Serious Accidental OD - found blue by wife but still here........


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Staff member
Mar 18, 2018
Thought I would try a bag of H (snorted this time) and it def wasn't what I was looking for.
Wife went upstairs to visit a buddy of hers (my first weed connect when we got to PA) and tried to call me to come up as she wanted to smoke with me and have a chat. Didn't answer the phone. After three attempts with no answer she came back down to see what was what.
She found me on the floor blue face, lips, ears, hands and tried slapping me awake and screaming at me... non responsive. Called a different friend in her building and told her she needed help. Luckily this friend had her son with her at the time visiting (old school opioid (H) user) and he started CPR on me as 911 was called.
Medics came and hit me with narcan twice nasally and after no response IV-ed narcan which brought me back. Got a ride to hospital even after arguing against it (guess I wasn't thinkin straight).
Told them that I had picked a xanax bar up from the bus station and that was it; didn't mention the .25mg bromazolam that I had earlier in the AM and the "incident" (H) happened around 4 PM.
Never saw it coming. I went to the balcony with phone, a cig to get on BL for a sec before she called to come upstairs to join their company and smoke a little bud with my friend. I figured I would have a little coffee cause it helps with thinking and typing and basic brain activity in conversations.
Fell out as soon as I walked back inside. Just that quick I became that which I preach against... dont fuck with anything from the street.
Almost made it to the shrine, ffs.
Please I dont need any sorry it happened or the like just thought I would put this down in BL cause I am drinking coffee now cause I still feel a little drowsy and gonna stay up for a while just to make sure I will be here tomorrow for the sake of wife and kitties.
Got a lot going through my head atm so Imma troll about on BL for a while as I am alone tonight at my pad and have nothing else going on cept the tube but dont even wanna be bothered with that.
I know it's late (early) on east coast USA but am confident I can stir up some kinda shit. lol

Be careful, loves. Shits real as fuck.
Glad your still around...
Hey I know I'm new and I'm sure this isn't the best state for making new friends but Im awake and don't mind if you need something.
Offering to help has made us friends already but OK at the moment and the only thing I wanna do is dose some bzd but will not til tomorrow (well, today since it is a little after 4am here) for sure... maybe around lunch time after eating a decent meal.
Offering to help has made us friends already but OK at the moment and the only thing I wanna do is dose some bzd but will not til tomorrow (well, today since it is a little after 4am here) for sure... maybe around lunch time after eating a decent meal.
Reading this utterly terrifies and saddens me deeply. But I am SO GLAD you're okay man. Fuck. We can't lose you.
I know you probably feel like total shit but please do not dose any downers including benzos or alcohol for at least 24 hours. At LEAST. Geeeeez. Very scary bam. Huge virtual hugs.
I know you probably feel like total shit
Actually I dont feel too bad other than the selfishness of the whole ordeal. This "me" thing has me in a bit of a mental state but know I will be around for a while and help heal wifes disturbed state. She did not deserve this but glad I wasnt at my place alone when it happened. Not scared of death but to think of the grief it would have caused her is unacceptable and perspectives are changing on some things quite quickly atm.
OK. Will move my bzd dose to tonight before bed after eating regardless of how I feel if wds do kick in but do not expect them to as doses are small enough to keep any major symptoms at bay.
No drinking anyway so good there. :)
Does narcan make one thirsty as hell? Cause I stay hydrated but have drank at least a gallon of water since getting back "home" and like guzzling.
After long enough periods abusing whatever the drug choice...we all have..or will.. experience something similar some of us make it some of us don't.. I can relate to the embarrassed/disappointed feelings you have. Honestly though, we fuck happens sometimes. Just got to swallow that pride and let the experience humble us. Even if we don't change our way of living it doesn't mean we didn't learn from it. Keep your head up buddy.
Dude. Not gonna lecture because you know. Glad it wasn't a worse outcome. Look after yourself today. But sometimes this kinda thing can be the kick you need to get yourself sorted out a bit.

Does narcan make one thirsty as hell? Cause I stay hydrated but have drank at least a gallon of water since getting back "home" and like guzzling.
Probably the H/fent rather than the narcan. I always get proper dry mouth and thirsty from opioids.
You already know how I feel about you. Love your sorry ass. When I saw this I was so scared.

Fuckin' hell. Do it again and I will IP your location and I will find you. And I will kick your ass !

Damnit sixxie if we lose you my username will haunt me and I will have to change it. It was in your honor that I'm not Pumpkin2021 anymore.

Actually I dont feel too bad other than the selfishness of the whole ordeal. Not scared of death but to think of the grief it would have caused her is unacceptable and perspectives are changing on some things quite quickly atm.
And that's what ya gotta take from this brother, right there

There's the invitation for growth and learning - you gonna accept that invitation?

Big love man, hugs<3
Jesus, a little tender loving care is needed. Damn street dope. I would advice poppy products if someone wants to use and kratom is not enough. I get it though.

Yeah welcome back. I do like like the Mr Krinkle humor. Obviously you are still here and of course people will say there is a reason you are still here. And I do believe that. So when you figure out why you are still here maybe you can tell me why I am still here too. :)

Feel better 6Am. It would have sucked for a tribute thread on the same day you kick off. But since you didn't kick off you can be as confused as the rest of us on our purpose.

Treat your wife to something. That is a lot on her.