this case nanoparticles, photonics, electrostatic charging/field/holding play part.

Sorry I'm probably geting way to technical but a simple example. Lets say we have two Identicaly pure D-methamphetamine samples, each synthesized in slightly different ways. That CAN have a differing effects slight, even under a microscope they will look the same to the eye. Electrons/Neutrons/protons have been the basis of many aspects of scientific research and conclusions. Now that Photons have become known its beging to re evaluate a shit load if basic principles we have lived and learnt upon.

Its interesting you brought that up, for a few days now I've been considering posting what I feel is very exciting discovery I made (exciting to meth users anyway) when I was laying in bed thinking about a successful zeropoint energy method a group of us had recently discovered and Salts where part of it so I suddenly thought hmm for the hell off it (not expecting anything) I'm going to apply parts of that method to a couple of points of meth out of the baggy. 24 hours later .. Wow. I couldn't believe it. I needed a second opinion and got two friends around, didn't tell them any details and got them to try a toke or two from the original bag and then from the points id taken up and they both agreed on the second (the ones I took out) being better. So 3/3 cancles my placebo possibility as well as a slight change is weight. I'll add the meth was not touched,chemically changed or altered in anyway. They method used I kept the crystals in the baggy the whole time.
