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A year later, reviewing the death of innocent 92 year old innocent

It's gotta be the drug paranoia, i.e. the utterly mistaken notion that all drug users are maniacs somehow. D@mn, I don't think I've even met ONE drug user who merited their door being battered down in the middle of the night... don't ever expect to, either. Aside from everything else, what an idiotic waste of time, resources & taxpayer money :X.
Nah it's not that, it's just too many swat teams w/o anything to do. This is evidenced by statements such as:

Fairfax officials later tell the Washington Post that nearly all of the county's search warrants are executed with a SWAT team, even document searches.
I mean, I get pissed when I see a road crew doing work that's really not needed, and you know it's because if they don't use full budget they <may> not get as much/more next year. But it's just an issue of wastefulness, of a financial blunder. When that same BS carries over into the law enforcement sector, I don't care nearly as much about the financial blunders as the freedom ones :\ .
I imagine the authors of this country's Constitution are rolling in their graves constantly over this type of shit. They fought and risked their lives for freedoms that we have pissed away.

Watching those "SWAT" shows on A&E enfuriates me.
ClubbinGuido said:
Fucking blue wall of silence. They betray our trust.
On the note of the blue wall of silence, check out this thread I put up a couple weeks ago, "The rush to clear police officers in shootings":

(lol, thread got no replies but was seriously an awesome read.. This thread has shown a lot of the ugliness that happens, and I guess it'd be human nature to want to presume that, when these things are messed up/botched, maybe punishment's actually doled out. Read that article for a pretty damn grim glimpse at how a police shooting is <typically within a few HOURS of the incident> handled. Even off duty shootings :\ . The article is 2 parts, 2 posts)
Things got a lot worse when they passed the "Patriot Act"

If you don't agree with it, you're not a true patriot. 8)
There is no such thing as a good cop. They are all fat fucking pigs.
Ham-milton said:
reading through all of them here, actually made me cry. They're so freaking sad.
One of the most concentrated fuckup lists I've ever seen - anytime I link it I usually warn how fucking angry it can make ya, it's the most fucked up shit ever.

To anyone who finds that map interesting and wants to learn more, I believe that map was actually created in tandem with this:

I cannot recommend that enough, it's long but hard to stop reading once you start. That map ham linked shows just the 'what', the link has a lot on 'why' and is very informative.

another small one just a few days ago:

El Paso Family Says Police Accidentally Barged Into Their Home
Peter Daut-KFOX News Reporter/Weekend Anchor

POSTED: 3:14 pm MST January 3, 2008
UPDATED: 4:57 pm MST January 3, 2008

EL PASO, Texas -- After 3 a.m. New Year's Day, Kati Clark, who's pregnant, said El Paso police paid a surprise visit to her family's Central El Paso apartment.

"There were three cops, and all three had their guns pointing straight at us. We were like 'What the hell is going on?'" Clark said.

The family said police told them they were searching for a gunman at that address, and the officers forced everyone outside in the hallway for questioning. About 15 minutes later, the family said the officers figured out they had accidentally gone to the wrong place. For Kati's younger sister who has muscular dystrophy, the whole ordeal was terrifying.

"I'm scared to death; my heart is beating like five miles an hour," Alicia Daigneau said.

Police said whoever called 911 was drunk and gave the wrong address from an untraceable cell phone.

"The officers that got there did exactly what they should have done," El Paso police spokesman Chris Mears said. "Obviously they're going to want to make contact with every single person in that apartment to make sure no one's injured, no one's been threatened, and that there isn't a gun involved."

Police said when they did arrive at the correct location, everything was fine.
Now, I'm sorry, but I why the hell is an untracable cell phone w/ a drunk person saying "der's a gunman at 123 main st. yo" significant enough to kick in a door? As scary as it is, does that essentially mean that, in this current state of police affairs in our country, kids pranking could essentially turn into kids spoofing raids? All a kid's gotta do is get a walmart prepaid cell with cash, call something in, and sit back and laugh that the police will run there and kick down the door?
8o haha my psychic prowess is enhancing 8o
bingalpaws said:
All a kid's gotta do is get a walmart prepaid cell with cash, call something in, and sit back and laugh that the police will run there and kick down the door?

Chicago man charged with making bogus 911 calls in Des Plaines​
Tribune staff report
January 5, 2008

DES PLAINES - A man from Chicago's West Side has been charged with making two phony 911 calls -- reporting a bomb at a Des Plaines factory and an armed robbery in progress at a nearby restaurant, Des Plaines police said Friday.

Branden Dixon, 27, of the 1200 block of South Fairfield Avenue in North Lawndale was charged Thursday night with two counts of felony disorderly conduct. Police said Dixon made the calls on his cell phone because he wanted to watch officers respond to emergencies.

The first of the 911 calls was made about 5:35 a.m. Dec. 14 as Dixon was on his way to work at the Juno Lighting Group offices and factory at 1300 S. Wolf Rd., police said. The second call Dixon made was on Dec. 28, reporting an armed robbery at a restaurant across the street from Juno Lighting.

Must've been unfamiliar with the fact that the police/911 can trace your friggin calls!
"I'm scared to death; my heart is beating like five miles an hour," Alicia Daigneau said.

I don't know how miles per hour translates to BPM, exactly, but after getting held up at gunpoint by police, you'd think they'd at least get a little rise out of her.

Maybe it's the muscular dystrophy?

... sorry if that's in bad taste, but without it, what do you have?
PsyGhost said:
There is no such thing as a good cop. They are all fat fucking pigs.
you should rethink your comment. you would be shocked at how many on "your side" are involved in law enforcement.
DarthMom said:
you should rethink your comment. you would be shocked at how many on "your side" are involved in law enforcement.

the VAAAAST minority. I would say less than 5 percent, IF that.

The majority are on a hell of a power trip.